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  • N. N. Light

The Creator’s Descendants – Rebirth of the Heiress by Allici Edragal #yalit #yafantasy #fantasy

Title: The Creator’s Descendants – Rebirth of the Heiress

Author: Allici Edragal

Genre: YA Fantasy

Book Blurb:

One man controlled humanity`s destiny. The rebels were hunted and those who surrendered were enslaved. Darkness cursed the continent of Eberon and the islands surrounding it. It was not known how it all ended this way. Part of ancient history had been erased. Until hope finally arose.

Imprisoned since her childhood, Althea discovers the meaning of freedom and boards on a journey to uncover her origins and the mysteries behind her overwhelming power.


Chapter I Renascence

“Good morning”, someone whispered in the hallway.

One more day was starting. I was lying down when I heard two voices saying something very unpleasant. It was the day of the generals’ visit and they were scheduled for interrogation of prisoners. As always, some of them would come to me and question who I was, what I was doing there.

As always, I had no answers to such questions. At least, no convincing one. So, I knew that I would return to my cell wounded, due to their endless search for some ‘truth’ that was unknown even for myself. It would certainly be a long day. Not that I was not yet used to this type of treatment, but the pain would be an extra nuisance that was not welcomed, and, at that moment, nothing could be worse than returning to my cell stinking with my own blood.

A noise. A very close noise. I didn’t know where it came from, but it was uncommon. Was anyone looking at me through the bars? But this noise was coming from the opposite side.

-What is your name? - I heard someone whispering behind me. By instinct, I turned towards the sound as much as the chains in my hands and feet allowed. However, that was useless since I could not see. The heavy iron mask that covered my head for several years was still there, keeping me in darkness. Was anyone inside there with me?

I remained in silence. Another possibility is that I was finally losing the little sanity I had left.

-What is your name? -Repeated the male voice. Was there perhaps a window in that direction? It would be a reasonable explanation for what was happening. -Why are you stuck there? This is a maximum-security prison, but you don’t seem to be a regular convict.

That was it. He was certainly a general, or some soldier from outside that base. Apparently, my presence there was something considered "unusual" by most of them. I assumed that there were not many women in that prison. Or it could be that it was unusual in this world to hold children in such heavy chains.

A quick thought passed through my mind. Was I still in the age of being considered a child?

-My existence is considered a threat against the government and against the world. -I answered, in a voice that was lifeless and rather hoarse. It had been a long time since I last spoke, but I wasn’t in the mood to talk, though. I was only automatically repeating those same words. For years I heard that question and I always answered it in the same way. The same way that my aunt had taught me.

The man was supposed to leave after he quenched his curiosity. But to my surprise, he spoke again.

-No one can be called a criminal just because they exist Althea. - He replied with a serious voice. - The government is wrong; the government is corrupt and cannot judge people just because it is convenient.

Silence. I felt strange to hear those words. I'd never heard anyone speak against the government so blatantly before. And... had he said my name? No. That was not possible. I should have been dreaming.

That was it. I had gone mad at last.

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Giveaway: I’m one of the authors participating in the Spring Into Freebies Giveaway and you can win one of fifteen e-copies of my featured book.

Runs April 1 - 30 and is open internationally for most prizes. Winners will be drawn on May 3, 2021.

Author Biography

Wearing the pseudonym of Allici Edragal, the writer started the Epic Fantasy project "The Creator's Descendants" as a web novel, which is now published on Ebook and paperback format.

Originally from Brazil, the author currently lives in Poland, and works in the corpo world. However, in her free time, she writes fantasy stories, focused for YA public.

Though the author published in the past materials in her native language, The Creator's Descendants is the first series wrote primarily in English, creating the challenge of exploring new writing techniques in a different language.

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