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Tinsel and Tatas: A Holiday Romantic Comedy Anthology is a BHW pick #books4boobs #tinselandtatas

N. N. Light

Title: Tinsel and Tatas: A Holiday Romantic Comedy Anthology


Titles and Authors

· Wilder for the Win by Serena Bell

· Last One Gets the Booby Prize by Kilby Blades

· Tattooed Tatas by Kameron Claire

· Mixing Merrymas by Dylann Crush

· A Trivia Pursuit by Hope Ellis

· Two Nights to Believe by Melonie Johnson

· Tits the Season by Tawdra Kandle

· Decidedly with Tinsel by Stina Lindenblatt

· The Great Christmas Race by Elizabeth Lynx

· All I Want is You by Claire Marti

· Wreath this Ring by MK Meredith

· Star Bright by Susannah Nix

· Ta Ta To Heartbreak by Tracey Pedersen

· Pretty Packages by Marika Ray

· Rock, Paper, Santa by Piper Rayne

· Tinsel Bomb by Arell Rivers

· A Brit Under the Mistletoe by Brenda St John Brown

· Booby Trapped by Sylvie Stewart

Genre: Romantic Comedy

Book Blurb

Get a head start on the holiday spirit by reading for a great cause! Nearly twenty of today’s most entertaining rom-com authors have teamed up to sell #Books4Boobs. This collection of holiday shorts ranges from sweet to steamy and promises to entertain. 100% of proceeds will benefit the Young Survival Coalition, an international organization focusing on women ages 40 and under who are diagnosed with breast cancer. Titles and Authors

· Wilder for the Win by Serena Bell

· Last One Gets the Booby Prize by Kilby Blades

· Tattooed Tatas by Kameron Claire

· Mixing Merrymas by Dylann Crush

· A Trivia Pursuit by Hope Ellis

· Two Nights to Believe by Melonie Johnson

· Tits the Season by Tawdra Kandle

· Decidedly with Tinsel by Stina Lindenblatt

· The Great Christmas Race by Elizabeth Lynx

· All I Want is You by Claire Marti

· Wreath this Ring by MK Meredith

· Star Bright by Susannah Nix

· Ta Ta To Heartbreak by Tracey Pedersen

· Pretty Packages by Marika Ray

· Rock, Paper, Santa by Piper Rayne

· Tinsel Bomb by Arell Rivers

· A Brit Under the Mistletoe by Brenda St John Brown

· Booby Trapped by Sylvie Stewart

Excerpt From All I Want is You by Claire Marti

“Three waves each. The judges will take the average of the two best scores and drop the lowest. So, if you wipe out, you get two more chances.”

“What if I only catch one wave or if I can’t get up?” Because that would be embarrassing, not to mention her brother would never stop razzing her about it.

He shook his head. “You’ll be fine. These waves are tiny and once you’re up, your snowboarding skills will kick in.”

“Do I get to stay on shore after three waves?” The surf didn’t look small to her, but no way would she admit to being nervous.

“Nice try. We take turns. You have to paddle out again so I can catch my wave. You’ll stay warm treading water, trust me. Let’s get our wetsuits on and head to the lineup.”

When he whipped off his t-shirt, revealing his hard, muscular torso, Jenny’s mouth went dry. He was gorgeous and chiseled, and the memory of being plastered against him whipped through her. She looked down and dropped her shorts so she could put on the wetsuit over her bikini. Much safer to keep her eyes averted until all that golden skin was hidden.

She tugged the faded neoprene up to her thighs with much hopping, shimmying, and general awkwardness. And people complained about snowboarding gear being restrictive. If surfing was as difficult as putting on the damn wetsuit, she was in big trouble.

“Need some help?” Ty’s voice held a hint of laughter. Of course, he was all zipped up and ready to go.

She bared her teeth at him. “It isn’t funny. Are you sure I need this thing out there?” The damn material wouldn’t budge past her mid-thighs.

“Unless you’re a penguin, yes you do. The Pacific in December is about fifty-eight degrees. Let me help you.”

She froze. “I can do it.”

“You’re stuck and you know it. Let me help you pull it up to your waist. That’s the tough part.” He stepped closer and reached for the wetsuit. The last time his hands had been that close to her, her legs had been hooked around his waist.

“Fine.” His long, broad fingers brushed her legs, and goosebumps erupted over her entire body.

He wrapped his hands around the stiff material. “Put your hands on my shoulders. On the count of three, I’m going to tug. Hop up and down when I tell you to.”

“Are you messing with me?” She gazed up at him, tempted to brush the lock of tawny hair off his brow. If she stood on her tiptoes, she could brush her lips across his mouth.

He gritted out the words. “Jenny, just do it, okay?”

“I’m not holding onto you.” Color her stubborn, but her hormones were already going haywire.

“Fine.” He yanked upward. With her hands floating in space instead of holding him for balance, she tumbled forward, knocking them both to the packed sand.

Her breath whooshed out and Ty lay sprawled beneath her, his eyes wide and lips parted. She was plastered against every solid inch of him.

A giggle bubbled up in her throat and she burst out laughing. “Um, I hope this isn’t an indication of how I’m going to do out there.”

His lips twitched, but then his face grew serious, and he clasped her shoulders. “Jenny, can we talk about Vegas before tonight?”

He was regarding her with that focused intensity she’d found as intoxicating as his passionate kisses in Las Vegas. She’d never had a man listen to her with such dedicated attention. His mouth was too close. Close enough that she caught a hint of his minty breath. Close enough to be dangerous.

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©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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