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Flash Sale Alert! Too Good To Be True by @liviaquinn #99cents #romance

The first six books in the Calloways of Rainbow Bayou

“Love happens…when you least expect it.” That says it all. These couples find love out of the blue, out of the storm, even when they are dead set against it and don’t believe in it. There are stories about first time love and second chances.

Luc Larue is one of my favorite characters. He’s the kind of guy you want for yourself or your daughter. He’s a former military hero who left the Navy to open a teen center in Larue to help disadvantaged kids. To supplement his income needs for the renovations he works as a cover model for a local modeling agency. But when a threat arises from his past, he’ll have to depend on his new romantic interest to neutralize it.

Do you love heartfelt stories of love, family and community written with humor and empathy? Compare Livia Quinn’s series to some of your favorite contemporary romance authors, Shalvis, Force, Carr, Beck and Higgins.

Each book in this seven-book series will be $0.99 during preorder until the day after release.

Series The Calloways of Rainbow Bayou by Livia Quinn

Genre Contemporary Small-town Family Romance Series (with suspense elements)

Title Too Good to Be True

Book Blurb

Love happens when and where, and with whom you least expect it…as Delilah discovers.

An experienced police officer, Delilah Burke is no pushover. She prides herself on her instincts but when she arrives at the scene of a convenience store robbery she finds herself unwillingly intrigued by the tall dark and handsome perp dressed in a mercenary uniform and armed with fake weapons. Which begs the question - what else about him is fake?

Luc seems too good to be true. But his huge, surprising family embraces Delilah and when he’s threatened they join in her efforts to protect him. Delilah is drawn to him as never before but can she keep him safe so they can have a future?


“Was Angel sick?” Del asked the girl.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since Saturday. I guess I said something stupid. Or embarrassed him, I don’t know.”

Del hugged Monette. “Aw, don’t let it get to you. Boys are funny at this age. They want you to care but they don’t want to be seen caring. When you see him again just pretend like nothing happened; you didn’t even notice he wasn’t here. Aloof, ya know?”

Monette’s eyes lit up. “You think so? I shouldn’t like, try to find him and apologize?”

“Absolutely not!” Delilah laughed. “That’ll just make it worse. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s our nature to try to nurture the people we care about. That’s all you did. And if he can’t handle it, he’s not the person you thought he could be.”

“I see what you mean. He needs to learn to appreciate his friends—me.”

“Now you’ve got it.” Del looked around. “Um, Monette, do you still have that romance novel with Luc on the cover in your bag, the one you showed me the other day?”

Monette’s eyes lit up with mischief. “Sure. You want to borrow it?”

“Would you mind? Are you reading it?”

“Oh, no! I just picked it up for the cover, if you know what I mean.” She giggled and looked over at Luc.

Del followed her gaze where Luc was leaning against the goal post with his right hand above him, hip cocked while he used his left hand to illustrate the strategy he was laying out to his guys. Then he shifted his weight, making the taut muscles of his butt clench.

Delilah and Monette looked at each other and grinned. Monette reached into her bag and handed the book to her. “Keep it.”

Del walked out to her patrol car, stashed the book under the seat and checked in. It had been a rather quiet night. Tom’s wheelchair rolled through the front doors and down the street. Del called to him and jogged across the street. “Hey, bro.”

Thomas stopped his wheelchair and spun to face her, smiling. “How was that for a game?”

“You guys play hard. I was wondering how come you never mentioned the teen center?” Del asked.

Tommy frowned. “Well, it’s not that I haven’t mentioned it, but when the subject has come up you weren’t there.”

He was talking about family gatherings. Del grit her teeth. The pain that gripped her gut wasn’t indigestion; it was guilt, and it was a pain she should be over by now. Would she ever get over the feeling of being helpless while her brother struggled for his life? Or the regret that the life he could have had was gone and a world of options taken away from him?

His eyes locked on hers, giving no quarter. “You haven’t joined us at a family dinner since my accident, Del. Mom and Pop have been coming to the church for dinners and volunteer occasionally as well.”

He was too kind to remind her about the last time he’d stopped by the precinct. It was a week before Christmas. She remembered every word…

“Why couldn’t you make Thanksgiving dinner, Del. Mom and Pop were very disappointed. I found Mom in the church kitchen crying after she heard you ‘had to’ work. We’re never together as a family anymore.”

Del had come back with, “That’s what happens when kids grow up.”

He’d said, “I never thought I’d see the day when my sister lied to herself much less to me.” Then he’d kissed her and rolled away. How could she feel thankful when her brother had lost everything?

Every time Del thought about that exchange, her chest tightened. But she didn’t know how to fix it. Time and distance had just made it worse.

“You’re right, Tommy.”

He squeezed her hand, “Why don’t we get together and plan something for Father’s Day, hmm?”

She loved him so much. “You know I don’t deserve you, big brother.”

“I know, but it’s the way the genes were doled out,” he grinned. “Have we got a deal?” Blue eyes that matched her own held hers until she bent to hug him and promised to make plans. “Love you, Tommy. I’ll call you, soon.”

“Or I’ll call you,” he winked. “Love you, too, Sis.” He turned his chair and rolled away. Del pushed the door to the gym open and called Luc’s name. She’d started to leave but she found herself watching the doors of the gym for Luc. What was taking him so long?


She heard his answer from the storeroom. “Be there in a minute.” The lights went out one by one and Luc appeared at her side. “Had a phone call, probably a telemarketer. She kept asking if the owner was in—right, at 10 p.m.” He leaned over and gave her a quick smack on the lips. “Hmm, want more. I know, you’re on call but do you have time for a cup of coffee?”

Delilah checked her watch. “Sure. I’ve checked in and by the time we get that cup, I can probably get off shift. Where?”

“How about my place?” He winked. “Just kidding, Twitchy’s?” Popular with the college crowd, Twitchy’s was open into the wee hours and served free mini-muffins with their coffee specialties.

“You know us cop types. We’re suckers for free sweets,” Del teased. “I’ll meet you there.”

“I’ll be right along. Gotta check the back door and lock up.”

Del sat in her car waiting for Luc to exit. Turning her rear-view mirror so she could see him at the door, she started the car. Remembering the shared moment with Monette, she looked over her shoulder. “Shit.”

In her mirror she saw Luc fall after exiting the building. He just dropped to the concrete. Adrenaline and fear shot through her as she flipped on her lights to stop the approaching cars then made a U-turn, pulling up against the traffic in front of the gym. Screeching to a halt, angled to protect Luc where his legs stretched over the curb into the street. He was unconscious.

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Author Biography

Livia Quinn is a DC native who was dragged to the wilds of Louisiana where she fell in love with the rich culture and well... okay, not the weather, but both have inspired her settings and characters. She's logged many stories from her jobs as mail lady, plant manager, professional singer, business owner and salesperson and loves to share them with her readers. Twelve books in her contemporary romance and paranormal series have been published with several more to come in 2018. Sign up for her newsletter or follow her in your preferred way.

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