Title: Return of the Elf Lord
Author: Heidi Vanlandingham
Genre: Fantasy romance
Book Blurb
Resistance soldier Bernard Marchand would do anything to bring his family back from the dead, but in his desperation to change their fates, he alters history and nearly destroys the world. Faced with the consequences, he's horrified at what he's done. It was never supposed to be this way.
As a Huldra, Alva should have stolen her partner's life energy, drained him to the brink of death. Instead, she went against her natural instincts and helped him win the war against a dreaded enemy. However, when he inadvertently starts the countdown to Ragnarok, Alva will have to ignore the ache in her soul as she fights to save them once again.
And that's just the beginning…
An unknown enemy lurks just out of reach and interferes in their every effort to restore Earth's historical timeline. But why? What is he after? Will they be able to focus long enough to save the Nine Realms, or are they doomed to the horrific reality they unwittingly unleashed?
American battleships rocked in their harbor berths on the brilliant summer morning. Midshipmen lounged on the decks without a care in the world. Nearby, he watched several couples stroll arm in arm, and a young Hawaiian couple rested on the grass, laughing at the antics of their two young children as they chased each other around their parents.
Glancing up, the brilliant blue sky was cloudless, but he knew the empty expanse would be short-lived. As if he had conjured them, small dots appeared, growing larger as the Japanese planes advanced on the main island.
He couldn’t watch what was about to happen. It had been hard enough to live through it, but to see the events unfold—taking away everything he held dear. His gaze dropped back to the young family and noticed someone else had joined them.
A woman dressed in a nurse’s outfit, her familiar black hair twisted into a knot at the base of her head. She turned and waved her hand toward the large hospital across the street, where two young children appeared in an open doorway, a boy and girl.
His vision blurred. Blinking furiously, he tried to clear the obstruction away, so he could see them as they were on that fateful day...one last time. His son, Bishop, was three minutes older than his twin sister, Brianna. His light-brown hair was longer than Bernard remembered, the blond-streaked strands flying around his cute face as he raced toward his mother.
His beautiful daughter was the spitting image of his wife, Savannah. That day, Brianna wore her medium-brown hair on the top of her head in a long ponytail. Chasing her brother with a wide smile, she waved at the two other children standing near her mother.
He willed his wife to turn around. He had seen her beautiful face in his mind so many times since that horrific day. She turned and stared directly at him. His eyes traced the delicate lines of her face, from her almond-shaped brown eyes to her kissable pink lips. Suddenly, her eyes widened as her expression changed to one of horror.
A brilliant flash of light appeared, momentarily blinding him. His fingernails dug into his palms as he willed his family to reappear. The Glass finally cleared to show the island erupting in chaos as medical personnel and naval crews ran toward the harbor.
He watched as Savannah dropped to her knees and pulled the twins to her in a tight embrace. His wife shook her head and both children had tears on their perfect little faces.
As his wife struggled to stand, everything around them exploded. Bernard let out a cry of agony, his heart breaking all over again as he watched the bomb explode where his family stood.
The room swirled as he dropped to his knees, burying his face in the cushions as years of pent-up anger and pain let loose. Drowning in waves of heavy sorrow, he shuddered as sobs wracked his body, and something inside him snapped.
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Author Biography
Heidi Vanlandingham writes sweet, action-packed stories that take place in the Wild West, war-torn Europe, and otherworldly magical realms. Her love of history finds its way into each book, and her characters are lovable, strong, and diverse. Heidi’s stories transport the reader to a different place and time for understanding, compassion, and most of all, love.
Growing up in Oklahoma and living one year in Belgium gave Heidi a unique perspective regarding different cultures. She still lives in Oklahoma with her husband and youngest son. Her oldest son is in the autism spectrum and is working toward his own dreams. Heidi’s favorite things in life are laughter, paranormal romance books, music, and long road trips.
Social Media Links
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/heidivanlandingham
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Hvanlandingham