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Desperate Hope by @FurlongLeigh is a Toasty Reads pick #historicalromance #romance #giveaway

Title: Desperate Hope

Author: Susan Leigh Furlong

Genre: Historical/Adventure/Romance

Book Blurb:

His new country needed him. He needed her more.

Revolutionary War soldier, Gavin Cullane, has desperate choices to make. He vows never to give up the fight for American freedom, but his role as colonial liaison between the Americans and the British brands him a seeming traitor to his own country. When he discovers the woman he loves is part of George Washington’s secret spy chain, his only choice is to expose his own lies so she can escape.

Tansy Carter risks her life to send messages to George Washington from the captured city of New York. When she is discovered, she must flee the city, and trusting her life to the traitor, Cullane, is the desperate chance she must take.

Will their freedom come at the cost of their love?


“You can’t be seen with me. My orders include providing the evidence that will lead to your arrest, and Nate’s too. Please, let’s get off the street.”

Tansy lifted her skirts and started running away from him. Taking chase, he caught up with her two blocks later. After shoving her, none too gently, into a recessed doorway, he held her against the wall.

… “I want to help you escape New York so Simon Duffy can’t find you or any of the family. I’m telling you the truth.”

“Who in the name of all the saints is Simon Duffy?” she asked with a sharp punch to his gut that made him double over….

“He’s the British officer I’ve been reporting to,” he choked out, knowing what he would say next would damn him to Hell. “He’s the one I’ve been giving information to about anyone not loyal to the crown. … He wants me to persuade Nate to send a coded message to George Washington that could be a turning point for the war in British favor.”

She didn’t respond.

“Then Duffy will arrest him and you, Daisy, and Charles and hang all of you.”

Her fist cocked. He prepared himself for her second punch to his gut by tightening his stomach muscles….

“Traitor!” she shouted.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Book is also available on my website –


What makes your featured book a must-read?

The reviews for Desperate Hope make it a must-read.

“This story transports readers back to the Revolutionary War, and evokes the fear, danger and secrecy surrounding those who were fighting for their very survival. This is a tightly- woven, complex tale that pulls readers in from the start.”(InD’Tale Magazine)

“Gavin and Tansy's romance drives the narrative forward, but secondary characters like Nate, Charles, and Daisy also make their mark. The level of research evident in the story is a tribute to the author. Every character serves a purpose in advancing the storyline. I held my breath at some of the adventures, laughed at the children’s antics, and cried a bit when tragedy struck. I learned about hiding secret messages in covered buttons and the spy network that enabled General Washington to turn the war effort around against all odds.” (Gina Rae Mitchell)

“I must mention Mercy, Tansy’s niece. Mercy is very young, but still plays a very important part in keeping the spy chain going. I absolutely adored Mercy, she is so incredibly sweet and innocent, and she is caught up in such a dangerous situation, it seems impossible for such a little girl to make it through some situations safely, but she never backs down, and is determined to do anything to help her family.” (Candlelight Reading)

“A seamless blend of romance, suspense, and unexpected plot twists and turns make Desperate Hope a delicious treat for historical fiction lovers. I think fans of historical fiction and romance will have a blast with this one.” (Reader’s Favorite)

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $20 Amazon gift card:

Open Internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to win.

Runs February 3 – February 13, 2023.

Winner will be drawn on February 14, 2023.

Author Biography:

Susan Leigh Furlong knew she had a special connection with words since she was a child. When she was 9 years old, she wrote and directed her first play for the neighborhood children.

Susan’s love for history fuels her resilience against the sneezes and coughs that old books give her as she delves into research for unique historical events to inspire her historical fiction romance novels. Susan captures her readers’ imagination with a highly enthralling style, chronological events, and smoothly flowing narratives that keep one’s eyes glued on her novels from the first page to the last.

Susan has written two non-fiction books and three novels set in sixteenth century Scotland as well as several short stories published in national magazines. Her most recent release is Desperate Hope, a novel set during the American Revolution. When Susan is not combing through history piecing together her next novel, she writes, directs, and performs with a music and drama group.

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