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  • N. N. Light

5 stars for S’mores Siren Song by @Virgini35142126 #pnr #paranormalromance #mermaid #bookreview

Title: S’mores Siren Song

Author: Virginia Barlow

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Book Blurb:

Adysson Townsend spends her nights as a siren and days as a human. She owns an ice cream parlor along the waterfront and challenges a big fishing company over their illegal activities. But she’s almost out of time. On her twenty-fifth birthday, she must decide which form she’ll keep. It’s simple until a handsome officer comes to town and steals her heart.

Commander Benjamin Yeates volunteers for the job in Maine. Ever since he spotted a mermaid as a youth, he’s been curious about Mystic Cove. Now a marine biologist, he jumps at the chance to find out if they’re real. He falls hard and fast for Addy before he discovers there’s more to her than meets the eye, depending on the time of day....

My Review:

Adysson needs to choose between being a human or a mermaid, but she’s torn when love enters her life. Addy loves her life, even the curse. As the owner of an ice cream parlor right next to the water, she gets the best of both worlds. She fights injustice in her own way, on her own turf, but things get complicated when marine biologist Ben comes to help her in her fight to bring down the big fishing company. She has a dark secret, though, one which can get her killed or worse. She’s a mermaid at night and a human by day but with her birthday coming up, she’ll need to choose which form she’ll be for the rest of her life. Time’s running out but she can’t help but fall in love with Ben. Can he love both sides of her or is he just in love with her siren song?

S'mores Siren Song is an imaginative paranormal romance I loved from start to finish. I’ve been a big fan of stories that incorporate mermaids, underwater creatures, and relevant environmental themes. Virginia Barlow blends all of these plus romance to make S'mores Siren Song an unforgettable story. I connected with Abby right away. She’s such a wonderful, brave heroine. I think every coastal town needs a guardian like her. The plot moves at an excellent pace with descriptive narration, intriguing characters, intricate world-building, and a love-at-first-sight romance. I actually like insta-love romance and it fits well with the whole mermaid/siren subplot. The world-building is impressive and had new elements not seen in mermaid lore. I also really loved the environmental/fishing subplot. It resonated with me as it is happening today around the world. If you’re a romance reader, you’ll want to read S'mores Siren Song. If you love mermaids, you’re going to want to read S'mores Siren Song. A sweeping, summer paranormal romance, S'mores Siren Song will whisk you away. Highly recommend!

My Rating: 5 stars

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Author Biography:

I love being an author. It's all about where your characters lead you. I start with a general idea. As the story unfolds, I type as fast as I can in hopes I keep up with my characters. They have had me jotting on napkins, making notes while I'm waiting in a line, and waking me up in the middle of the night. The hard part is always the ending. My characters live with me and when I reach the end of the story, it is hard to say goodbye. Sometimes I let the story sit for a few days to make sure I'm okay with them leaving home to get published. Kind of like when you kids move out. LOL

I enjoy my grandchildren, and the time I share with them. They make me smile with their antics. I like to quilt, crochet, knit and sew. Cooking and baking are occasional itches I scratch. The rest of the time, they are necessary evils. LOL.

My greatest support comes from my husband. He has been my sounding board for all my stories. My daughters are also a great support to me. I couldn't do it without my family.

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Reviewed by: Mrs. N

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