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  • N. N. Light

The Perception Game by @CadenceVonn #ChristmasinJulyFete #giveaway #eroticromance #romance



Genre: Erotic Romance

Book Blurb:

Perception is a sizzling reality that enflames two hearts.

When it comes to sex, school teacher Camille Weatherby considers herself an exhibitionist. She refuses to allow anyone to control her life, and relationships are out of the question. Any affairs are one-night stands, and the only thing that matters is the pleasure she garners from the thrill of possibly being caught. But an encounter with a hot stranger at a costume party leaves her disregarding that rule.

Millionaire bad boy Garrett Gerard craves control, especially in the bedroom, and money buys what he enjoys. His indiscretions have caught up with him, and his father presents an ultimatum--straighten up or lose the chance to be president of the family business. Camille tests his willpower, and he can't resist showing her what it's like to be with a dominating lover.

When their fling is discovered, Camille and Garrett are forced to fake an engagement to save their jobs. But the more they’re thrown together, the more sparks fly.


“Here’s the street.” They looked at the tall brownstone apartment buildings. “Over there.” Camille pointed to a building. The bold numbers blazed in polished brass on the front. They looked at the buttons to push and decided on the one marked W & L G-Tate.

“Who’s there?” a tenor voice asked through the intercom.

“We’re looking for Willis Gerard,” Camille spoke when Garrett hesitated.

“Come on up,” the voice said before a buzz unlocked the front door. They rode the elevator to the fifth floor and found the correct apartment.

Camille gave Garrett an encouraging smile, and he rapped.

“Pizza’s here,” they heard a voice yell on the other side. The door opened. A man looking very much like Camille expected Garrett to look in a few years stood there, scowling at their empty hands. Then he spotted Garrett, and the two men gawked at each other.

“Merry Christmas,” Camille chirped.

“Garrett?” Shock and joy showed on Willis’s face. “God, this can’t be happening.” He bent over, bursting into tears.

“What’s going on?” a protective male voice yelled as he appeared in the foyer.

“I assume you’re Lawrence.” Camille stated, “This is Garrett Gerard, Willis’s brother.” She shrugged at the man and said, “Surprise. Sorry, no pizza.”

Willis stood, laughing and crying. He pulled Garrett into a big bear hug and slapped his brother’s back in disbelief.

“Come in—both of you.” Lawrence wrangled the man-huggers out of the way and pulled Camille inside the apartment. “Miracles sometimes happen.” He gave her a hug and helped her out of her coat. The two men untangled their arms, both wiping their eyes and gaining control of their tears.

“I gave up hope you’d come around and find me.” Willis hung their coats and ushered them into the living room. “I figured you were like Father. Homophobic.”

“I had no idea you were gay until a couple days ago. Camille found you. Jeez. Let me introduce you. This is my fiancée, Camille Weatherby. Because of a few things that happened she did a background check on me and discovered you,” Garrett said with a sheepish grin. “You left twenty years ago, and I never heard from you again.” There was no accusation in his voice, only sadness.

“Dad made it clear I wasn’t welcome in the family. You were young, and I didn’t want to burden you with my situation. Twenty years ago, things were different, not a lot of acceptance for gay men. I hoped one day you’d forgive me and seek me out.”

“I missed you.” Garrett choked on the words.

“Yeah, me too.” They stood and hugged again, as Camille and Lawrence both sniffled. He went to answer the front door and returned with two pizzas in hand. She followed Lawrence into the kitchen to give the brothers some time alone.

“The world is filled with a mix of wonderful people and assholes,” Lawrence said. “You’re an angel. Dominic is an asshole.”

“I can’t argue with that. But if he hadn’t been an asshole, this reunion might not have happened.”

“I’m anxious to hear how it all came about.” He handed her four plates and silverware. “I hope you like pizza and beer.”

“Sounds delicious.”

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What I love most about the holiday season:

Family and friends getting together. There is a sense of peace from all the hatred and divisiveness in the world; a hopeful anticipation of better things to come in the New Year.


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Open internationally

Runs July 1 – 31

Drawing will be held on August 1.

Author Biography:

Cadence has a BFA in photography and silversmithing. She is an accomplished doodler and daydreamer who discovered she enjoys writing down the stories that dance in her head. After many years in Pennsylvania, her dream came true. She now resides with her husband on an island in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She wakes every morning to a sunrise over the Puget Sound. Her other books from The Wild Rose Press: Play A Game With Me; Revving Her Heart, and a short story, Who Knew…It Takes Two! Coming soon, From Denver To Forever.

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