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Book Series Recommendation | The Gate Keepers Chronicles by @SabrinaAFish #99cents #fantasyromance

Title: Diomere’s Exile

Series: The Gate Keepers Chronicles, Book 1

Author: Sabrina A. Fish

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Book Blurb:

Content Advisory: This book is intended for mature audiences (18+) and contains graphic violence and explicit sexual activity.

Five Gates. Five Sisters. Five Very Different Men.

Once there were two worlds connected by five magical gates. Then the Gate Keepers closed the gates and disappeared. The Gate Keepers have returned.

Nadia de Quinones was exiled when her nephew, the crown-prince was abducted on her watch. She’ll let nothing stand in the way of her redemption, not even discovering her heartbonded and a connection to an ancient magical gate.

Lord Gregor Cyrene is sworn to protect his country's royal heirs. After the youngest prince’s life is threatened, Gregor sets out to discover who is responsible and suspects the answer lies with Nadia. When fate forces their competing goals to align, neither are prepared for the irresistible attraction between them.

Can they see beyond their pasts and a millennia old hate between their people? Or will they continue to distrust, allowing those plotting against them to win?


Playing her part, she bit her bottom lip and looked up at him through her lashes. “Pardon, m’lord. I didn’t mean to mistake you for a running path.

His low, husky voice caressed her ears, its softness belying strength and control rather than weakness. “If all runners were as beautiful as you, I’d be willing to be the path more often.”

She barely kept from rolling her eyes. Expose a little cleavage or the hint of a curvy figure and men were all the same, the sight of a woman’s face being totally unnecessary to judge beauty. Even had she not been wearing the mask, she knew there was nothing beautiful about her. Too tall and mouthy, she preferred dressing like a Diomerean nobleman rather than the noblewoman she was. Never mind the scar that bisected the left side of her face.

“Thank you, m’lord,” she said, tone dry. She smiled and batted her lashes up at him.

His low chuckle sent a shiver down her spine as he leaned toward her until his breath tickled her ear. “Acting the coy miss isn’t one of your gifts,” he said, his lips grazing her ear, causing an arrow of desire to arc through her body.

She leaned up on her toes, their cheeks only a breath apart, and whispered back. “Insincere flattery is obviously one of yours.”

She caressed his chest, unable to resist the swell of muscle under her palms as she pulled away, chin lifted. Striking amber irises circled in a black outer ring and thick black lashes peeked from the eyes of the mask. Her mind went blank as desire rolled through her, taking her breath. A ripple rolled through the power inside her, like this man had reached in and touched a finger to the still surface of her a’mi. Her smile slipped. You’re acting like Father. Her stomach flipped, threatening to eject her morning meal. She jerked her hands from his chest as if she’d been burned.

He trapped her gaze in his. “Is it not said that flattery makes friends and truth makes enemies?”

Nadia scowled and shoved her a’mi deep.

“Then I’d rather be enemies.” She stepped back and held her hand out in the traditional greeting of her people, rather than the shoulder clasping Thunoans used. His smoldering gaze held a challenge as he slid his palm against hers. His thumb caressed the back of her hand, making her shiver, before he finally pulled his hand back toward his chest, the parchment she’d slipped him tucked between his fingers. The greeting ended with their palms over their hearts. Nadia ignored the heat pooling in her stomach. “The gods keep you, m’lord.”

“Asha’s blessing on you, lady,” he said.

She told herself she clenched her fist because the greeting demanded it, not to hold on to the feel of his skin against hers. Tearing her gaze away, she strode to a nearby vendor’s stall. She smiled at the merchant as she perused his selection of meat pies. Pointing to a small, stuffed pastry, she handed him her coin and glanced over her shoulder. Heated eyes studied her. Her thighs clenched. She frowned and struggled to wrestle back control of her traitorous body. The man tilted his head in a shallow nod, then turned and disappeared into the crowd.

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Title: Diomere’s Healer

Series: The Gate Keepers Chronicles, Book 2

Author: Sabrina A. Fish

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Book Blurb:

Content Advisory: This book is intended for mature audiences (18+) and contains graphic violence and explicit sexual activity.

Five Gates. Five Sisters. Five Very Different Men.

Once there were two worlds connected by five gates. Then the Gate Keepers closed the gates and disappeared. The Gate Keepers have returned.

Arriana Quinones failed to save her king from the poison that killed him. Now her nephew is suffering the same malady. When her search for a cure leads her through a gate into a world of magic, she discovers that the gods' plans for her stretch far beyond finding an antidote.

Treves Tourbillon and his people gave up hope of ending their curse. Then Arriana saves his life. While those around him are convinced she is the prophesied key, Treves fears she'll be the curse's next victim.

Can Arriana and Treves find the antidote, end the Manticore curse, and take their place as the Desert Gate's next Keepers, or will the forces working against them prevail in the end?


