Title: Riley’s Journey
Author: P.L. Parker
Genre: Time Travel Romance
Book Blurb:
The research project was only for an "extended period." No one said anything about forever! Deceived and betrayed, Riley is sent back 40,000 years to be the mate of a man she’d never before met. Her journey will take her into a world fraught with dangers—a world made more treacherous by savage beasts, primitive Neanderthals, and the incursion of the aggressive Cro-Magnon man. Surviving alone for five years in this vast wilderness, Nathan, along with his enormous dog, Demon, carve out a life in the perilous environment. Though thrown together by forces beyond their control, Riley and Nathan nevertheless find love—but can these two lost souls survive against such overwhelming odds?
Sometime in the night, the dog growled, low and menacingly. Immediately, Riley leaped up, heart pounding in alarm. Demon’s eyes glimmered silver in the light of the small campfire, hackles rising as he stalked stiff-legged towards the cave entrance. Breath held in anticipation, Riley waited for his next move. Poking his nose through a small opening between two large rocks, Demon scented the night air, his growl becoming louder and more threatening.
“Wha—” Nathan came awake with a start. “What’s going on?”
Riley shrugged, watching Demon’s every move. “He must have heard something!” she said quietly. “I don’t know. He just suddenly started acting this way!”
Rolling free of the bedding, Nathan grabbed a weapon and rushed to kneel beside the dog. “What’s going on, boy? What is it?”
The dog turned to face him, his ears twitching, attention attuned to the outside.
“Put out the fire!”
Riley hustled to do his bidding, scooping fistfuls of dirt over the small flames, hands shaking in nervous anxiety. Seconds later, the small fire was extinguished, and complete darkness shrouded the small chamber. Alarmed, the animals moved restlessly, sensing their concern.
Breathlessly, they waited as minutes ticked by. Ears straining to hear the slightest sound, Riley’s eyes finally adjusted to the cloak of darkness, barely able to make out the cave entrance and the dark figures of Nathan and the dog crouched nearby. After what seemed like an eternity, Demon’s incessant growling ceased.
“Whatever had him upset, I think it’s gone now.” Nathan whispered. “Better not light any more fires ‘til morning, though. Might have just been a predator after the sheep, but we don’t know.”
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What makes your featured book a must-read?
If you like time travel romances, very ancient history and action, Riley’s Journey and the sequels, Into the Savage Dawn and Beyond Tomorrow could just be the ones. A team of black-ops travels back to rescue one of their own, knowing full well that it is a one-way ticket. Cave bears, sabertoothed cats, Neanderthals and the aggressive Cro-Magnon are just a few of the perils they encounter.
Giveaway –
Enter to win a $30 Amazon (US) gift card
Open Internationally.
Runs April 6 – April 12, 2021.
Winner will be drawn on April 15, 2021.

Author Biography:
I write stories with alpha males and strong, determined women. I am a dreamer, an avid reader of fiction, a sometimes gardener and an inept crafter. I live in Idaho. I have a husband, three sons, two daughters-in-law, a granddaughter and little grandson. Over the years, I taught and performed dance but as time passed, I decided to try my hand at a new endeavor - writing. I enjoy life and all its promises.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://www.plparker.net/
Blogspot: http://plparker.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PLParker

