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Great book for less than a book: Revving Her Heart by @CadenceVonn #99cents #eroticromance



Genre: Erotic Romance

Book Blurb:

After the sudden death of Allison Lorde's father in a motorcycle accident, she vows never to love a man who rides the beastly machines. But when a memory from her past rides up on his bike, looking all bad-boy sexy, the sweet promise of a shared kiss long ago makes it difficult to deny his steamy seduction.

Nick Blacke's number one passion is motorcycles until the gangly girl he'd kissed as a teen shows up with womanly curves that beckon to be explored. She seems eager to let him and even embraces his penchant for kink, but when he wants more, he realizes revving her engines might be easier than revving her heart.


“I’ll enjoy watching you create something. Look at your muscles.” He bent her arm and squeezed her bicep. “Flex for me.”

She tightened her arm to make her muscles stand out more.

“Almost a Sarah Connor Terminator look. Impressive.”

“Thanks. It’s all the work I do in the studio. How about you? How did you get your defined abs?” She poked at his middle, her finger not making a dent.

“A personal trainer. No more flabby abs for you to write on.”

“Oh, God, we did do that. I think it was more about trying to make each other laugh.”

Nick reclined, his sexy smile sending a subtle challenge. “Want to play?”

She gave him a nod, so he got comfortable and put his arms above his head as a pillow.

“Have at it. But I’m pretty sure I’ll win now.” He closed his eyes.

She reached out with her finger, hesitating before she touched him. Her mind went blank. What word could she spell on his skin? Damn. The idea of running her finger over his body had her squirming against his side.

“Al, I would think with a master’s degree you could come up with one word.”

She finally thought of something.

He repeated each letter as she wrote on his abdomen. “I-N-N-I-E. Innie?” he questioned as he opened his eyes.

“Yes. You have an innie belly button.” She poked it. He laughed.

“I doubt you’ll make me laugh as loud.” She smirked.

“So that’s your game. You were supposed to make me laugh by tickling me. My turn.” He sat up and lowered her down. “Close your eyes and relax.”

He stroked his finger over her lower abdomen, creating goose bumps up her arms. He drew an exaggerated, large S that spanned from the bottom edge of her top to below her belly button.

Allison gasped at the heat from his finger as it skated over her skin. She frowned and choked out, “S- E-X-Y-B-A-B-E.” By the last E she had trouble saying the letters. She bit her bottom lip. His finger traced up the middle of her body, through her cleavage, and ended at the dip of her neck. She peeked out from under her lashes. Nick focused on her face, waiting for her to open her eyes.

“I won,” she choked.

“Maybe,” he whispered, lowering until their lips met. His arms edged around her body, pulling her against his sun-warmed skin. He drew his tongue over her lips and pressed against her mouth until she opened. His hand tightened on her ass, smashing their bodies together. Without releasing her, he lifted his head and said, “I like kissing you now that you got rid of your braces.”

Her laughter danced off the water and echoed back around the landscape.

“I think I won.” He chuckled. “You cheat.”

“If kissing you is cheating, then I’m going to be a very bad boy from now on.” Before she could make another sound, he captured her lips again. She tried to focus, but his fingers dipped down inside the bottom of her suit and caressed the curve of her ass cheeks. Was that her groan or his? She drew her hand up to his chest and gave it a gentle shove.

He broke the kiss and looked down at her through hooded eyes. “What’s wrong?” His voice sounded deeper.

She struggled to sit up, pushed the hair off her face, and took a deep breath. “Nick, you and I won’t work.”

“Tell me that kiss didn’t turn you on.”

“More than it should have.” She closed her eyes and collected her thoughts. “I don’t want to fall for a guy who rides a motorcycle. Ever.”

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Why is your featured book a must-read?

Although all the Blacke Brothers Novels are standalone reads, Revving Her Heart sets the stage to enjoy the series. You’ll meet Nick the oldest of the four. He’s determined to win Allison’s heart. All the brothers are introduced in this book giving you a peek into their senses of humor and brotherly love for the family.

Giveaway –

Open Internationally.

Runs April 16 – 19, 2020.

Winner will be drawn on April 27, 2020.

Author Biography:

Cadence has a BFA in photography and silversmithing. She is an accomplished doodler and daydreamer who discovered she enjoys writing down the stories that dance in her head. After many years in Pennsylvania, her dream came true. She now resides with her husband on an island in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She wakes every morning to a sunrise over the Puget Sound where each day she’s inspired by the beauty.

Available books and short stories:

Play A Game With Me

The Perception Game

The Blacke Brothers Novels

Revving Her Heart

From Denver to Forever

Until We Get It Right

Who Knew…It Takes Two!

Who Knew…His Friend Would Do!

Beautiful Will Do

Fantasy Lover


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