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Echoes of Love by N. Christine Samuelson is a Trick or Treat Bonanza pick #supernatural #giveaway


Author: N. Christine Samuelson

Genre: Contemporary Supernatural Romance

Book Blurb:

What if the mysteries of your life began before you were born, and echo into your future? Carson and Cody are haunted by their pasts with memories and repetition of tragedy and loss, but also by great love that echoes through several past lifetimes into their present lives. Their futures are fated unless they face and conquer past mistakes and have the courage to live out their eternal bond of love. But how do they move forward after losses so devastating they believe love isn’t possible? What makes their lives worth living?

Their seemingly unsurmountable conflicts and tragic love story span geography and time, from the tangible beauty of the American West through an elusive journey echoing over hundreds of years and two continents. Even with best intentions, nothing is guaranteed except one thing, and only they can discover it.

Carson, an artist from Santa Fe moves to Montana to begin a new life. But an unexpected encounter brings her into conflict with Cody, an architect and ranch manager from Wyoming. The immediate power and beauty of their connection is as spectacular as the landscapes they walk through, but just as fated, unpredictable and complex.

Praise for Echoes of Love:

Another Amazing Book. Once again, this author has written a stunningly vivid and captivating book, stories intertwined with past, present and future. I love her use of dialogue and descriptors.” – Amazon reviewer

A book that touches on … unfinished business, incomplete love and unfulfilled vows. Beautifully written and delivered; the imagery is very vivid. – Amazon reviewer

“Absolutely AMAZING! I don’t think I have ever got so worked up about a book before.” - Booksprout reviewer

“…an amazing book! The chemistry between the characters is off the hook! The storyline is amazing! I love it, I just love it!” – Amazon reviewer


Carson smoothed the collar on Cody’s shirt allowing her fingertips to brush his neck.

The touch of her skin on his sent chills through him. Even the few beers didn’t dull the sensation. My God, if just the tips of her fingers feel that good, what would the rest of her feel like? Losing his balance, the chair lunged forward and threw him off the seat, spilling beer to the ground. Cody couldn’t believe he allowed his thoughts to go there, to what her entire body might feel like. His body knew being skin-on-skin with her whole body would be akin to being close to lightning—tingling, searing, and dangerous.

Carson handed him a beer. Their eyes met, and she saw a look in his new to her, something tender, open, vulnerable, and full of desire but with a touch of fear. A slightly perceptible shift had taken place in him, and she hoped this meant a seed had been planted for a budding relationship.

Immensely enjoying each other’s company, and intoxicated by the magnificent vistas and sunset, they bantered easily. “So, I know you’re on your way to Missoula, but what made you leave Santa Fe?”

Feeling playful from the effects of the beer, Carson half-joked, “Ghosts.”

Cody choked on his drink. “What?”

“I’m kidding … kind of. I wanted to see your reaction.”

“You got one.” He wiped his chin. “And what do you mean by ‘kidding, kind of?

“I don’t mean literal ghosts. I mean figurative ones. The ones left over from bad experiences, losses, or whatever curve balls life throws at you.”

Placing his beer down, he stared into the distance.

“You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?”

Cody crossed his arms in front of him. “Yeah, I guess I do.”

Carson realized from his body language he knew precisely what she meant but wasn’t about to discuss it. It can’t hurt to ask, though. “Well, then, what are your ghosts?”

Cody stood, leaned on the railing, and cleared his throat. “Those are things better left unsaid.” He kicked a pebble off the floor and turned to her. “Besides, you brought the subject up, so I think you should tell me about yours. I’m thinking they were bad enough to make you pick up and move to Montana with no family or friends for support. Those ghosts must’ve been pretty bad, huh?”

Carson took a long drink to brace herself. “Well, there wasn’t one singular bad incident, more like a series of them. A whole lot of things didn’t work out: people, relationships, jobs, things I put my heart and soul into, thinking they were contributing to a new life, good and solid.” Carson stopped talking, lost in thoughts she didn’t want to remember.

