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Arid Sea by Norm Harris is a Mystery/Suspense pick #legalthriller #thriller #mystery #giveaway

N. N. Light


Arid Sea


Norm Harris


Mystery, Legal and Military Thriller, Suspense, White Collar Crime, Native American

Book Blurb:

Help me! I am a girl lost and alone. I do not know who I am or where I am. Please find me.

When the woman awoke, she did not know much. She knew her head hurt, and her body ached. She knew there was blood streaking the side of her face, obscuring her vision. She knew the sun was beating down on her, hot and ruthless. But she did not know how she had gotten here, in this sandy, desert hell. She did not know where her injuries had come from. Most importantly, she did not know who she was.

She would not condemn Jon for what he had done in his past and what he had become. After all, who was she to express disapproval? Although his body had never been found, she believed her alias Faye King had killed him. Was she no better than Jon? Like Jon, her participation in the grim and dangerous op had served as her attempt to set her heart and soul straight with her country, her maker, and herself.

She had not fully recovered from her assault. While the headaches seemed less intense and less frequent, she claimed her heart was still heavy. She forgot things from time to time. She was forever losing track of the day or the year. She seemed to have forgotten much, but she had not forgotten the man who had not only saved her life but had also stolen her heart. Yet, now and again, she would catch a glimpse of the tall, dark gentlemen for a split second. He would smile and vanish. She took comfort in knowing she and he would cross paths again one day.


In five minutes, her sister would be gator chow. She looked back to the spot where she had last seen Pearce. With the gator hot on her heels, her sister was swimming for all she was worth. Pearce was a good swimmer.

As Fay watched her sister make a valiant attempt to stay ahead of the gator, she recalled an observation Charles Darwin, the evolutionist, had once made: “He who hesitates is… lunch.”

Fay grabbed the remaining speargun and prepared to swim to her sister’s aid. She spotted a shark just as she was about to leap from the boat. A giant bull shark hovered about three feet back and about five feet below the boat’s stern. Pearce was heading directly away from the gator’s jaws into those of the waiting bull shark.

Were these two creatures working this area together? The gator herded Pearce toward Jaws Junior, and fish and reptile would split the profits? Out of the frying pan and into the fire, as they said – or in this case, out of the fire and into the inferno.

Fay needed to think fast. She pointed the speargun at the shark. After shoving the gun into the water, she fired. She must have hit the fish as the speargun ripped from her hands and disappeared into the water. This was not a good move on her part. Now there was an angry alligator, a wounded bull shark, and a blood trail in the water.

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What makes your featured book a must-read?

True to the old-day James Bond or modern-day Jason Bourne or even Mission Impossible tales, Arid Sea and the entire Spider Green series will take you on an intriguing journey and engage you from word one; not letting you go until...?

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $45 Amazon US or Amazon Canada gift card

Open Internationally. You must have an active Amazon US or CA account to win.

Runs August 9 – August 18, 2022.

Winner will be drawn on August 19, 2022.

Author Biography:

Norm Harris’ first novel debuted on an Amazon bestseller list in 2002. It was a one-and-done, but now he’s back with a plan to publish the Spider Green Mystery Thriller Series from the first mystery/thriller of days gone by.

Except for time spent in military service, he is a second-generation Seattleite (that’s what they call those who dwell in the shadow of Mt. Rainier), with his legal beagle son, K-K, and five giant tropical fish. Norm’s stories spring from his memories of people he has met and the places he has visited as he traveled the world. Diversity, inclusion, and equality are foremost in each story.

“Fay is an admirable, tough, brilliant protagonist.” said one reviewer. Said another, “Lt Commander Faydra Green from the JAG Corps is a “take no prisoners” protagonist...”

Watch for his four upcoming first quarter 2022 novels, Fruit of the Poisonous Tree, Arid Sea, Deception Pass, and The Girl Who Knew Death, in what he hopes to be an award-winning mystery thriller series. And in late 2022, his fifth book in the series, Rain and Wind and Fire.

Thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed the stories, please consider leaving a review!

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