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New Release | The Quiet Hero by John Anton Drost and Nicki Pascarella #historicalfiction #histfic

N. N. Light

Title The Quiet Hero


Author John Anton Drost & Nicki Pascarella


Genre Historical Fiction


Publisher The MediaCasters


Book Blurb


The Quiet Hero retells the story of one man's indomitable spirit as he valiantly fights for the rights of the persecuted during the darkest chapter of our world. Set against the backdrop of the World Wars, John Anton Drost emerges as a beacon of hope, defying adversity and persecution with unwavering courage. From humble beginnings, this quiet hero embarks on a transformative journey that shapes countless lives.




Even in the poor lighting, the uniformed man’s eyes were beady. He poked Jan in the chest. “Do not lie to me. Who are you?”


Jan pulled his shoulders back and feigned bravery. “I am Jan Drost, a Czechoslovakian Citizen of German descent, a lawyer in private practice, and a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.”


The officer’s spindly finger pressed against Jan’s chest. “No. Your grandparents were Jewish, your law firm caters to, protects, and coddles wealthy Jews, and I submit that you yourself are a Jew, Herr Doctor Drost.”


Jan stepped back and held up a palm. “Excuse me, Herr Oberinspektor, but my German ancestors can be traced back hundreds of years. I was baptized a Christian and I have been a practicing Christian all of my life.”


The officer opened the file folder he had tucked under his armpit. He stepped back and a ray from the single filament light bulb bounced off his shiny bald head. “Hmm,” he murmured repeatedly as he scrutinized the document. Then, with exaggerated annunciation, he said, “Your mother, Anna Drost, was born in Lomnitz bei Tisnov on August 28, 1881. Isn’t that true?”


Oh, how the villainous Gestapo loved to intimidate.


Jan would not be daunted by a man in a black inspector’s uniform. He lifted his chin. “Yes, that is correct, but—”


“But what, Herr Doctor Drost? Your mother’s parents, Josef and Theresia Deutsch were Jews, and if you are not a Jew, you clearly have Jewish blood. In fact, under the Nuremberg Race Laws, you are at the very least, a Mischling First Class. Moreover, based on your firm’s business connections and some of the legal shenanigans you and your partner Doctor Alois Prazak have engaged in, we have strong grounds for believing you have illegally expatriated properties that rightfully belong to the state. Now, why would you do that if you are not a Jew?”




“You will be given the full benefit of the Bohemian and Moravian Protectorate. If you are violating the law, rest assured that we will find out, and you will be dealt with accordingly. If not, you have nothing to fear. That is all for today. You will be hearing from us.” The officer closed the file and strutted to the exit. Looking over his shoulder, he pinned Jan in his gaze. “Good day, Herr Doctor Drost.”


The door slammed with such force that the wall vibrated.


Jan flew across the room to turn the lock. His back against the door, he exhaled.


“Think. Think. Think.”


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Author Biography

Nicki Pascarella writes Contemporary and Historical romances. She enjoys mixing genres—adding mysteries to steamy small-town romances, or a pinch of paranormal fantasy to her romantic comedies. It’s all about making her readers laugh and fall in love.  


Using her twenty-nine years of experience as a high school teacher and her background in creative writing and journalism, she coaches authors for The MediaCasters. Helping artists break through creative blocks is one of her passions.


When she isn't writing and editing, she reads, runs, and hangs with her husband, daughter, and Shetland sheepdogs. Nicki is also an award-winning belly dancer.


John Anton Drost was born and raised in Brno, a city in the southeast of what has become the Czech Republic, Mr. Drost attended Masaryk University, where he earned a law degree in 1932. He joined the law practice of Alois Prazak, a Czech nationalist who was a well-known political figure as well. Though not particularly political himself, Mr. Drost’s associations would come to be used against him.


In 1938 when Czechoslovakia was handed over to Nazi Germany, Mr. Drost was a lieutenant in the Czech Army. Gradually, those who had supported the old government and who had looked after Jewish interests, were under siege. By 1944 Mr. Drost had been ordered to board a train bound for a concentration camp. He went into hiding, moving from place to place in Czechoslovakia until the war ended, his son George said.


When the Soviet Army marched into Brno, Mr. Drost was briefly free. But he despised communism and was known for having represented property owners. In 1948 he learned he was to be sent to prison, so he fled to Austria. He sent for his wife, Doris, and his oldest son, Rudy. They were smuggled to him, but it would take two more years for him to be reunited with George.


In 1950, the family came to Chicago. Mr. Drost took a job cleaning the machinery in a meat-packing plant and assembling piano parts in a factory. Later, he became the administrator of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, while he attended night classes at John Marshall Law School. In 1961 he graduated from John Marshall and opened a practice on Lincoln Avenue that he continued until his death.


He was named counsel for the Austrian consulate general in Chicago and, in 1974, was awarded the Golden Badge of Honor by the Austrian government. In 1994 he was named a distinguished alumnus of Masaryk University. He also was president of the Uhlich Children’s Home, an organization dedicated to helping children with emotional problems and learning difficulties.


Today, John Anton Drost is survived by five grandchildren, sixteen great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandson.


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