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  • N. N. Light

#99Cents New Release! At Long Last Love by @LiviaQuinn #romance #bookboost #iartg

The Calloways of Rainbow Bayou is the newest release in the series. Readers have been asking for Beau and Maddie’s story since Christmas Wishes when Beau returned home after several years in Hollywood.

Beau has loved Maddie all his life but he couldn’t bring himself to saddle her with someone with no future. After his dream of entering the service like many of his family members including the women who inspired him the most, his Aunt Victoria, Beau leaves home to prove himself as a stunt man and action hero.

When a stunt goes wrong and Beau is forced to return home, Maddie makes a sacrifice in the hopes that he will get a second chance. Thus begins a journey for these two who have suffered so much to find their happiness.

Answering the question, “Who’s your favorite couple?” is like asking a mom who her favorite child is but I can say these two never fail to move me. I hope you enjoy their story.

The books are standalone but you will enjoy them more fully if you read them in order as other couples’ experiences are intertwined throughout the series.


Inside the helicopter, Beau Larue drifted in and out of consciousness, the pain bringing him back each time as he remembered the accident.

He'd pushed the lever forward and watched as the larger craft turned to the right. As planned, Beau turned his boat hard in the opposite direction supposedly in the driver's blind spot and as choreographed the larger boat was suddenly facing Beau's boat.

As scripted, he'd raised his gun, aimed at the pilot of the other boat and fired. The boat kept coming. That wasn't right. The actor was supposed to veer sharply as if dodging the gunfire. With a flash of sudden clarity, Beau realized his long-held opinion that he wouldn't live to see thirty-five, was about to come true but not for the reason he'd expected.

Like a movie of his own life, scenes flashed in his head as he jerked his hand on the wheel—Grandpa Earl telling him he was proud of him during a day on the bayou behind the old farmhouse in Louisiana; his Aunt Vic (Commander Larue to everyone else) hugging him as he left home for Hollywood; the high school seniors he'd spoken yesterday dressed as Navy Seal Ian Stone about a military career. And Maddie…his lovely Maddie.

As her face filled his vision he thought he'd successfully avoided the other craft, but then, surprised, he saw the problem. The other actor, an experienced stuntman as well, was slumped across the wheel of his boat, then the long bow slammed into the starboard hull of Beau's and pain and the grinding of metal and fiberglass was the last thing he heard.

There were noises after a time, helicopter rotors, boat engines, people shouting, someone splashing in the water nearby. He couldn't make out the words. He was floating or lying atop the waves, something keeping him afloat. Shut up, his mind screamed. What were they yelling about? Didn't they know he was ready to go? He'd known this was going to happen all his life. Just let me rest. A strong arm grabbed him from behind and pain exploded in his leg. He screamed.

A steady voice in his ear said, "Easy, I've got you. We'll have you taken care of shortly, sir." Beau opened his eyes to see a young man's face in an orange helmet and wet suit looking down at him. His fuzzy thoughts couldn't connect the man's presence with what was happening around him. He smelled smoke and something coppery and nearly gagged on the strong gas fumes that permeated the air.

A shout reached his ears, "We found the other man! He's alive, for now."

Someone else had called, "Keep an eye out—"

Beau couldn't make sense of any of it. It was just too damn hard to stay awake and he was so cold. "C-ccold," he whispered but no one came.

As he closed his eyes he heard gears grinding smoothly overhead and felt a swaying movement as several hands landed on him. Someone cursed and another booming voice made him want to put his hands over his ears, "Keep searching for that boot!" Beau winced.

Another voice. "Jesus, this is bad."

Well, hell, he'd been right.

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The first book in this series, When the Right One Comes Along is $0.99

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Author Bio

Livia Quinn is a DC native living on the bayou in Louisiana. Her characters and settings have been inspired by the lush beauty and interesting culture of the state. She’s written fifteen books based around her fictional Storm Lake, the Destiny Paramortals (paranormal) and the Calloways of Rainbow Bayou, a small-town contemporary romance series.

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