"Come back, handsome. I can’t let you slip across the veil just yet."

Treves searched for the female belonging to the musical voice. “Did you hear that?”

“She calls you back.”

Treves glanced at his sire. “She?”

“The One, my son.”

"Your boy called you Trev. It must be short for something. Trevor, perhaps? Hmmmm." The woman laughed, a sound like a waterfall of soft musical notes that stirred something in Treves’ heart. "No. Trevor is too boring. Trevelian? No, no. Much too pretentious." She went silent again and Treves strained to hear more. "I’m almost done mending the mess those dark fairies made of your insides. Come back and tell me your name. Don’t you think I deserve a reward for all my hard work?"

Treves blinked, bringing his sire back into focus. “What do you mean by The One?”

"This is going to hurt, big guy. I hope you’re as strong as you look."

Treves stepped toward the voice, his question forgotten.

“The One who holds the key to your happiness, my son. The one who can end the curse if you allow her,” his sire whispered.

Treves jerked, his eyes widening, then a flash of pain consumed him.

"All done, handsome. Time to wake up. Come on, love. Open those gorgeous golden eyes."

Treves lifted heavy eyelids and met eyes the color of the purest emerald, emphasizing thick lashes and arched brows in the same red as the hair framing her fine-boned face.

She smiled. “Welcome back, handsome.”

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Title: Diomere’s Mercenary

Series: The Gate Keeper Chronicles, Book 3

Author: Sabrina A. Fish

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Book Blurb:

Content Advisory: This book is intended for mature audiences (18+) and contains graphic violence and explicit sexual activity.

Five Gates. Five Sisters. Five Very Different Men.

Once there were two worlds connected by five gates. Then the Gate Keepers closed the gates and disappeared. The Gate Keepers have returned.

Ripped from her home and sold to the mercenary guild as a child, Kardia Quinones overcame her father’s betrayal and made a place for herself as a respected mercenary. Then war threatens her beloved guild and her homeland.

Sahir Mekala wakes after twenty-three years to find his people on the brink of war and his intended mate unwilling to accept him. But dragons are as stubborn as harpies and he’ll let nothing stop him from claiming her.

When Kardia and Sahir find themselves working together, sparks fly. Despite Kardia’s reluctance to ever trust another male, Sahir sets out to prove exactly how perfect the match between a dragon and harpy can be.


Adjusting the power cloaking his presence, Sahir projected his voice into Kardia’s mind. “Good evening, sireli.”

She glanced over at him. “I thought I felt the creep of extreme annoyance headed my way.”

A passing guard, having just come from the backstage area, gave her a confused look. “Mercenary?”

Kardia stared at the human, her cool gaze boring into him until he hurriedly moved past her. “Idiota,” she muttered.

Sahir bit back a grin. “I don’t think it’s annoyance you feel for me.” He used his power to caress the curve of her neck and smiled when gooseflesh rose on her skin. “Is it, dimeti?”

“Get. Out. Of. My. Head,” she bit out between clenched teeth, then cut their mental link.

A musician, his stringed instrument held between him and the glowering harpy, darted his gaze around the hall, looking for the one to whom she spoke. When he found no one else there, his face blanched and he tossed an alarmed look at her as he hurried past.

Kardia halted mid-step and slowly turned to glare at Sahir. “No one else can see you.”

Sahir’s lips twitched as he shook his head, amusement something he usually only felt around his siblings. He decided he liked playing with his mate.

The harpy growled and continued stalking down the hall toward The Siren’s dressing rooms. “Go away, dragon.”

Pitching his voice low, he murmured. “Where would be the fun in that, little harpy?”

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Releases 9-14-20

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Author Biography:

Sabrina A. Fish is the Award-Winning Author of the Fantasy Romance series, The Gate Keeper Chronicles, and three YA Fantasy novellas in the multi-author Shine series created by New York Times best-selling author, William Bernhardt. She proudly holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Oklahoma. BOOMER SOONER.

Awards include:

2020 OWFI Best Fiction Book (Published) WINNER ~ Diomere's Healer

2019 National Readers' Choice Awards Paranormal FINALIST ~ Diomere's Healer

2018 OWFI Romance(Unpublished) 3RD PLACE ~ Diomere's Healer

2017 National Readers' Choice Awards Paranormal WINNER ~ Diomere's Exile

Born and raised, mostly, in Oklahoma(ask her sometime about the three years she spent lost in a rabbit hole that looked a lot like Texas), she currently lives in Oklahoma City with her husband, son, and two cats, where she owns a trophy company and collects names for her novels from lists of award’s recipients. She loves all things chocolate and her husband is sweet enough to never let the candy dish near her computer become empty. When she isn't writing & promoting her novels or running her company, she can be found reading, scrapbooking, or spending quality time with her family.

To find out more about Sabrina and her books, visit her website

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