Title Days of Fury
Author Andrew Masseurs
Genre Apocalyptic, Dystopian, Suspense Thriller
Book Blurb
They called it, The Vanishing. When the world's population mysteriously disappeared. Where new predatory species stalk the earth. Where every turn could lead to certain death. In book three of the A Day in the Life award winning series we will find out what happened to Teresa, Michael and Pup on that fateful night of terrors. When Shelby and Lucy found themselves separated from their family. In a world that sees humanity as a virus that must be eradicated. The worst enemy could be yourself or the person standing next to you.
How did Teresa come to hold the fatal dagger's handle? Who is the villainous Tony? How did Steven become a prisoner? What new secrets is the Earth unveiling?
All will be revealed and more, in this must-read thrilling sequel, Days of Fury.
Teresa was sprinting down the alleyway. Her heart was beating frantically. Her head whips from left to right, searching behind her for any sign of the monsters that may have followed her. She darted to the right, behind a house that had an angled broken fence. Turned left down a pathway between two large houses. The alley was dark and terrifying. She could hear her own breathing. Nothing else. Just the sound of herself panting. She felt fit. She couldn’t explain why. Maybe it was the night air and the adrenaline powering through her body. But she felt fast. She heard a noise in the far, far distance. A scream and a shout, Michael? she wondered.
He had told her to run. To leave the area. She knew she couldn’t help him. She knew if she had stayed, it would only give him something else to worry about. He already had Lucy who lay unconscious on his shoulders. He also had Pup, the small flying dog, breathing flames at the large beast and Shelby. Well, Shelby could probably take care of herself. She nodded her head as she jumped a fence and sprinted like a track athlete down the road.
Suddenly, she felt something grasp both sides of her traps. She felt instant pain as a steel-like grip closed on her soft flesh. She was about to scream when she was lifted at an alarming rate into the sky. She was already a hundred metres above ground level and rising with each second. It felt like a ride at a theme park. A tower of doom that pulls you into the sky in two seconds. Her stomach was gone. She tried to scream, but there was no air in her lungs. She felt claws close again as she tried to shake herself loose. She rose another kilometre, her eyes wider than they had ever been. She stopped moving. There was no way she wanted to be let loose now. She would be dead on impact.
She felt the wind pressing at her face. Her eyes were watering as tears fell from her eyes onto her cheeks. She was blinking, trying to keep her vision clear. She rose again. Higher still. She screamed in panic. She had never been this high before except on a plane. She was at least three thousand metres in the sky, maybe more. She was struggling to breathe. They were moving so quickly. She felt the claws pull at her as a gust of wind threatened to loosen her from her hunter. Who is my hunter?
She looked up. She saw legs that were muscled and feathered. A belly that was also feathered. Two large wings that were at least five metres in length moved powerfully up and down like two massive pistons. The strength on display was out of this world. She was still rising. A loud screech came from the flying monster’s mouth. It looked down at her and she saw teeth. Razor sharp blades and eyes that were deep black. Black and silver. It shrieked again as it steadied now and started to glide. She breathed easier now, feeling like it had reached its peak height.
Below, she could see hills and valleys. Some houses every now and then. It was night and below everything was a mass of dark blue shadows. The speed they were going was breathtaking as they cleared hundreds of metres in seconds. She squealed as the hills and valleys suddenly vanished and now there was just kilometres and kilometres of open, dark ocean. The air dropped a few degrees as she felt the cold. It was biting at her. She only wore a light blouse and summer linen cotton pants, complete with white sneakers. It was her summer holiday outfit. Definitely not built for skydiving. The claws closed like a vice grip on wood. She’d forgotten about the claws. She looked down at the massive pincers. They were hulking and felt like they were made of thick steel. Blood was dripping from the cuts the claws had made. Lots of blood. She didn’t much like blood. Michael had always said, “how are you going to be a doctor one day if you can’t stand blood?” It was one of his standard jokes that he always pulled out, Michael.
She started to feel faint. The creature would move suddenly up and down. The turbulence shook her back and forth. The pain was unbearable as the claws would keep closing. Holding her tighter. Don’t look down. She thought. It’ll only make it worse. She looked down. She felt sick. She vomited. She watched the liquid fall from her mouth and disappear in streams behind her. As she followed it to the sea below, she noticed shadows. Large shadows moving. Some were wide. Some were long. Of course. She thought. If there are monsters on the earth, then my God, who knows what lies beneath the ocean?
Ahead, she saw an island come into focus. A small island that this monster must call home. I must stay awake. She thought. I’ve got to stay awake. The wind blew them off course and she felt the creature hold onto her with its powerful claws. The claws sunk even deeper into her flesh and bone as the pain became unbearable and she lost consciousness.
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Author Biography
Andrew Masseurs is a creatively restless spirit. While spending over twenty years creating music, four albums and an ep, he found himself inexplicably focused on writing one day on holiday. The result, his first exciting novella, A Day in the Life Novella (A Day in the Life Series, Book One) Relishing the experience Andrew has now released book two, three and four of the A Day in the Life series, The Day After Book Two, Days of Fury Book Three and The Uncles of the Apocalypse Book Four. Andrew is currently writing Book Five.
Andrew is a loving husband and father to four kids living in the beautiful country that is New Zealand.
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