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  • N. N. Light

Aimee’s Locket by @PLParker is a Western Romance Event pick #westernromance #timetravel #giveaway

Title: Aimee’s Locket

Author: P.L. Parker

Genre: Time Travel Romance/WesternRomance

Book Blurb:

An antique ivory locket catapults Aimee Reynolds back to the year 1847. Alone in St. Louis, Missouri, she has to find a way to get home to present day Seattle. She needs a suitable male willing to marry her or be left behind when the emigrant train departs for the Oregon Territory.

Jake Marshall, scout for the Markham Party, is the perfect, if unwilling choice. Undaunted by his overt rudeness, Aimee entices Jake to the alter, promising her diamond earrings as payment for a marriage of convenience. Properly wed, she secures passage on the wagon train, and discovers her future may be in the past.


Aimee flew through the air, hitting the ground with a solid thump. Groaning in pain, she opened her eyes, and then rolled away in panic as a team of horses almost ran her over. The driver cursed, snapping the reins as the wagon careened around her. The ignorant ass was a maniac!

“If you roll one more time,” an amused voice drawled, “your face’ll end up in that pile of horseshit.”

Her head tilted to the side. Sure enough, one more roll and she would have landed in a stinking pile of horse poop. Scrambling to her feet, she looked down. Her favorite outfit was covered in black mud. Filth caked her arms and legs, and she could only guess what her face looked like. Rubbing her hands down, she tried to dislodge some of the disgusting sludge, but it stuck like glue.

“If I were you, the next time one of my customers threw me out into the street, I’d make sure I was wearing more than just my petticoat.” The amused voice commented again.

“Excuse me?” Turning, she caught sight of the voice’s owner.

Kicked-back in a wooden rocker, his feet propped on a railing, the man regarded her from eyes the startling shade of Brazilian aquamarine, rimmed by black lashes so long and thick, she groaned with envy. Tanned by years of exposure to the sun, laugh lines accentuated his firm sensuous lips, while several days' growth of beard shadowed his chiseled jaw. A low-brimmed cowboy hat, tilted back, covered longish jet-black hair.

Jake Marshall leaned back in his chair, studiously admiring the little tart. She was a tempting little piece! He scratched his chin. What he couldn't figure out is where she came from. Seems like she just appeared, rolling in the mud and cussing a blue streak. No matter. He was enjoying the show. His eyes dropped, perusing her from the tips of feet to the top of her thick mop of curling red-gold hair. Wide eyes the color of old amber flashed sparks, and even the frown she now wore couldn't disguise the perfection of her full lush lips. Slimmer than he generally liked, the muddied petticoat hid few of her charms – and he'd bet his bottom dollar she had nothing on under the thin chemise. Whores like her didn't usually get this far west. He'd seen some nice ones in the east and even a few in New Orleans, but never here.

He flashed her a wide smile, full of the Marshall charm. “If you’re finished with your last customer, I might be interested.”

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):


The Wild Rose Press:



Barnes and Noble:

What makes your featured book a must-read?

Aimee is a modern girl thrown back in time when she purchases an antique locket. She ends up in 1847 St. Louis at the start of the Oregon Trail. She desperately wants to get home – home to modern day Seattle and her only hope is to join the wagon train heading that direction. Single women aren’t allowed so her only hope is to find someone to marry…and quickly. Enter Jake, the wagon scout. Tough, capable and willing to take her offer of a marriage of convenience, Aimee’s place on the wagon train is assured. Romance, cowboys, Indians, wagon trains and bad guys, Aimee’s Locket has it all.

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $40 Amazon US or Amazon Canada gift card

Open Internationally. You must have an active Amazon US or CA account to win.

Runs April 19 – April 28, 2022.

Winner will be drawn on April 29, 2022.

Author Biography:

I write stories with alpha males and strong, determined women. I am a dreamer, an avid reader of fiction, a sometimes gardener and an inept crafter. I live in Idaho. I have three sons, two daughters-in-law, a granddaughter and little grandson. Over the years, I taught and performed dance but as time passed, I decided to try my hand at a new endeavor - writing. I enjoy life and all its promises.

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