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Forever Feral, Shifter Clans Book 4 by @LauraMBaird is a Snuggle Up pick #romance #giveaway #bookish

Title: Forever Feral, Shifter Clans Book 4

Author: Laura M. Baird

Genre: Romance; Contemporary, Shifter, Holiday

Book Blurb:

When invited to spend Christmas in Arizona with their friends they now consider family, Irena and Roberto don’t hesitate. The Arctic fox shifter and mountain lion shifter are right at home among the others—hawk shifters Mason and Brennon, wolf shifter Max, and their mates, Charity, Mikki, and Caterina. Not to mention the precocious and delightful Leah, Charity’s niece.

The holiday brings welcomed surprises such as proposals, babies, and snow in the desert. Brought together under dire circumstances and bonded by kinship, these shifters and their mates discover a love that will forever be feral and ever-lasting.


“Oh! Oh! Look!” Leah exclaimed as she rushed to the window. “The snow came!” The excited young lady parted the coverings, allowing the view to brighten the expansive living room. Resting her hands on the windowsill, she bounced in place as she turned to flash a brilliant smile at the adults gathered in the home of Mason and Charity Wegi. Leah’s parents, for all intents and purposes.

Snow in December wasn’t uncommon in many parts of the country. Snow in southern Arizona, however, was. Or so Irena had been told. An unusual storm front was passing over the desert, and the greater Sierra Vista area was quickly becoming blanketed with pristine flakes. Two days until Christmas and the winter flurries were making the holiday season feel that much more festive.

Irena, an Arctic fox shifter, certainly welcomed it, along with her mate, Roberto, a mountain lion shifter, who craved the colder climate right around this time of year. Although they resided in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, they regularly escaped to higher elevations to enjoy not only the snow but also the tranquility.

This year, though, they weren’t minding in the least being among many. Many being six other adults along with the precocious and adorable Leah. Irena and Roberto had been invited to spend the holiday in Arizona by Mason, a hawk shifter and now tribe leader of the Tohono O’odham. They’d come to know him by way of Max Collier, a wolf shifter and Mason’s fellow tribe member.

Much had happened over the last six months since Max had come through Honduras, seeking help from other shifters. Roberto and Irena had been eager to assist, knowing the success of his mission meant safety for all in the shifter community. What had started with Mason and Charity at Ft. Huachuca continued with Brennon, Max, and Mikki in Guatemala, and ended with Max and Caterina in Honduras.

Yes, a lot had certainly happened. Irena loved her new friends and the relationships they had quickly and solidly forged. And when invited to spend the holiday in their company, she and Roberto hadn’t hesitated to accept.

“Are you ready to bundle up and go play?” Irena asked of Leah.

“Absolutely!” The girl, who at the age of seven more often acted as if she were seventeen, ran through the room, no doubt heading toward her own to gather her outerwear.

While everyone chuckled, Irena kissed her mate on the cheek before standing. “Anyone else care to join us?”

Caterina lovingly patted Max’s cheek before extracting herself from his side to stand. “I’d love to go out in the snow.”

Leah returned and peeked around Cat to look at Max. “Aren’t you coming outside? Doesn’t your wolf want to play in the snow?”

Max chuckled. “He certainly does.” The tall shifter stood gracefully and bowed before sweeping his hand toward the door. “Lead on, fair maiden.” He winked at Leah and earned a giggle.

The young girl rushed to the door, opened it wide, and sprinted outside. Irena could hear her excited squeals and caught a glimpse of the child dancing beneath the snowflakes. Irena then turned to Roberto and raised her brow in question as she nodded toward the open door.

Si, si, mi amor, the snow is a welcomed sight and the cooler temperature will be invigorating.” He unfurled his large form and clasped his mate’s hand. The four adults joined Leah outside, all smiling at the girl’s delight. Although the snow had barely accumulated an inch, she’d laid herself on the ground and proceeded to make a snow angel.

“Come join me!”

Max joined hands with Caterina and they did indeed join Leah on the ground, laughing while catching snowflakes on their tongues. Irena pulled out her phone and started capturing the moments with her camera. She walked over to stand above them, snapping picture after picture of their smiling faces.

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November is a time to be thankful. What are you most thankful for this year?

Simple – family. Thankful we’re healthy and able to spend time together.

Why is your featured book worth snuggling up to?

It’s full of laughter, emotion, and of course sexy romance. A feel-good short story featuring all my favorite characters from the Shifter Clans series spending Christmas together, celebrating life and love.


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Open internationally

Runs November 1 – 30

Drawing will be held on December 1.

Author Biography:

Laura humbly yet proudly claims her award-winning and best-selling author status after being published only three years. She shows no signs of slowing down with upcoming releases and many projects in the works. When not reading or writing her next adventure, she’s living one with her family in the Pacific Northwest. Laura loves to engage with readers and writers alike and encourages you to follow her journey at your favorite social media site.

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