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  • N. N. Light

The Runaway Witch’s Kiss by @jackiebrown20 is a Celebrate Mothers pick #pnr #romance #mothersday

Title: The Runaway Witch’s Kiss

Author: Tamela Miles

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Book Blurb:

Nahla Gregory is a witch on the run from a bad domestic situation. Tomas Castillo, a warlock, has a prepared safe haven for her, while dealing with his own problem, his neutered magickal powers. He’s sworn to protect her and to keep his hands off her, but Nahla is downright tempting. Danger is coming for them and combining their powers may be the only way to survive the storm.

Can Tomas keep Nahla safe, as promised, while she helps him rediscover his long forgotten magick?


“You don’t have to pay my way. I’m just a little low on cash, not destitute.”

Sliding his hand around her arm, he helped her stand. He spoke close to her ear. “You’re my ward and I’m sworn to take care of you. I won’t let you down.”

A shiver of delight tingled her spine at his low spoken words. She quickly dismissed it. He was a beautiful man to look at with that dark hair falling carelessly into his eyes, two dark brown pools of raw expression. He was attractive – end of story. Later, they pulled up in front of a little white cottage in Tomas’ car. Nahla enjoyed every moment of the ride there, paying close attention to the quiet beauty of every building they had passed traveling through the town. He flipped off his seatbelt. “Her name is Hilda and she’s very friendly. She’ll be thrilled to help you.” She frowned in confusion. “Help me?” Tomas grinned. “She reads tarot cards.” Nahla snorted. “I’m sure this will be the darkest reading she’s ever given.” He stepped out of the car and came around to her side, opening the door. “Fun, remember?” The front door opened to reveal an elderly woman in a black dress, her silver hair pinned up in an elegant bun. She welcomed them inside with a smile. “Hello. I’m Hilda. And who are you, dear?” Nahla shook her hand. “I’m Nahla Gregory. It’s nice to meet you.” Hilda nodded, turning to Tomas. “Is she one of yours?” “Yes, she’s my new ward. We just came for a tarot reading.” “The baby’s just fine.” Hilda’s eyes gleamed with mischief. Nahla’s laugh tinkled, feeling the weight of her problems lift a bit. She immediately liked the older woman. They followed her from the front room to another room in the rear of the small house. A deck of tarot cards was set on a small wood table with a few matching chairs around it. They all sat down, with Nahla directly across from the elderly woman. “Tap the card deck with your fingertips, dear.” Nahla lightly stroked the cards and Hilda began spreading them out. She frowned deeply for a moment as she turned one card over. By the second card, Nahla’s heart began to sink. “How bad is it?” she asked nervously. Hilda harrumphed. “Bad. That dark cloud following you is pervasive. Evil always is.” She turned over the third card and her face brightened. “However, the universe always finds a way to bless the strong. Your inner strength will guide and sustain you, Nahla. And, you’re not alone. This is Tomas’ fight, too.” He raised his eyebrows. “My fight?” The older woman patted his hand. “It will soon make sense. Let’s continue.” Later on the drive back to the inn, Nahla mulled over Hilda’s words. The doom and gloom with a positive outcome was expected but Tomas’ involvement in her situation was definitely not. This was her fight and she didn’t expect him to be a part of her madness. She was his ward and nothing else. But…what if?

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What makes this book a must-read and/or what inspired you to write this story:

I was inspired to write this book by a colorfully powerful image of a beautiful, brown skin witch I found on the internet, during Halloween. She was busy, cooking up some serious magick.

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Author Biography:

Tamela Miles is a school psychologist with Ed.S and PPS credential and a graduate of California State University San Bernardino and California State University Dominguez Hills. She is also a former flight attendant. She grew up in Altadena, California in that tumultuous time known as the 1980s. She now resides with her family in the Inland Empire, CA. She's a horror/paranormal romance writer mainly because it feels so good having her characters do bad things and, later, pondering what makes them so bad and why they can never seem to change their wicked ways. She enjoys emails from people who like her work. In fact, she loves emails. She can be contacted at or her Facebook page, Tamela Miles Books. She also welcomes reader reviews and enjoys the feedback from people who love to read as much as she does.

Social Media Links:

Tamela Miles Books on Facebook:

Tamela Miles Books on Instagram

On Twitter as @jackiebrown20

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