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  • N. N. Light

Domin8 by @StephenBKing1 is a Mystery and Suspense Festival pick #thriller #giveaway #wrpbks

Title: Domin8

Author: Stephen B King

Genre: Psychological Thriller/Suspense/Police Procedural

Book Blurb:

After his wife loses interest in him, fifty-year-old Dave Barndon turns to the dark side of the Internet and sex chat rooms. There he finds willing partners who are happy to fulfill his needs with no strings attached. But they aren’t the only ones looking to play. When a woman he had an affair with is murdered he becomes the prime suspect. He thinks his alibi is solid until a second woman is murdered, and then a third. He fights for his freedom and redemption while the body count rises. He must figure out who is framing him and why before the killer strikes again.


“Hi, guys. Come in,” I said as I led them into my office and closed the door after them. “Have a seat, how can I help, would you like a coffee?”

“Not right now, thanks, Mr. Barndon. Do you recognize this?” Sam Collins said, without any acknowledgment of my happy greeting. He took out a plastic evidence bag from inside the folder he always carried and held up what looked very much like my brushed gold pen.

“Well, from here it looks like my missing Mont Blanc. Does it say Happy 25th Anniversary, Dave on it?” I said, still with no idea the sky was about to fall in. “Yes, it does, Mister Barndon. It also has your fingerprints on it. Well, it has the same partial prints on it we recovered from the motel room. We haven’t taken your prints yet officially, although, we didn’t need to as you left us a nice set yesterday on the glass of water you had at the station.”

I nodded, intrigued, and wondered where in the hell they had gotten my pen, as it wasn’t at the motel. But then, it must have been for them to have it; there was no other explanation that I could see. “Well, I suppose that shows what a useless criminal I’d make doesn’t it?” I grinned, but only got a stone-cold stare in return.

“Do you know Melanie Brewster?” Milanski asked, as the earth opened and swallowed me whole. Suddenly I knew she had been murdered too. The blood in my veins turned ice cold, and I sat up straight in my chair.

“Don’t tell me; please don’t tell me she’s dead?”

He nodded while watching me. I collapsed back into my chair, shocked and stunned into silence. They were watching my reaction and judging me, not that I cared right then, but the look on their faces told me harshly.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Why is your featured book a must-read?

Domin8 is a thriller that works on many levels. It is a who-dun-it, a why-dun-it, a police procedural and an expose of internet sex chat rooms, and the slippery slope that comes with extramarital sex.

Giveaway –

Enter to win an e-book bundle of all 42 books featured in the Mystery and Suspense Bookish Event:

Open Internationally.

Runs August 11 – 17, 2020.

Winner will be drawn on August 24, 2020.

Author Biography:

I have eleven books published, with Winter at the Light being number twelve. I won several short story competitions, published poetry and wrote music and lyrics in my long-haired rock band days as a guitarist, so I have been telling stories most of my, what seems like, very long life.

Winter at the Light is my latest release with my wonderful publisher, The Wild Rose Press of NY. For my first book, Forever Night I was contracted to a UK publisher who shall remain. Before publication that publisher was bought out and the new owners (one of the big four) cancelled the line I was contracted to, which left me in publishing wilderness for a while.

I self-published my next four books until two years later, I signed with The Wild Rose Press to publish Thirty-Three Days. I followed up that with the Deadly Glimpses Trilogy and soon the trilogy will comprise five books – who knew you could do that? I wrote Winter at the Light, while simultaneously completing the fourth Glimpse book, titled Glimpse, the Angel Shot. Two more different tales you could never read.

Social Media Links:

twitter: @stephenBKing1

Facebook: @stephenbkingauthor

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