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New Release | Cowboy August by Bestseller @RLCarver #westernromance #cowboyromance #bookboost

Title Cowboy August (Book 6, Cooper’s Hawke Landing Series)

Author Rhonda Lee Carver

Genre Contemporary Western Romance

Book Blurb

Over her dead body would she allow her grandmother to give the family farm to a cocky cowboy. So, Tobi Saint dropped everything and headed to Cooper’s Hawk, a place she swore she wouldn’t step foot in again, but the vague call she received concerned her. August West had lived a lot of places in his lifetime, but none had felt more like home than Cooper’s Hawk. He was back and liked working on River Saint Farm. The owner, Isobella, had taken him under her wing and treated him like her own. As her health started to decline, she asked for his help in convincing Tobi to take over the farm. He wanted no part of the scheme. His memory of Tobi involved a kiss behind the barn a second before she punched him in the nose. Yet, how could he deny helping Isobella? The old chemistry remained between August and Tobi. Things start to heat up and a fiery kiss between old friends leads to a moment that changes everything. He found himself unraveling. For the first time he saw a chance at a future. A chance at love. But there was more to Tobi than met the eye. She’d been hurt by everyone she loved and to find his way into her heart he’d have to shovel through a brick wall. The deeper he dug the harder it became, but love was worth fighting for…


Awareness traveled through her, and an appreciation that both unsettled and delighted her. He had a muscled upper body, not gym rat muscular, but lean and toned with dips and valleys—like a map to explore. A stretch of a jagged white scar was the only thing that marred his smooth, tanned chest. His clean-cut crew was more silver than black that matched the groomed whiskers on his strong jaw. His Romanesque nose seemed fitting for his handsome, masculine features. The smile was nice, but what got her though were his eyes. Bright blue with twinkling irises that regarded her with humor.

Yeah, this was definitely August. Although years, and braces and large Adam’s apple, had passed since she saw him, the eyes…the piercing intense gaze… belonged only to August. They were as unique as a thumbprint.

Instead of lowering the gun, she lifted it back up.

“So…are you going to shoot me?” One corner of his mouth lifted mockingly.

“I have a mind to.”

“Feel free to lower the shotgun and let’s talk this out civilly. Maybe even take a stroll down memory lane to those days when you were a pig-tailed, freckled-faced girl, and could climb a tree faster than any boy.” His grin deepened. “You proved it a dozen times. I’m curious who you’re challenging to races these days. Is that a dragonfly tattoo on your wrist? Damn, you remember how we used to promise we’d get matching ones?” He didn’t seem a bit off-kilter that she still currently held him at gunpoint. He raised his left arm higher and twisted a couple of inches. “I got mine when I turned seventeen.”

Seeing the similar tattoo on his side that was on her wrist weakened her knees. She felt a heat in the center of her bones that shouldn’t but angered her. “Just hold still,” the words came out in a whisper.

“Girl, you know it’s me so how long are we going to do this? It’s getting late.” He took a deep breath.

“As long as I see fit.”

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Author Biography

Rhonda Lee Carver is a bestselling author of contemporary western and romantic suspense, but she loves to write other genres too. She’s known for writing stories that keep readers laughing, crying, gripping the edge of their seats, and screaming all in one riding a virtual roller coaster. Whether she's creating sexy cowboys or tough guys, or sassy, independent heroines, readers are sure to find strong, powerful, memorable characters that are relatable.

By day, she taps into her creative, fictional world but at some point she transitions back into reality where she's a volleyball-stands cheerleader, homework virtuoso (at least she thinks so), amateur nurse to skinned knees, mediocre chef with some awesome microwave skills, pet-guru (all the strays show up at her house), and a Jackie of all trades for her kids who are the loves of her life. Yoga and chocolate keep her sane. Hallmark movies require cuddling up with tissues because she can be emotional. She adds a sprinkle of her own real-life adventures in each story she spins because a little truth never hurt anyone. She wouldn’t give up one thing in her crazy, chaotic, ever-amusing life, except, she might do magic tricks for the bungalow on the beach she's had her eye on (GOALS).

Writing for Rhonda is like falling in love and finding a new best friend over and over again. Her characters will find a place inside your heart too.

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