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A Rockstar Christmas Wedding by @carlakrae is an Indie Authors pick #romance #indie #giveaway

Title: A Rockstar Christmas Wedding (West Coast Soulmates #4)

Author: Carla Krae

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Book Blurb:

Dylan and Jen started their romance on Christmas Eve in The Bassist.

A year later, are they ready to seal the deal? Or is this rockstar moving too fast?

This story is intended for readers 18 and over due to adult language, sexual content, and adult situations.

Picks up where The Keyboardist ended.


We escaped to the limo to wait for the guys to come out.

“Jen, why didn’t you tell us?” Beth asked. She was Jake’s wife, the lead singer.

My hand went to my still-bumpless belly. “It’s still early. He wasn’t supposed to spill the beans.” Oh my God, he told the world before I could tell Mom.

“How far along are you?” Hannah asked. She married Mike the keyboard player in October. As the next-newest member of this group, I’d taken her under my wing.

“Three months.”

My gal pals then nodded sympathetically. Every woman knew the four-month rule. It was courting bad luck to announce a pregnancy until the risk of miscarriage decreased. Of course, plenty of couples announced as soon as they knew and had a baby without a hitch.

But a lot of women also lost babies they never talked about.

I sighed. “He’s excited.” They chuckled. “I just wish he hadn’t told the whole world.”

The limo door opened and my fiancé’s head appeared. “How mad at me are you?”

“Ask me when we see how viral this goes.”

He crawled in on his knees and took my hands. “Sorry. Adrenaline of performing…”

“Endorphins made you stupid. I get it.” I stroked through his shorter curls. “You owe me a big favor, dude.” Looking into his sweet, pretty blue eyes, I could never be mad long.

So far.

“At least your news wasn’t the only announcement tonight,” Celeste said, Bob’s new fiancée. It was still amazing she’d gotten the player guitarist to commit.

Beth’s head swung to her bestie. “Yeah, what the hell? Twenty-four hours go by and I hear it from Bob?

“Congratulations, Celeste. We’re really happy for you guys,” Dylan said, moving to sit next to me. His fingers stayed entwined with my hand.

The door opened again, with the voices of three more men. Jake came in and kissed Beth. Mike sat with Hannah, then Bob folded his long frame to get next to Celeste.

“Let’s get this party rolling!” he said loudly. The limo obliged.

“Wait, shouldn’t we wait for Lincoln?” Beth asked.

“He had other plans,” Bob said.

The new drummer hadn’t been fully integrated into the band, yet. Hard to come into an established group. Couldn’t blame the guy for taking it slow.

Celeste pinched his side. He yelped. “That’s for making me front-page news without warning.”

He grinned, unrepentant. “Dylan started it.”

“You’re gonna love fatherhood, mate,” Jake said. “When’s it due?”

“June-ish,” I said.

“Good timing,” Beth said. “My early months were during summer and it did not help the morning sickness.”

“How have you been feeling?” Hannah asked me.

“Okay so far. I get sleepy, but—”

“You guys got engaged last month,” Bob blurted out. “Dude…”

“It’s their business,” Mike said. Dylan gave him a nod of thanks.

“I’ll get it out there—he asked before I told him I was pregnant, okay?”

We’d just left this part out of the proposal story.

Being thirty-one, I waited until my second missed period to tell Dylan. I’d been on the Pill for years, so I didn’t think baby after the first one. But then I was late a couple days before he proposed, so when he asked me to be his forever, it was the right moment to spring my news. Thank God he was delighted. And…so was I.

I looked at him and he smiled with his whole face displaying his love for me. Yeah, no regrets. I was where I was meant to be.

“So when’s the wedding?” Celeste asked.


“I think—”

I slapped my hand over Dylan’s mouth. “That’s too soon.”

“What’s too soon?” Beth asked.

He yanked my hand down. “Christmas.”

My girlfriends went awww.

“We can’t organize a wedding in two weeks,” I told him. Again.

“Sure we can,” Jake said. “We’re rich rock stars.”

“If the guest list is small, it can happen anywhere,” Beth said. Our resident planner/hostess.

I groaned, then scowled at my fiancé. “This is why I told you not to spill the beans yet.”

“Oops.” But his dimples were showing.

I slapped his chest. “You did this on purpose!” That scheming, gorgeous…argh. “You’re using our unborn child as leverage!”

“Jen, think about it. Isn’t Christmas the perfect day?”

“What’s wrong with a year from now?”

But even as I said it, I knew that’d never happen.

Especially now.

He nuzzled my hair, murmuring in my ear, “Don’t you want to be Mrs. Smith?”

“Dylan, we haven’t even talked about where we’re going to live, yet.”

I still lived in Big Bear. Though he had his parents’ cabin on the mountain, too, he lived near his bandmates in L.A. They recorded in the basement of Jake’s mansion.

“You can’t have a two-hour commute every time the band needs you,” Bob said.

“Easy for you to say. Celeste already lives in your Malibu beach house.” Hannah sticking up for me.

Our friends started debating all at once and I felt a headache coming on. I rubbed the center of my forehead. A loud whistle brought sudden silence.

“Hey! Jen and I don’t need a committee to figure out our marriage. Topic tabled.”

They blinked at Dylan. He rarely raised his voice for anything.

And I’d never heard him bark at his friends.

Thankfully, the limo pulled through the gate to Jake and Beth’s compound at that moment.

“Our turn,” Dylan said, lightly tugging my hand. To exit the limo.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Why is your featured book a must-read?

This is the sequel to my other featured book, The Bassist. Jen and Dylan are in a pressure cooker with organizing a wedding for Christmas Day after only getting engaged in November, but every time they face a problem, they come through it better. They never quit fighting for each other. Bonus: lots of holiday feels, hot sex, and awesome friends making this couple’s dream come true.

Enter to win an e-book bundle of all 31 books featured in the Indie Authors Bookish Event:

Open Internationally. Runs December 8 – December 13, 2020. Winner will be drawn on December 16, 2020.

Author Biography:

Romance writer. Weaver. Retired singer. Debuting in 2011, Carla Krae lives in California with a house full of crazy cats and a tech guy.

Social Media Links:

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