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A Tale of Two Wishes by J. M. Davies is a New Year, New Books Fete pick #holidayromance #giveaway

Title: A Tale of Two Wishes

Author: J. M. Davies

Genre: Christmas romance

Book Blurb:

One ancient well.

Two wishes. Christmas is looming, and rumors circulate that the reclusive owner of Dicken’s Chronicle is terminating the paper, leaving editor-in-chief Madeline St. Vincent reeling. Desperate to save the vital community business from closure, she’s willing to do almost anything, even jokingly tossing a few coins in the local wishing well. Madeline is known as “Mad” by her colleagues because work comes before anything else. Being alone, except for her playful Pomeranian, Charlie, she dislikes the holiday season, and when her ex-fiancé arrives back in town, he reminds her why. Billionaire Ben Walker, son of the owner of Dicken’s Chronicle, wants to sell the newspaper because he believes it’s a source of stress for his old man. In his opinion, there’s no sound business reason to save the silly gossip pages. His ailing father, however, demands Ben spend time at the tabloid before any final decision is made. Left with no choice, Ben agrees but working alongside his gorgeous but tough-as-nails ex, Madeline, is not easy, especially when it’s clear, she still blames him for the break-up, which isn’t true. It will take more than an impromptu kiss under the mistletoe to heal the rift of the past. When the full story emerges surrounding their split, will Ben have a change of heart concerning the fate of the Dicken’s Chronicle? The holiday season is in full swing in the quaint New England town of Dickens. We have all sorts of fun holiday activities to share such as a Christmas tree lighting in the town square, ice skating on Grosvenor’s Pond, sleigh rides, cutting down your own Christmas tree at Gridley Meadows, caroling on the Common. You can learn to fry latkes at Etz Chaim, or find your perfect dreidel, and anything else you might need for the holiday, at Trim-A-Tree. You name it—Dickens has it all! Join us as our best selling and award-winning authors fill your holiday stocking with new novels ranging from sweet to sassy.


A curtain of sleek blonde hair hid the woman’s face from view, but something about the way she had lowered her head and shook it as if she didn’t relish the attention being showered on her hit him in the chest. Right away, his body stiffened in recognition.


If he slid out through the entrance to his left, Maddy wouldn’t even know he had been in the bar, but he might as well bite the bullet and hope for the best. At least here, in a public setting, his ex-fiancée wouldn’t throttle him—he hoped. The fact he was here at all was because his father had insisted Ben come home this year for the holidays and spend the month of December at the Dickens Chronicle with the said woman herself. The reason he’d given for this strange request was to assess the financial situation at the paper, but he’d wondered whether there was more to it than that. Ben wouldn’t refuse his father, no matter how awkward the situation might be for him. He loved the old man, and he could manage the fallout with Maddy. They were both grownups. However, he was skeptical about solving a problem that had been stewing for a while at the news outlet. It made more sense to sell the business, including the building, but his father had always been sentimental about the tabloid and reluctant to face facts until recently.

Ben was far enough away he couldn’t hear the exact words the young man with glasses said. The camaraderie and round of cheers from the group made it obvious to anyone they were celebrating, and it centered around Maddy. Inspecting the faces of the men and women, he recognized one of the older women with striking blue hair from the newspaper and guessed the others worked there as well. Were they celebrating their Christmas bonus? He frowned. If that were the case, it demonstrated how clueless the employees were about the precarious situation of the Dickens Chronicle. One of the bar staff brought over a tray of drinks to their table. Ben massaged his neck, appraising the scene and debating his move, unsure about intruding. Returning to face the front, he took another long pull on his beer. When the male waitstaff who had served Maddy and her friends returned behind the bar, he signaled the man over.

