Title: To the Survivors: One Man's Journey as a Rape Crisis Counselor with True Stories of Sexual Violence
Author: Robert Uttaro
Genre: Nonfiction, Trauma Recovery, Sexual Assault
Book Blurb:
To the Survivors is about one man’s journey as a rape crisis counselor with true stories of sexual violence shared by survivors in their own words. Gently and beautifully constructed, To the Survivors is moving, tender, sharp, and piercingly true all at once. Readers will encounter uncensored written stories, poems, and interviews from women and men who have experienced rape and sexual assault, plus the advocate-author voice that weaves their experiences together. The survivors are diverse in age, gender, and ethnicity, yet each gives a similarly raw and heartfelt account of his or her victimization and recovery. The authenticity and vulnerability with which survivors speak resonates profoundly. But this book is not just for survivors of sexual violence. Robert Uttaro believes anyone can benefit from the words in these pages, rape survivor or not.
To the Survivors Radio Show https://www.robertuttaro.com/to-the-sur
My Review:
A powerful book that isn't an easy read but this isn't an easy topic. This man has courageously presented the issue of sexual violence in a very well-written book. The text is gripping and the use of poetry from survivors brings certain clarity to this critical issue.
One can only applaud the number of roadblocks the author overcame on his journey. There are myriad times when he faced things that just make common sense people shake their heads. This book could be triggering for people who are survivors, and it is aptly warned in the preface.
It is a sad fact that the people who would most benefit from this book will never read it. If this book stopped one person from choosing to attack another, it would be world-changing. This book should be mandatory reading for every AD and major male sports coach in the US College system. It is very far past the time when the 'boys being boys' culture needed to end.
Recommended to everyone touched by the issue of sexual violence. Recommended to everyone who wants to learn more about its horrific impact. An important book that needs to be read.
My Rating: 5 stars
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Author Biography:
Robert Uttaro is currently in his 12th year as a rape crisis counselor and community educator. Inspired by his undergraduate studies in Criminal Justice, he continues to embrace a life-long commitment to activism and advocacy for survivors of sexual violence. Serving as a counselor, Uttaro supports rape survivors and their significant others through myriad emotional, spiritual, and legal issues. He also facilitates workshops that unpack the realities of sexual violence, and offers strategies for support and prevention with a focus on healing. Uttaro has been featured in magazine publications across the country and on international radio broadcasts; in fact, his book inspired a current radio series by the same name, “To the Survivors” in Akure, Nigeria. Through the grace of God, Uttaro's work and To the Survivors continues to impact peoples’ minds and hearts globally.
Social Media Links:
Website https://www.robertuttaro.com/
Reviewed by: Mr. N