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5+ stars for Christmas Deadline by NYT Bestseller @PamBinder183 #romance #holidayromance #bookreview

Title: Christmas Deadline

Author: Pam Binder

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Holiday Romance

Book Blurb:

If Holly Lane Can’t finish her romance novel by Christmas, she must return the advance she spent to pay off her parents’ mortgage. Reluctantly she agrees to collaborate with English mystery author Noel Atterberry to finish the book.

Working together in Noel’s English manor, they feel the same heat of attraction as their fictional hero and heroine. But for Noel romance means heartbreak. With Holly, and in the novel they are co-writing together, he rejects a happy ending and demands their characters die in a fiery car crash. Will Holly and Noel manage to write a happily-ever-after for their fictional couple—and themselves – by their Christmas deadline?

Check out the fun book trailer:

My Review:

Romance novelist Holly Lane is in a pickle. Her publisher has teamed her with British mystery author Noel Atterberry. They’ve worked hard on it remotely thus far but are struggling to come up with an ending. She wants a romantic one and he disagrees. If she can’t finish this book and send it off to their editor by the deadline, she’ll need to return the advance money. She can’t afford to do that as she’s just discovered her parents’ financial issues. She and Noel agree to have her come to his English manor so they can work together. When they meet at the airport, sparks fly. He’s everything she longs for when she’s writing a hero but this is reality, not a romance novel. As they explore their attraction, the writing seems to flow. Can they come together to write a happy ending for themselves as well as their fictional couple before the Christmas Deadline?

Christmas Deadline is an original feel-good romance I loved from start to finish. The concept of two authors falling in love while writing together in a drafty British manor appeals to me on so many levels. The hero/heroine are bestselling authors who are strong in their fields but need a push to make their writing even better. In the beginning, it seems like they are opposites but as they get to know one another, they discover they are more alike. The romance between Holly and Noel is a bumpy road but I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. I kept rooting for them to get together. I found myself reading late into the night and when I finished, I hugged myself. Such a sweet ending. If you’re looking for a fun contemporary romance taking place during December, pick up Christmas Deadline. This is a yearly read for me now during the holidays. Highly recommend!

My Rating: 5+ stars

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Author Biography:

Pam Binder is a USA Today and New York Times bestselling author who loves travel and watching movies on the Hallmark channel. She is a conference speaker, and president of the Pacific Northwest Writers Association, a non-profit writer’s organization dedicated to helping authors achieve their goals of a publishing career. Pam writes historical fiction, contemporary fiction, time travel, middle grade, and fantasy.

Social Media Links:

Twitter: PamBinder183

Facebook: pam.binder.5

Pinterest: pbinder183

Reviewed by: Mrs. N

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