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Staircase To You by Fares Shawky is a BHW pick #selfhelp #motivational #newyearnewyou #bookboost

Title: Staircase To You

Author: Fares Shawky

Genre: Self-Help

Book Blurb:

Everyone is born with a dream that they want to come true.

Unfortunately, many do not follow on those dreams and instead settle for less as they could not cope with the hurdles in the way. For me, those people that have lost their desire to fight for what they enjoyed doing can still have a second try at it if they rediscover that innate talent once again. Same goes for the ones who have just begun on their path, who are just beginning to discover their own special dream. Both just need support along the way and to that I give them my book "Staircase To You". I wrote this book for you, as a person, to succeed in your life and to be happy doing what you want.


Life is just an amalgamation of various different opportunities. If you fail to capitalise on these opportunities, life will punish you. That is why people call life unfair, but that is also why we are the ones tasked with making it fair!

The opportunities are there. Yes, they may be presented to some on a silver plate and others are made to work like death itself is coming at them, but it is all the same. If you do not take those opportunities, someone else will. That is why you have to believe… believe in yourself… believe in your abilities… believe that there is always room for improvement.

That is what separates us… our belief. If a person has opportunities flying towards them, they will not ever succeed unless they believe in everything I said above.

Life, no matter how you look at it, is short. You have to make the most of it, so you can be remembered. Our bodies may grow weak and frail, but if you manage to make a difference in just one person’s life, you will forever be in the infinite sea of eternity.

Will you look at that… we are halfway way up the staircase now. This is no time to stop. You can go the whole way with me. Build your confidence, find your abilities and believe in them. Take my hand as we ascend one more step… one more step to you.

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Author Biography:

Hello! My name is Fares and I am the author of “Staircase To You”.

As the title of the book says, this is a staircase that I built to help YOU achieve your dream… or at least get you as close to the right path as possible.

I am no saint or a god. I am just a 17-year-old who wanted to help others who may not have found their way yet.

I hope you enjoy what you read and achieve what you want.

May we meet again.

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