Cody did relate. “It’s okay. You don’t have to talk about it.”

“No, I want to. Let’s just say after spending years thinking I was building a life, it all came apart instead. I lost my …” Carson stopped, checked her words, unwilling to share one of her worst life stories, and picked up with what she could speak of. “When I was twenty-three, my marriage ended, my mother and father had died a couple years before. I had no family left so I moved out west to start over. I kept trying, believing things would be better and I was on the right track. But everything I attempted sifted through my fingers like sand, especially relationships—only they were more like a landslide. Where I thought I laid new, solid ground, life broke up into pieces and fell apart.”

Her sadness was deep enough to wrap around him. He reached over and grabbed her pinky and gave it a little tug. “I’m sorry. You seem too good of a person for life not to work out.”

Carson put her empty bottle down sharply on the floor then sat up straight. “Don’t be sorry. I’m not. I believe everything happens for a reason. I’ve grown and learned from all those experiences. But at a certain point when nothing is going right, when you’re swimming upstream and not getting anywhere, then you chart a different course, make a new move. I believe I’m moving in the right direction now and good things will come of it.” He turned to face her and saw her expression light up. “This is proof. Here I am enjoying the end of a perfect day in a gorgeous place that stirs my soul, talking with a wonderful man.”

Cody looked away from her then, off into the distance, tilting his head back and making a guttural sound, a “hmph.” Not knowing what to make of her words, or how to respond, he turned completely away so she couldn’t see his face or sense his thoughts—the only thought he could have—me, a wonderful man. Now that’s the biggest ghost there is.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

SALE: $1.99 eBook for a limited time

If you could dress up as anything or anyone this Halloween, what or who would it be and why?

Since I love everything medieval and mystical (I must’ve had a good past life back then!), I’d dress up as Guinevere and go looking for King Arthur. I’d also seek out Lancelot to spice up the night—such romance, magic, treachery, gallantry, soul-connected love—no wonder the stories (& the souls!) lived on through the ages.

Explain why your featured book is a treat to read:

Echoes of Love will keep readers turning the pages with an unusual plot involving supernatural elements and past lives that span a hundred years’ time with bonds of love and loss so strong they still echo into the characters’ lives in present day. Readers will enjoy mystical, spiritual & steamy love scenes, mysteries and plot twists that keep you wondering what’s really going on with the two main characters:

Cody and Carson are fatefully, highly attracted to each other for reasons they can’t explain. They move through a complex love/hate/fear relationship loaded with tragic, fated events; deep-seated, conflicting emotions; mystery and secrets from the past affecting their inability to love and move forward in life.

The story reaches through time and life, where their present-day obstacles and fears are illuminated by past events. Will they have the courage to understand and fight for love and relationship, or succumb to fear and an abyss of unsurmountable challenges?

Amplifying the drama is the beauty and power of the land and seasons through the exquisite settings of the Rocky Mountain American west and back through time in exotic, unusual places. Readers won’t be disappointed with the extraordinary journey of Carson and Cody’s lives and love.

Giveaway –

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon gift card

Open internationally.

Runs October 1 – 31

Drawing will be held on November 1.

Author Biography:

Christine writes contemporary novels of love, life and relationships involving the eternal bonds that transform lives and transcend time, death, and place. Creativity and writing have long been part of her award-winning careers in graphic design, advertising and newspapers. In writing fiction, she explores the joys and triumphs, the tragic and magic of life and love that readers relate to.

Her characters are realistic, fresh, and relevant with stories that include mystery and some mysticism. They are written in a unique voice and partially influenced by life experience which inspires the diverse settings, characters, and authentic storylines of her novels.

Living in coastal South Carolina, Christine finds the land and sea are constant sources of inspiration. She hopes readers will be inspired to look at life and love through a different lens and realize that no matter their circumstances, we all share similar stories in our lives and hearts.

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