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Celebrate romance with Some Other Child by @sbuchbinder #romanticsuspense #mystery #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: Some Other Child

Author: Sharon Buchbinder

Genre: Mystery/Romantic Suspense

Book Blurb:

Between the responsibility for the care of her injured mother and straightening out her muddled finances, public health researcher Sarah Wright hasn't a minute to herself, much less time to repair a fractured romance.

After a much loved aunt goes missing, Sarah is convinced it's a kidnapping but the police refuse to investigate.

Former fiancé Dan flies to Sarah's side to help—and it looks like things might come back together for the two of them—until Sarah is arrested for her aunt's murder.

As evidence stacks up against her, Sarah must find the real culprits as well as unravel decades old family secrets along the way.


Sarah pulled into the cul-de-sac in front of her mother’s house and screeched to a halt.

“What in the world?”

Three Baltimore County police cars and an ambulance parked at crazy angles in her driveway. She rolled down her sleet-streaked window, and a grim-faced police officer greeted her. “Ma’am, this area is closed off for an investigation.”

“That house with all the emergency vehicles—it’s mine. I live here. What happened?” She spotted a familiar man standing a few feet away, chatting with another cop. “Officer Mike,” she called, “do you remember me?”

He waved at her and picked his way across the ice-coated street. Her mind raced with possibilities. That morning, as usual, her mom was asleep when she got up. Sarah had left the coffee pot on a timer and a bowl of her mother’s favorite cereal on the kitchen table. When she called to check in on her mother around ten in the morning, she seemed fine. Sarah told her she was stopping at the grocery store after work and to call if she needed anything. She’d never called. Sarah gripped the steering wheel until her knuckles turned white. Had something happened to Aunt Ida? Had a neighbor stopped by and been injured in a fall on the ice? Or had her mother—

“Dear God,” she prayed, “Please don’t let it be Mom.”

Just as Officer Mike reached the side of her car, she heard a dog bay. She’d know that howl anywhere.

She clutched the edge of the open window. “What’s going on?”

His expression grave, he pointed toward the house. “Detective Engelman wants to speak with you.”

As she got out of the car, Mike grabbed her arm to help guide her across the patches of ice up to the house. As they rounded a corner, two EMTs rushed toward them with a laden gurney.

“What happened? Mom, can you hear me?” Sarah pulled away from Mike, lunged for the gurney, and fell.

Mike pulled her up to her feet. “Ms. Wright, let them do their job.

She wrenched out of his grasp and body blocked the paramedics. “Tell me what happened to my mother.”

“She fell. She’s alive—but barely. We have to get her to the ER,” the EMT said and pushed past her.

Sarah caught sight of her mother’s silver hair spread across a tiny white pillow. A green plastic oxygen mask covered her face. Wrapped in dark blankets, the motionless form drove a knife of guilt into Sarah’s heart. If only she’d gotten home earlier. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened.

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What’s your favorite part about being a romance author?

Researching my story. I’m a research junkie!

Here’s my tip to add romance to your love life:

Make dates to go out as a couple—alone. No kids, no friends, just the two of you.

Love and Romance Book Festival Giveaway:

Enter to win a $50 Amazon (US) or Barnes and Noble Gift Card

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Enter to win a $10 Amazon (US) or Barnes and Noble Gift Card

Open internationally

Runs February 1 – 28

Drawing will be held on March 1.

Author Biography:

Sharon Buchbinder has been writing fiction since middle school and has the rejection slips to prove it. An RN, she provided health care delivery, became a researcher, association executive, and obtained a PhD in Public Health. She is the author of the Hotel LaBelle Series, the Jinni Hunter Series, and the Obsession Series. When not attempting to make students and colleagues laugh or writing, she can be found fishing, walking her dogs, herding cats, or breaking bread and laughing with family and friends in Baltimore, MD and Punta Gorda, FL.

Social Media Links:

Facebook: Sharon Buchbinder Romance Author

Twitter ID @sbuchbinder

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