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  • N. N. Light

A Heart For All Time by Linda Tillis @Linda34434 and @WildRosePress #romance #timetravel #paranormal

A Heart For All Time by Linda Tillis

Genre: Time-travel, paranormal, romance

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


Sarah Haskins’ last family member died months ago, and since then she’s put in way too much overtime at her job as a 911 dispatcher. Looking forward to a much-needed vacation ad some peace of mind, she has no way of knowing that buying a piece of antique Cherokee Indian jewelry will forever change her life.

When Aaron Kramer wakes on a beautiful August morning in 1890, there is nothing to warn him he is going to be hanged that day—hanged and them saved from death by a very confused woman. Beautiful but not quite right in the head, poor thing, she thinks she’s from the future.

While FBI Agent Frank Kramer investigates Sarah’s disappearance from the present, she must adjust to the farm life of a century earlier—and to the man who makes her skin tingle and her heart beat faster. If she returns to her own time, can she be happy there, longing for the only family she has left?


Asheville had some of the finest antique stores in the South, and Sarah was looking for something unique but affordable.

“Oh, shoot,” she said aloud, as she pulled the truck over to check her GPS. She must have written the address down wrong. She had searched the internet for a new place to “hunt.” She looked all around but could not find Anna’s Gifts & Notions anywhere. She was about to give up and go find some food when she spotted a small sign down an alley. She eased the truck down the narrow, brick-lined lane, and there it was.

She was looking at a small brick building with green shutters. From the outside, it might have been any small, faded family business. But once Sarah stepped inside, she felt a shiver run across her shoulders. She knew she was going to find an exciting treasure here. The building was deceptively small from the outside; once inside, it seemed to go on forever. There were cases filled with glassware and old jewelry pieces. She could see the owner had set up little vignettes here and there: a beautiful chair accompanied by a Louis XIV side table, or a wingback chair with a matching, brocade footstool.

Sarah must have wandered around for at least twenty minutes before a melodious voice startled her.

“Were you searching for something in particular, dear?”

She turned to find a slender woman standing behind her. Sarah was speechless at her appearance: the woman’s head was covered in shiny, jet black hair, except for an inch-wide streak of pure white that ran from the left temple back to a lovely chignon; her prominent cheekbones and Romanesque nose spoke of Indian heritage, but her eyes were a deep, dark blue. They reminded Sarah of a stormy sky.

She smiled at Sarah and tried again. “Are you interested in furniture, jewelry, or maybe pottery?”

Sarah reddened, as she realized she had been staring at the woman.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare, but you remind me of a beautiful old painting that belonged to my uncle.”

The woman stood silently. After another embarrassing pause, she turned and started down an aisle.

“Come along, dear. I pride myself on helping people find just what their hearts desire.”

As Sarah followed her, it suddenly came to her why the woman looked so familiar. It wasn’t just the hair; the woman wore a suede dress that hung loosely against her slim body. The neckline was covered in beautiful, bead embroidery. Sarah shook her head. She would have to look more closely at the painting in the den, but she would be willing to swear this woman could have stepped right out of it. How odd.


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Author Biography: Linda was born in Appalachia, Goody, Kentucky to be exact. You know, coal mining country. Her mother moved her to Cleveland, Ohio when she was a small child. She had the best of both worlds. In the summer she ran bare-foot through the mountains, drank from a cool, sweet, well…and yes, used an outhouse! But during the school year, she attended concerts and art galleries. She lost her mother to cancer when she was ten years old and moved to Florida to live with her father and his new family. She read voraciously during her high school years. In fact, at lunch on Thursdays, she would make a couple of dollars writing book reports for others. She worked in the garment industry for eighteen years, then changed careers in 1986. Really changed careers. She went from fashion to forensics and spent the next twenty years with the local Police Department as, yep, you guessed it, a CSI. After so many years of brutality, death and general mayhem, her wonderful husband helped her realize it was becoming detrimental to her health. So, she retired. She spent a year re-acquainting herself with the “real” world. She took up nature photography, and sold a couple of articles, with photos, to the Florida Wildlife Magazine.

Her husband said, "Now, you should write a book." And so, she did.

©2015-2024 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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