Title: Into the Savage Dawn
Author: P.L. Parker
Genre: Time Travel Romance
Book Blurb:
Sent back 40,000 years to the ends of the last great Ice Age, the time travelers embark on a journey of survival and discovery. The brutal and cannibalistic Cro-Magnons discover the small band and attack. Forced to flee from their high mountain encampment, the tribe heads into the dawn, towards the Pacific Ocean and their dream of ultimately reaching North America. Geena and Micah are left behind to lead the Cros away from the escaping tribe. When he is killed, she finds herself terribly alone. Severely injured and without hope or resources, she nonetheless is determined to survive and find the people. Survival of the fittest - that is the law of primordial earth.
Far below, the night scavengers fought over prized bits of Micah’s body, growling and snapping as bigger and stronger beasts circled, waiting for the opportunity to snatch the grisly trophy. Geena refused to hear, forcing her thoughts on finding the next good finger hold. The shale rock gave way and she slipped, sliding down several feet before catching hold of a sturdy root. Cursing, she dragged herself up again, allaying the worst of her fears by chanting her friends' names - Seth, Jonas, Riley, Nathan, Allie, Beth, Brett, Jeremy and so on - over and over.
Her fingertips traced the beginnings of a small ledge jutting out overhead. Inch by perilous inch, she clawed her way up, struggling to maintain a tenuous hold on the slippery surface. Exhausted, every limb shaking, she pulled herself up until she could get a leg over and then eased onto the shelf, holding her breath, expecting the worst. The rocky ledge held.
She rubbed a hand across her forehead, grimacing as her fingers probed several oozing gashes. The left eye, inflamed and blurred, severely limited her peripheral vision. She winced, gasping as her knee banged against a rock. Hurt like a sonofabitch! The flesh surrounding the joint was mottled and turning a vivid shade of purple, and there was a real possibility the knee was fractured. Tasting salt, her tongue explored and found several loose teeth. Blood seeped from the many nicks and cuts where sharp rocks gouged her hands, causing the ascent to be even more treacherous. Suffering from a multitude of injuries, her body throbbed with pain, and negotiating the steep rock face was agonizing and slow.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Grab your e-copy for 99 cents!
What makes your featured book a must-read?
If you like time travel romances, very ancient history and action, Into the Savage Dawn, first sequel to Riley’s Journey, could just be the one. Left behind to guard the tribe’s retreat, Geena is severely injured and catching up to the tribe seems impossible. Her nemesis, a cave bear intent on making her his next meal.
Enter to win a $30 Amazon (US) gift card
Open Internationally.
Runs April 6 – April 12, 2021.
Winner will be drawn on April 15, 2021.

Title: Beyond Tomorrow
Author: P.L. Parker
Genre: Time Travel Romance
Book Blurb:
The vicious and predatory Cros are amassing in ever growing numbers in the foothills above the travelers’ temporary encampment. Facing inevitable attack, the tribe hastens to prepare for the last leg of their journey—the perilous voyage across the Bering Strait to the shores of the Americas. But time is in short supply. Kidnapped by a band of marauding Cros, Rachel’s fate as a slave is preordained. Females are few, the tribeswomen the ultimate prize and better off dead the reality. But fate is capricious and unsettled. When the savage warrior, Hawk, overpowers her captors and takes her for his own, Rachel’s destiny takes a new direction.
Women! They were another matter. Raids were a common occurrence amongst the tribes and even the flesh eaters habitually invaded the surrounding territories in hopes of replenishing their meager supply of healthy females. His mind drifted back to better times. His own woman had been the result of such a raid. She was from the hunter gatherers to the north, small of stature but strong and a hard worker. Grief wrenched his heart! His son! He would have made the boy a proud warrior among his people.
The savage reached down and grabbed a fistful of the female’s dark hair and wrenched her head up. Even in the murky light of late dusk, the contours of the woman’s features were unmistakable. The foolish woman from the others’ encampment! Mottled bruises and trickles of dark blood dotted her face and the bare areas on her neck and arms. His teeth gnashed together! She’d been fiercely abused!
Why was she here? And why did this scrawny underling hold sway over her? She was young, strong and comely and only a savage of some standing in the hierarchy of the flesh eaters would warrant such a prize. He had no such standing or he would be by the great fire arguing with the rest! The solitary campsite only served to emphasize the flesh eater’s tenuous hold on the female. If those in command cast covetous eyes on the woman, the insolent underling’s punishment would be severe—even to death. He should be afraid.
Once again he considered leaving her. A careless woman would not be a fitting mate for any self-respecting warrior. His brows drew together. She was proving to be more trouble than she was worth!
Her presence here was proof enough that the flesh eaters had attacked. How many others were taken or perished beneath the weapons of the brutal savages? Those that survived would face a pathetic existence burdened by the cruelty of the flesh eaters and the endless grueling labor. The thought saddened him greatly. They deserved a better fate!
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Grab an e-copy for 99 cents! If you buy all three in the series, it’s only $2.97.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06X94YGPD?notRedirectToSDP=1&ref_=dbs_mng_calw_1&storeType=ebooks
What makes your featured book a must-read?
If you like time travel romances, very ancient history and action, Beyond Tomorrow (Book 3 in the Riley’s Journey Trilogy), could just be the one. Rachel is kidnapped by the cannibalistic Cro-Magnon and only Hawk can save her.
Giveaway –
Enter to win a $30 Amazon (US) gift card
Open Internationally.
Runs April 6 – April 12, 2021.
Winner will be drawn on April 15, 2021.