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  • N. N. Light

Raider of Her Heart by @njadegray1 is a Shake Off Winter Doldrums pick #timetravel #romance #books

Title: Raider of Her Heart

Author: N. Jade Gray

Genre: Historical Romance Time-Travel

Book Blurb:

Judson Stone, a Cavalry Scout, needed to warn Lawrence, Kansas of the impending threat of Quantrill and his raiders. Shot and left for dead, Judson awakes in the year Twenty Seventeen. Guilt riddles him over his failed mission as the days pass and he struggles with finding a way back to his own time and growing feelings for a woman who doesn’t trust him.

Sadie Winters has her hands full juggling a full-time job, a start-up business, and keeping tabs on her Gramps. She didn’t need further complication of caring for a stranger. When the mystery surrounding Judson is revealed, she throws herself into helping him find his way back to his own time, ignoring the love she’s developed for him.

*** Raider of Her Heart was a finalist in the International Digital Awards, Nominated for a Reviewer’s Choice Award through the Paranormal Romance Guild, Won a Recommended Read Award from Author Shout and was a Finalist in the Uncaged Book Reviews Raven Awards.***


Startled she wiped at the escaping tears from her cheek before looking at her co-worker who stood in the doorway. Should she lie? Proof she wasn’t okay lay wet on her cheeks. “No, Ann. I’m not.”

“Want to tell me what has upset you?”

She attempted a shrug. “I’m not sure talking would help.”

“Please tell me the crying rampage wasn’t brought on by your ex.”

“Troy? Good heavens, no.”

“I’m glad. He wasn’t the one for you.”

A fresh set of tears formed. Ann hit the nail right on the head. The right man had come along and he was gone. Forever.

“Well, whatever you are upset over, Walt is in the lobby and his appearance isn’t much better.”

She rose and rushed to the reception area. Why hadn’t Ann told her right away? His back and shoulders were tense as he faced outside as he stared out the lobby window. “Gramps?”

As he turned she noticed his blood shot eyes. He’d been crying. Hard. The only times she’d seen him cry were at her mom and grandmother’s funerals. Sheer terror skittered down her spine.

His voice cracked as he asked, “Can we go to your office?”

She shut the door and leaned hard against the wood for support. Closing her eyes she prayed for strength, “What happened?”

He cleared his throat a few times before he found his voice. “It worked.”

She frowned. She’d already had a premonition they’d been successful. What else had he expected? His distress worried her. “The news is awesome, right? It’s what he wanted.”

He nodded as his lower lip started to quiver. “I came to love the young man. I know you fought it, but you were in love with him as well.”

Fresh tears pooled in her eyes as she acknowledged the truth. She’d been in love. True love this time and she’d let it slip through her hands. “Well, he’s back where he belongs.”

He leaned toward her desk and took a tissue from the box. He took a moment to blow his nose. “That’s it. He is. But he isn’t.”

A shiver of trepidation wracked her body. “What aren’t you telling me Gramps?”

“Please sit down.”

His request scared her further. She crossed the room and sat in her chair as she willed him to continue.

He took a deep breath. “I visited the Watkins Museum this morning.”

Confusion and dread filled her mind. “Why?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Curiosity. Pride. I don’t know. I wanted him to succeed.”

The tone of his voice changed. “But?”

He struggled for control before he continued, “Nothing had changed. Not one damn incident. Except one.”

The blood drained from her face. An eerie foreboding travelled down her spine. She wasn’t prepared for what he’d say.

His gaze met hers. “One more causality was listed that wasn’t there before.”

“No.” She jerked in pain at his words. It wasn’t…couldn’t be true. She grabbed a tissue and dabbed at the unchecked tears.

He placed a hand to her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Sadie girl. I even had someone at the museum help me.”

She picked up the wooden horse from her desktop. Images of Judson over the last few days inundated her mind. His vitality. Gone. Their lovemaking from the night before, more special now, more than ever.

A knock on her office door interrupted the horror of Gramps’ words. Seconds later her boss stuck his head around the open door. “Oh, hi Walt, I didn’t know you were here. Sadie, want to join us outside to observe the eclipse.” He paused as he looked from Walt to Sadie. “Are you all right?”

Words failed her. She shook her head and didn’t bother to try to stem the tears flowing down her cheeks.

“Do you need to go home?”

Emotion clogged her throat as she struggled to talk. “Cliff.” She stopped and cleared her throat once more. “I’m sorry. Yes.”

He studied her a moment. “Obviously something serious has affected you both or you wouldn’t be in here behind closed doors bawling like babies.” He turned to leave. “Please call me if you need my help. With anything.”

She lifted her chin and forced herself to gain control. “Thank you, Cliff.” She opened her desk drawer and retrieved her purse. Her gaze met Walt’s. “You’re taking me to where you left Judson. Now.”

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

What’s your favorite activity to shake off the winter doldrums?

Turtling in the Sun when it happens to peek out!

(Definition of turtling is to bask in the sun. 😊)

Why is your featured book a cure for the winter blues?

Raider is set in Kansas in the month of August. A little summer heat, humidity, and bugs will surely thaw and chase away any winter doldrums you maybe experiencing.


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Author Biography:

N. Jade Gray grew up on a farm in Oklahoma with one sister and three brothers. She began reading romance novels in high school and was hooked. In an attempt to entertain her friends, she began writing stories. The biggest hurdle she had to overcome with her writing was sharing her stories. Her former writing groups, the Wichita Area Romance Authors and Low Country Romance Writer’s, helped with her confidence and shook the needed pom poms to get her motivated for publication. She is also a former member of the Romance Writers of America. She met her husband while attending college and has two grown sons. Not really knowing what she wanted to do when she grew up, she’s held various jobs in the accounting and legal fields. She lives in Kansas with her husband, rescue cats Meera and Mango, and one spoiled dog-named Fabio. Yes, she helped named the dog. She loves to hear her husband calling for his four-legged companion.

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