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  • N. N. Light

Can Two People With Only the Love of an Old Home Find a Deep, Lasting Love? The House that Built Me

Title: The House that Built Me

Author: Melissa Keir

Genre: Western Romance/ Small Town Romance

Publisher: Amazon Kindle World

Book Blurb:

Country’s newest rising star, Mandy Watkins, disappears from the limelight for a while with the help of her good friend. She’s got a lot on her plate and needs some time to figure out who she is.

Travis Perkins loves gardening after teaching at the local high school. He’s determined to leave the world in a better state either through his connections with his students or his garden.

When Mandy lands on Travis’s doorstep, he believes she will be just another of his projects, but what neither of them expect is how much their hearts may change. Can two people with only the love of an old home find a deep, lasting love? Or will their relationship end like the notes of a country tune?


“Miss. Miss? Are you okay?”

A sound filtered through Mandy’s dreams. The fog surrounding her mind began to clear. She gazed up at a blue sky filled with white puffy clouds. This isn’t my bed.

“Miss. Can you hear me?”

The demanding voice returned. She lay on a hard surface, and a gentle breeze blew across her overly warm skin. “Where am I?” She sounded as if far away.

“You’re awake, miss. What happened?”

Again with the questions. Couldn’t he see she was resting? Unable to move more than her eyes, Mandy finally settled her gaze on the demanding owner of that voice. It belonged to a man she didn’t know. However, he had the kindest eyes, ones that crinkled in the corners as if he smiled a great deal, and skin a golden hue, touched by the sun. The stubble on his cheeks gave him a gruff appearance in direct contrast to the compassion in his gaze.

“Miss. I don’t think you should be lying on the cold patio. But before you get up, let me check you for any injuries.”

“I ammmmm finnnnneeeee,” she squeaked out. Panic crept in. What happened? One minute she’d been walking around her old home and then…the next part—blank. Her heart sped up as she struggled to catch her breath. What happened to her? Was the baby okay? Her body weighed a ton. Concentrating on her arm, she willed it to move. She ached to put her hand over her stomach and feel the slight mound. But nothing budged. Not her arm or even a finger.

“Don’t move. I’m going to put my hands on you to see if you are okay.”

Mandy closed her eyes tight. A tear slid down the side of her face and into her hair.


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Melissa Keir has always wanted to be an author when she wasn’t hoping for a career as a racecar driver. Her love of books was instilled by her mother and grandparents who were avid readers. She’d often sneak books away from them so that she could fantasize about those strong alpha males and plucky heroines.

Melissa doesn’t believe in down time. She’s always keeping busy. Melissa is a wife and mother, an elementary school teacher, a movie reviewer with WHMI (a local radio station), owner of a publishing company as well as an author. Her home blends two families and is a lot like the Brady Bunch, without Alice- a large grocery bill, tons of dirty dishes and a mound of laundry. She loves to write stories that feature happy endings and is often seen plotting her next story.

She’d love to hear from you!

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