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Rainbows in the Moonlight by @RyanJoSummers is a Celebrate Fathers pick #christianfiction #giveaway

Title: Rainbows in the Moonlight

Author: Ryan Jo Summers

Genre: Christian Fiction

Book Blurb:

Koda Jacobs urgently needs a nanny. Right now. Fresh from prison, Dalton Clayton needs a job-and just about anything will do.

Divine intervention steps in and tosses Koda and Dalton together. Koda struggles with the conflicts of her impulsive decision to leave her babies with an unknown, convicted felon. That just cannot be wise, can it? But she cannot help but see how quickly the children bonded to him and trust him. Or the reassuring sense that this is right.

Meanwhile, Dalton stumbles through the spills and thrills of two young children, and his growing interest in their mother. A chance meeting brings him back to his estranged family as well.

Over time, mutual attraction forms between Koda and Dalton as the bond between Dalton and the children deepens. A sweet, southern romance full of forgiveness, second chances, and fun kids.


This is a scene where Dalton is playing hide and seek with the kids, and Koda arrives home and walks inside:

Buddy? Had Dalton just called Terry ‘Buddy’? A thud sounded, making everyone look at the closet. The door swung open, and Terry tumbled out, landing in a pile of assorted toy, umbrellas, and a bunch of stuff she’d forgotten about.

“No fair, Terry! You didn’t say we could hide inside stuff!”

Terry stood up, dusting himself off. “Duh, Ruthie, think about it. Hide and seek.”

Koda bit back a groan. Dalton knelt at his side, pushing stuff back in. “Great spot, buddy. Good thinking. Ruthie, now you’ll know for next time.”

“Can we play again?”

Dalton shot a look to Koda. “Now that your mom is home, I think I should go.


He smiled at the kids’ enthusiasm and then look over at Koda, making her breath race away.

“I sure hope so."

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What makes your featured book a must-read?

Dalton has paid his debt to society and just wants a fresh start. Unfortunately, the going is rougher than he’d anticipated. Fate, luck, or something was at work when he bumped into Koda and her lively pair of kids one warm Sunday morning. Between Koda’s battles of misgivings and Dalton’s ability to stumble through something only to unintentionally impress Koda, this story hums with southern sweetness. Ruthie and Terry are quintessential young children who lend energy and laughter to the story. Dalton’s reconnection to his family and Koda’s struggle with her mom’s dementia weave additional plotlines, echoing the strong family ties.

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $20 Amazon (US) gift card:

Open Internationally.

Runs June 15 – June 23, 2021.

Winner will be drawn on June 24, 2021.

Author Biography:

Ryan Jo Summers is a North Carolina writer who pens contemporary romance blended with an unexpected twist. Her shorter non-fiction works can be found in assorted regional periodicals and trade journals. She is a regular contributing writer to the Asheville Pet Gazette.

In her spare time, she likes to spend time with friends and her menagerie of pets or travel the National Forest near her home. Her hobbies include painting, and working word-find puzzles, especially the bent & wiggly kind, or gardening. She likes carousels houseplants, lilacs, lighthouses, and all things nautical.

She loves animals and has a household of furry, finned, and feathered pets to keep her amused. In her day-job life, she pet sits and dog walks other people's pets.

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