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Deadly Deception by @TJLoganAuthor is a Salute Military Event pick #romanticsuspense #giveaway

Title: DEADLY DECEPTION, O’Halleran Security Int’l. book 3

Author: TJ Logan

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Book Blurb:

A warrior devastated by an unimaginable loss ... Navy SEAL Jonathan O'Halleran's world is upended by tragic loss. Civilian life as a single father and hunting down the traitor responsible for bringing death to his family's doorstep are only temporary distractions from his grief, anger, and guilt. A tough as hell woman who doesn't know how to trust ... Andréa Swain is a brilliant, stubborn NSA Interrogations Tactics Specialist with serious daddy issues. She is yanked from the front lines in Afghanistan and ordered to work with a surly Navy SEAL who blames her for his friend's death. Can they overcome heartache and distrust in time to bring down a killer? Andi risks her life to save Jonathan's daughter from a man desperate to fulfill his destiny in the White House. Jonathan finally lets go of the past and embraces a future with Andi. Will he get to them in time, or will history repeat itself?


Jonathan wasn’t happy about her being there, but he had to give her credit. Andréa Swain had guts. Which should come as no surprise, considering she’d spent the last three-plus years working in a part of the world that could chew up and spit out even the toughest souls.

Jeffrey Burke had some major juice behind him. So when he recommended her to Beck, his brother had brought her on board without hesitation. Too bad he hadn’t seen fit to send her resume to him before she arrived. Jonathan wouldn’t have been taken by surprise when she strolled into his office.

After reading over the list of credentials on her resume, he had to grudgingly admit to being impressed. Not to mention, when a guy like Burke referred to someone as “the best of the best,” you sat up and took notice.

That said, even the best fucked up sometimes.

The memory of their first encounter almost two years ago gnawed at the frayed edges of his conscience. Amped up on adrenaline, frustrated and pissed, not just at her but at the whole fucked-up war, he’d acted like a dickhead. His brutish behavior with her was an anomaly. That’s not who he was. Jonathan studied things from every angle, considered every possibility before he reacted. He lived for control. His mom would kick his ass if she knew how he’d treated her that day and how he was treating her now.

There was just something about this particular woman …

He stared across the desk at her.

“According to my brother, you’ll be here for six months.” Unless he came up with a legitimate reason to get rid of her sooner.

“Think you can handle that?” She cocked up a brow. “After all, keeping all that righteous indignation bottled up might become painful.”

Face blank, hands crossed in her lap, she watched him.

“You can stop analyzing me, Andréa.” Jonathan knew enough about her area of expertise to know that was exactly what she was doing.

The woman was fierce, yet he’d picked up on the way her shoulders stiffened a fraction every time he used her real name. He’d also noticed the shadow that crept through her eyes when she mentioned her father. Yeah. Definitely a story there.

“Ah, so you’ve read at least one of my studies.” Her smirk did little to hide the combination of surprise and delight.

“This is my brother’s company. So yes, I did my due diligence.” Trust outside his family was hard-earned. She would have to work doubly hard. “And now that I know your real name, I’ll do even more.”

“Do your best. I’ve got nothing to hide.”

Maybe professionally, but he got the sense there were skeletons in her personal closet she’d rather not have dragged out into the light of day. If they interfered with her ability to do her job, she was gone.

“I’m about to go over my expectations.” He held out a legal pad and pen. “You might want to take notes.”

“Thanks, I’ve got one.” Andi leaned over and dug a well-worn leather notebook and pen from her pack. She flipped it open, clicked the pen and waited for him to begin.

Jonathan spent the next several minutes detailing her responsibilities, as well as their extensive goals and expectations for her during her time at OSI. The combination of her top-secret clearance and Burke’s endorsement would allow her access to their system … with one exception. Any and all information about members of the family was strictly off limits.

Protecting the family was always their number one priority.

“Any questions?” He dropped his pen on his desk as he sat back, elbows on the arms of his chair, fingertips tapping together.

“Not at this time.” She clicked the pen to close it and flipped her notebook shut.

“You can get started tomorrow morning.” He stood and rounded his desk.

“I’d like to get started today, if possible.” She wedged her notebook inside, then grabbed her pack, stood and hefted it over her shoulder.

He looked at his watch. “It’s almost five o’clock, and most everyone will be heading home soon. I’d prefer you wait until tomorrow.”

“Don’t trust me, huh?” One corner of her mouth lifted.

Not even a little.

“When you get here tomorrow, Christina will get you badged, set up in an office and make sure you have the accesses you need.”

Andréa drew back her shoulders and looked him straight in the eye.

“I will find out who’s responsible for what happened to your brother and his partner. And as much as you might hate me for what happened to your friend, you can’t possibly know how I feel about it.”

With that, she turned and left his office.

The door whispered shut behind her, and Jonathan leaned his hip against the side of his desk. He glanced down at her resume, then back at the door.

“You are a complicated woman, Andréa Elizabeth Swain.” And beautiful and mysterious and sexy as hell.

“Shit.” He scrubbed his hand down his face.

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What makes your featured book a must-read?

A former Navy SEAL rushes back to the states after his wife dies during premature childbirth. Helpless, he is forced to sit by and watch his tiny, newborn daughter fight for her life. Then he learns his wife kept a devastating secret from him. Adapting to civilian life, single fatherhood and tracking down the traitor responsible for getting his brother shot are only temporary distractions from his grief, anger, and guilt.

Deadly Deception is a story of how one man survives a life-altering, gut-wrenching loss with the help of a strong, stubborn woman who’s experienced a tragic loss of her own. But is their love powerful enough to survive their shared past?

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $28 Amazon (US) gift card:

Open Internationally.

Runs May 25 – June 2, 2021.

Winner will be drawn on June 3, 2021.

Author Biography:

TJ Logan is an award-winning author of the O'Halleran Security Int'l. (OSI) Romantic Suspense series. Anchored by strong themes of Family, Honor and Loyalty, each of the first six books tell the story of one of the O'Halleran siblings; five alpha brothers and their over-protected, yet feisty younger sister. Don't worry, the series will not end with the O'Halleran siblings! The books are all connected, but each has its own HEA.

Growing up in a military family, living all over the country, surrounded by five brothers ... and living to tell about it, competing in International Defensive Pistol Association events, and being part of the team who managed a Secret program for one of the world's largest defense companies, have all given her an interesting perspective on life. Every bit of it goes into her writing! Her uber-supportive husband (he got her logo tattooed on his thigh! TATTOOED ... ON HIS THIGH!!), two amazing grown sons, the two beautiful women who love them, and an absolutely perfect grandson and granddaughter are the joys of her life. Family, Honor and Loyalty aren't just words in a tagline to TJ, they are everything.

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