Title: Bound & Teased
Author: Marie Tuhart
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Book Blurb:
Eight years ago, a naive Katie Crane ran from Ry and Jed, warned their brand of love would ruin her life. Now she's all grown up and returning home with a better understanding of the BDSM lifestyle. After the betrayal she's faced at her father's hands, she worries she won't be strong enough to submit to the men she gave her heart and virginity to at eighteen.
Jed Malloy and Ry McCade are surprised and thrilled by Katie's return to Felton's Creek. They'd been heartbroken after her departure and had turned to each other, embracing the BDSM lifestyle without her. Katie's homecoming sparks hope and worry. Ry isn’t sure he can keep his dominant side under control, and Jed fears Katie will see him as less of a man by being a switch and Ry’s submissive.
Having Katie back could mean the beginning of everything they've ever wanted or the end to the only family they've ever known.
Eight long years, and Katie had looked almost the same. She’d cut her long, deep brown hair to her jaw line, and he had to admit it looked good on her. Her green eyes had been filled with confusion when he’d pulled her over, but later in their conversation he noticed other things.
A confidence that hadn’t been there before. Also how her breathing had deepened. The way her shirt clung to her ample breasts. Determination had flowed from the softness of her voice.
“Hey, Ry, you’ll never guess who called me today.” Jed strode out of the barn.
“Who?” He watched Jed amble over. Ry rested his foot on the lower rung of the fencing.
“Miss Mazie.”
“Katie’s gran? Is she okay?” It didn’t matter that Katie had left him and Jed all those years ago, Miss Mazie was still part of their extended family.
“Miss Mazie, yes. But Katie’s coming home.” Jed avoided eye contact.
“I know.” Ry placed his hand on Jed’s forearm, feeling the muscles tighten.
“How the hell did you find out?” Jed’s blue eyes widened.
The astonishment in Jed’s voice made Ry laugh. “I pulled Katie over ten miles outside of town.”
Jed frowned. “Katie was speeding?”
“Let’s walk.” Ry didn’t want to discuss this where Jed’s workers could overhear. They fell into step and strolled away from the barn, out toward the open pasture. “What did Miss Mazie say?”
“Just that Katie had called her, and she’d be home today.” Jed pushed his hat back and rubbed his forehead. “Miss Mazie always liked us.”
“Yeah.” Ry stared out at the land without really seeing it. Katie was back, and his mind raced with the possibilities along with all the disasters. Was she back to stay and ready to accept their lifestyle? Or was this just a visit? Perhaps she was involved with someone, or she couldn’t accept them as they were.
“How did she look?” Jed asked, his tone eager.
“Beautiful.” Ry closed his eyes and pictured her again. “She cut her hair but it suits her, and she’s filled out. She’s a woman now, not a teenager on the cusp of womanhood.”
“What did she say to you?”
Ry opened his eyes and laughed. “She didn’t recognize me.”
Jed chuckled. “That is surprising.” He sauntered over to the big oak tree and leaned against it. “What are we going to do?”
“I don’t know.” Katie had run right after her eighteenth birthday, the night after he and Jed had made love to her and explained what they wanted from Katie. They both wanted a relationship with her. A true committed ménage relationship, along with some bondage and discipline.
“Miss Mazie invited us to a welcome home party for Katie tomorrow.”
Ry’s fingers clenched. Could he get involved with Katie again? Hell, who was he kidding? The woman still had him tied up in knots, and he didn’t mind it at all. “I won’t hide who I am from her, Jed.”
“I’m not asking you to.” Jed placed a hand on Ry’s shoulder, squeezing gently. “Maybe keep your über dominate side toned down a bit. You do tend to get a little overbearing.”
“She ran, Jed. I’m not sure I can handle her running again.”
“I understand. Katie leaving eight years ago hurt us both. But we did kind of spring the type of relationship we wanted on her.”
“What was I supposed to do?” Ry stepped away from Jed and kicked at the tree roots. “I’m a Dominant.”
“And Katie is a submissive, and I’m a switch. She needs to understand our relationship, and how she fits into it.” Jed threw his hands in the air.
Ry stared at his friend. “What happens if I lose control, and what if I hurt her?” Ry didn’t like the doubt in his voice, but Jed was his best friend, his lover, and his submissive.
“You lost control once, Ry. Once. And even then you didn’t injure anyone but yourself. You would never hurt Katie, just like you would never hurt me.” Jed took Ry’s hand and placed it on his chest. “I’m more worried if Katie will accept the relationship between us.”
“Sh*t.” Not only did they have the past to deal with, but also the present and future. In all his dreams he never thought it would be this hard or this frightening. “We have to show her it’s all about love and desire.”
“Not only for each other, but for her as well.” Jed stepped closer to Ry. “She didn’t mind us each making love to her that night, and she’s always been receptive to a ménage with us. We were the ones who waited until she was eighteen.”
“Legal age.” Ry’s free hand crept around Jed’s neck. “I don’t think I can let her go this time.”
“Let’s hope we don’t have to.”
“We need a plan for tomorrow. I can already feel my dominant side screaming to get out and go get our woman.” He tugged Jed closer. The scent of leather and horse helped to calm Ry’s nerves. “Plan tonight,” Ry whispered before capturing Jed’s lips with his.
Katie was home, and Jed in his arms. He would make this work. For Jed’s sake, for his sake, and for Katie’s.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/bound-teased-marie-tuhart/1122461300?ean=2940150885134
Universal link: https://books2read.com/BoundAndTeased

If money were no object and we weren’t in a pandemic, where would you go for a Spring Break vacation and why?
I would go back to the UK. I love London, but want to explore more of Scotland. The countryside in Scotland is so beautiful, and the people are kind and always great you with a smile. So much history in the UK and I’d love to learn more about my ancestors.
Why is your featured book a must-read this spring?
Who doesn’t love a story where you have two hero’s who will do anything to have the woman they’ve loved forever. They’ll take on her hurts, fears and help her enjoy life to the fullest with them in it.
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Author Biography:
Marie Tuhart lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her two dogs, Tommy and Trina.. Marie loves to read and write, when she’s not writing, she spends time with family, traveling and enjoying life.
Marie is a multi-published author with The Wild Rose Press, Trifecta Publishing and does some self-publishing. To be alerted on new releases on Amazon or Book Bub. Also you can join Marie’s newsletter where she gives her group advance information on her books, runs contests and does giveaways just for newsletter readers. Marie can also be found on Goodreads, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.
Social Media Links:
Website: www.marietuhart.com
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/marietuhart
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