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A Dose of Danger by @KimMcMahill is a Shake Off Winter Doldrums Festival Pick #romanticsuspense

Title: A Dose of Danger

Author: Kim McMahill

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Book Blurb:

When researcher Grace Talbot and her team discover a possible solution for weight loss, they are targeted by a group dedicated to controlling the diet product industry worth billions. Her unsanctioned testing methods bring tragedy to the family ranch and the attention of the local sheriff’s deputy. With her colleagues either dead, missing, or on the run she soon realizes she must trust the deputy with her life, but can she trust him with her heart?


“I don’t like it one bit. I should be there for you. All I’ve ever wanted to do is protect you from all the sadness and evil in this messed up world, and give you the happiness, stability, and love you deserve.”

Grace nearly lost her composure. How could he feel guilty when this was all her fault? She swallowed hard to force down the lump in her throat.

“That’s why I love you so much. I’ve brought a horrible tragedy to your doorstep, and you’re worried about me. You should be furious.”

“You would never hurt anyone on purpose, and you can’t take responsibility for the despicable actions of others. Besides, how many times have we had this little arrangement in the past? It’s been a win, win. I didn’t complain about the large sums you billed your company for my consulting services or the top-dollar they paid for the pigs. I’ve loved sharing in your work, and these projects have brought you back home once a month. You know, folks around here think I’m pretty lucky to have such a devoted niece. I just smile when someone comments, and I say, ‘Yes, I do.’”

Grace heard the nurse enter Moss’s room and knew their time was about up. She wanted to say something to let him know how much he meant to her, but nothing was adequate. Thinking of all the preparations they had made in order to run and hide, and the potential danger, she realized this might be her last chance.

“Thank you,” Grace uttered. “I don’t tell you enough how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me and how much you mean to me. You saved my life.”

“Grace, don’t.” His voice sounded small.

“It’s true. I don’t know what would have happened to me if you hadn’t taken me in and given me a home and surrounded me with love. You’re my hero.”

“I don’t deserve such admiration. I’ve made my share of mistakes in the past, which you might find hard to forgive. Promise me you’ll take care of yourself, and you’ll give this old man a chance to make it right.”

Grace was confused by his words, but this wasn’t the time to get into something that was clearly unpleasant for Moss to deal with. It was a time to say the things they might not get another chance to say.

“Everything will be fine. Please don’t worry,” Grace pleaded, clutching the phone to her ear.

She hadn’t heard Logan enter, but she didn’t object when he pried the handset from her fingers and put his arm around her shoulders.

“Hey, Moss. How are you feeling today?”

Grace could only hear one side of the conversation, but it was enough to know Moss wasn’t the only one who cared about her fate.

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep her safe, I promise. Yes, I’ve noticed she can be a bit stubborn, but she knows when to cooperate and hasn’t given me too much trouble. No, I can’t give you any details. The less you know the better. We’ll leave as soon as the sheriff calls back with a location.

“You have what? Where? If we need it, thanks. If we don’t I never heard those words. Yes, I noticed the trailer lights aren’t working, and the clutch on your truck sticks a bit. I may be from Arizona, but I do know how to pull a horse trailer and operate a truck in four-wheel-drive. We better not tie up the line too long, but we’ll call as soon as we get to wherever we’re going. What? Yes, I’d be happy to do that for you. Take care.”

By the time Logan hung up, the tears were gone. Hearing Moss treating the big, strong deputy like a child made her smile. She missed her uncle so much it hurt. Even in a hospital bed hundreds of miles away he was still trying to take care of her.

“What would you be happy to do for Uncle Moss?”

“This,” he replied as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. His lips moved slowly over hers until he felt her arms slide up around his neck. He deepened the kiss, and her response sent fire through his body. Even without his heavy coat on, he knew he would be burning just as hot. She fit against him like they were made for each other. When he finally let her go she looked up at him with a wicked smile that made him itch to grab for her again.

As if sensing his intention, Grace took several steps back. “I’m fairly certain that wasn’t what Moss asked you to do for him.”

“Maybe he said something about giving you a hug for him, but I started tuning him out when he decided I needed driving instructions. Anyway, I didn’t want to disappoint an injured old man, so I winged it.”

Grace studied him for a moment. Maybe he won’t walk out on me, but even if he does, I might as well make the most of every moment we have together. She smiled and moved within reach.

Logan needed no further encouragement. He pulled her toward him. With one arm firmly around her waist he ran his fingers through her hair. “Yes, those curls are just as soft as the look,” he moaned as his lips descended to hers, cutting off any response.

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What’s your favorite activity to shake off the winter doldrums?

I love to travel. I have to go someplace warm at least once a winter or I get a little stir crazy.

Why is your featured book a cure for the winter blues?

A Dose of Danger takes place in the winter and mostly in Wyoming. The harsh conditions will make almost every reader feel like they live in the tropics. Also, it is the first novel in the Risky Research Series, so if you need more than one novel to cure your winter blues there are two more novels (A Taste of Tragedy and A Foundation of Fear) plus a free prequel novelette (A Formidable Foe) available to read.


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Runs March 1 – 31

Drawing will be held on April 1.

Author Biography:

Kim McMahill grew up in Wyoming, which is where she developed her sense of adventure and love of the outdoors. She started out writing non-fiction, but her passion for exotic world travel, outrageous adventures, stories of survival against the odds, and happily-ever-after endings soon drew her into a world of romantic suspense. Along with writing adventure novels Kim has also published over eighty travel and geographic articles and contributed to a travel anthology. When not writing, Kim enjoys gardening, traveling, and spending time with family.

Social Media Links:

Twitter: or @kimmcmahill

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