Ten minutes later, another round of drinks arrived at Maddy’s table. This was Ben’s cue to wander over and talk to the woman he’d planned to spend the rest of his life with. Approaching the table, the man from earlier slanted his head to the side and checked him out from head to foot. Ben stared back at him for a second and then edged toward Maddy. The young woman with auburn hair who faced him across the table smiled at him while fiddling with a long strand of her hair. Maddy held the attention of the group as she launched into a conversation, and as he didn’t want to interrupt, waited by the side patiently.

Several trays of sizzling food passed by, carried by waitstaff. The smell of onions and steak made his mouth water.

“To the unknown patron of our drinks, and to Tia for convincing me to join you all after my walk…” Maddy rose out of her seat and leaned over the round table as the others knocked her glass.

Ben regarded himself as a calm man, most of the time. One who released his pent-up frustrations exerting himself in the gym. Standing there with his hands held out in front, tension climbed into his shoulders and neck. He cracked his neck from side to side, bracing himself for the full impact of Madeline St. Vincent. Her straight blonde hair swung in his direction as she twisted to face him and her warm chocolate-brown eyes, the color of the hot dark-chocolate she liked so much, widened in recognition as they met his. Whoa. It had been a long time since he had felt the familiar electrical buzz surge through his veins just at the breathtaking sight of her. When she snapped open her mouth to speak, he watched as the overhead light reflected in her eyes, making them sparkle like a live wire.

Instead of hurling words, Maddy scowled and reacted impulsively, as she always did—at least, around him.

Jerking her arm forward, Maddy threw the liquor from her glass at him. She managed to hit him square in the face, the amber liquid dripping down his cheeks and across his clean white shirt. There were gasps and a few giggles from the table and around him.

Mercifully, it had only been a shot of bourbon, and as he licked his lips with his tongue, a good one at that. The lady on his left side, from another table, took pity and handed him a folded napkin, which he used to wipe his face and press on his stained shirt as he glanced around at the onlookers. Perhaps he should have forewarned her before a face-to-face. When she spun on her high heels, almost face-planting, Ben snagged her arm, helping Maddy regain her balance, but also preventing her escape.

“Oh, no you don’t. You’re not running away this time, and those shoes are ridiculous. You can barely walk in them.”

Three years ago, he didn’t stop Maddy, and she had run away as fast as she could, but not again. His comment had the desired effect, and she halted, her stiff shoulders raised high, and her flat as a board back faced him. She twisted around, and her neatly shaped eyebrows fused together, speaking volumes.

“They’re Jimmy Choos, and I can walk fine,” she said in a dismissive tone.

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It’s a brand-new year, full of possibilities. Did you make any resolutions/goals for 2023? If so, please share one.

I make goals rather than resolutions, and one of them is to make time to meditate daily even if it’s only for ten minutes. I think it’s important to switch off and listen to the universe to recharge and boost your energy however I always make excuses that I don’t have time.

Why is your featured book a must-read in 2023?

A Tale of Two Wishes is a must-read because it’s a sweet second chance story set in the quaint but colorful town of Dickens. Can two wishes reveal the truth and rebuild what lies destroyed.

Giveaway –

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon US or Canada gift card

Open internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon CA account to win.

Runs January 1 – 31, 2023.

Drawing will be held on February 1, 2023.

Author Biography:

Author J. M. Davies, Jen, believes everyone deserves a happy ever after, and while life may not deliver, she hopes her books do. Driven by her desire for interesting stories and tormented people, she writes paranormal and contemporary romance as well as women's fiction. The heat level may change as the stories and characters dictate, but the desire to leave you satisfied is the same throughout. Originally born in Wales, UK, she now lives in a small town in New England. Jen has found her own soulmate in her husband, Paul, who is her sounding board for many a plot, and his comedic humor, always lifts her up. He's also very good when it comes to bouncing ideas around and has sparked brilliant light-bulb moments resolving tedious plot holes. Together they have four boys, one lovely daughter-in-law, and a grandson Zaiyan. A few places you can learn more about J. M. Davies. Cheerleaders group Website

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