Title: Witch’s Wood (Antique Magic, book 7)
Author: Juli D. Revezzo
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Raven Queen Publications
Book Blurb:
Caitlin and Trevor inherit a set of enchanted knitting needles, needles that tangle them in another supernatural yarn. Yet the acquisition has freed their most hated enemy and he wants the needles as much as they do. But why are they so important to him? The clues may serve to solve their family's long-standing mystery. Or lead them right into his clutches.
Can the couple cast off this twisted enigma or will their inheritance unravel their lives?
Book trailer: https://youtu.be/vUgjB3Z0isU
Caitlin sprinkled nettle leaves into linseed oil in her pot and added beeswax and salt. The mixture bubbled and she added a drizzle of honey, a drop of lavender oil.
Maria watched her from the table, both reading from Caitlin’s Book of Shadows, and playing typist for Caitlin, uploading a blog article she’d meant to post, and forgotten. “What else do you think this needs?”
She craned her neck to skim the text. “Add that I’ll post the rain spell when I know if it works.” The mixture boiled and she picked up a vial of oil she’d gotten from Rhetgar, hesitated to add it. “I’m not sure about this one.”
Maria flipped a page in Caitlin’s Book of Shadows. “You’re not going to be drinking it.”
“No. But we’re stuck inside here.” She waved a hand to the windows closed thanks to the thunderstorms outside.
“Wait to try this concoction on a day you can open the windows.” Maria flipped another page. “What’s this? You can shrink things? Show me!”
Caitlin took the love spoon from where it hung on the wall since Trevor carved it for her—an early Valentine’s Day gift. Thinking the Welsh words devised by one of Trevor’s more mischievous ancestors, she shrunk it to fit in her palm.
Maria clapped. “That’s cool!”
“But it’s gray magic.”
“Depends on its use, doesn’t it? If you use it to shrink trunks to go on a trip, that’s not bad.”
Caitlin returned the spoon to normal size, and tapped her on the back of the hand with it. “Point taken, but it’s not for shoplifting or grand theft.”
Maria went back to typing and Caitlin reminded her, “Don’t post anything from that particular book.”
“I won’t. But why today? Why not wait until tomorrow to try this recipe?”
“Because tomorrow is the third Monday in January. That’s a bad day for bleeding. I’d rather keep us from bleeding, if possible.” Caitlin thought a moment. “That, you can add to the post. ‘Always pay attention to the preferable times to perform your magic’.”
“If the dragon’s contribution bothers you, use the wiccebane,” Maria said. “You’re not gonna necessarily ingest it.”
“No, but it’s a blessing for Trevor’s saws.” They were still looking for a way to block ghosts from coming into their home uninvited. Hopefully, this would do it. “He’ll be using it on his saws, so he’ll be touching it and we might be smelling it a) as it cooks, and b) when the blades heat up.”
“Oh. You don’t want to asphyxiate him.”
“Shh… Don’t even think it.” There was no need to tempt fate. Especially with the true gift from Rhetgar that sat stored in Michela’s office. Or her home. Wherever she’d taken the map to decode it. “You’re right, though.”
“Hm…” Maria flipped a few more pages in the book, and turned to Caitlin’s laptop, adding a notation to a file. “Try adding rose petals. Wait. White ones. Red ones and you might distract him from his work. If red equals passion.”
Caitlin scoffed as Maria tittered. Not wanting to think about her young apprentice’s love life, she guided the subject back. “What else does the spell say?”
She flipped a page back. “I don’t know. I can’t read Welsh.”
“Let me see.”
Maria turned the book.
The pages flipped, Caitlin spied one spell, Spell to Unlatch doors.
Not what I need right now.
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Author Biography:
Juli D. Revezzo loves fantasy and Celtic mythology and writing stories with all kinds of fantastical elements. She is the author of the Antique Magic paranormal series and the Stewards Wars and Celtic Stewards Chronicles series, the historical romances, Camden Girls series, Vesta's Clockwork Companions, House of Dark Envy, Watchmaker's Heart, and Lady of the Tarot, and more. She is also a member of the Independent Author Network and the Magic Appreciation Tour.
My social media links:
Website: https://julidrevezzo.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/julidrevezzo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/julidrevezzo
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jewelsraven/
And I have one board specifically related to this series: https://www.pinterest.com/jewelsraven/related-to-the-celtic-stewards-chronicles/
The author's newsletter can be found here:
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Juli-D.-Revezzo/e/B008AHVTLO/