Title: Her Irish Passion
Author: Gracie Guy
Genre: Contemporary, Later-in-Life Romance
Book Blurb:
Kayleigh Burke has had a bit of a drought, of sex and laughter, since she broke up with her cheating ex-boyfriend. Her BFF decides they need to travel to make Kayleigh smile. But two days before wheels up to Ireland, her friend cancels and Kayleigh is left to travel alone.
Angry with her friend and hating men in general, Kayleigh heads out on her own to visit the Emerald Isle. Then she face-plants into the impressive pecs of Rory Lynch and being alone no longer sounds like much fun. But, can she throw caution to the wind to play with a well-built, perfect stranger for two weeks?
All day Rory had resisted the urge to hunt down Kayleigh. Without knowing anything about her tastes, he assumed she would hit many of the standard tourist spots such as Guinness, Trinity College, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Yeah, she was pretty, and he couldn’t remember the last time a woman had filled his mind so easily, but running around Dublin looking for her seemed too stalker-ish. In the words of someone famous, whose name he couldn’t remember, “If it was meant to be, it was meant to be,” and he’d see her again.
“Ha. What are ya now, a philosopher? Or writing chick cards?” He was still laughing at himself as he pushed open the door to The Quays Pub, six blocks from his flat, and was greeted by a burst of masculine cheers. He’d forgotten about the National Gaelic Football Championship between County Mayo and County Dublin, his eyes riveted to the television screen mounted on a side wall. “Whoa now, a game to watch.” Rory ordered a Guinness and found an open space at a high table with a stool to sit on. It’s a good night to be at a pub in Ireland!
During the half-time break, a few local musicians picked up their violins and bodhrans, ripping off a couple of enthusiastic reels. He felt his body sway and his head bob to the intoxicating sound. The crowd clapped as they shouted encouraging “hi-yep’s” and “hey’s” to the men playing. When the game returned to the TV, quickly and carefully the instruments were stowed in their cases and everyone returned to watching.
But shortly after the second half started, Rory’s inner sense pulled his eyes from the television to the front door of the pub. At the sight of Kayleigh Burke, a smile spread across his face. He watched as she circled the large and crowded room, then approached the bar, very near the table where he’d been hanging with strangers. When she turned around, beer in hand, he waited for her roaming eyes to find him. When they widened in surprise, he gave her a slow, single wave; his pulse quickened as she approached.
“I was hoping I’d see you out and about.” Shouting over the excited cheers of everyone watching the game, he offered his right hand to her as he rose from the stool. “Here, take my seat.”
Sliding her shapely butt onto the proffered seat, she declined to hand him her pint of beer. “I’m so surprised to see you here.” She waved her hand at the crowd while leaning forward to be heard. “I didn’t know you were staying in Dublin.”
“Neither did I.” He shook his head. “But something came up.”
“Oh, I hope it’s fun. How long are you in Dublin?”
“That depends…” He waited until her eyes locked with his. “How long are you here?” He saw a light flush creep up her elegant, alabaster neck as she blinked in surprise.
“Um, two more days.”
“Then I guess I’ll be here for two more days.” Her spontaneous smile dazzled him, causing a surge in his groin.
“It’s nice to know…well, sort of…to know someone here.” He watched as her eyes swept the mass of people.
“Do you mean here in the bar? Or in Dublin?”
“Both.” She avoided his eyes by turning toward the TV screen. Hhhmmm, must be more here. I wonder why she seems to be alone while on holiday? But, when she leaned into his arm resting on the back of her stool, he decided not to push her. Instead, he studied her face as she watched the football game.
Without moving her head, she took a pull from her pint. His eyes travelled from her pale green ones riveted on the television, across her high cheek bones, to her dainty nose and finally to her pursed lips. Those glistened with moisture from a quick dart of her tongue as she wiped off the light foam from her beer. Rory wanted to connect with this woman, and not just physically.
“Do you like football?” he asked.
She turned to him, nodding enthusiastically. “I love football. But I’m having trouble following this game.” She pointed at the screen with her free hand.
“It’s Gaelic football. The rules are different than American football.” She pointed to her left ear and shook her head as the crowd went crazy. He leaned down so his lips were just inches from a small diamond stud in the tiny lobe. “I’ll tell you later.” He watched her shiver slightly in response to his breath on her delicate flesh.
During a commercial a few minutes later, as the mostly male crowd gravitated toward the bar for refills, Rory seized the moment to give Kayleigh a crash course.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DC1V8NT/ref=la_B06XZXCWL7_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1527520169&sr=1-3

What’s your favorite part about being a romance author?
Two things standout - I love giving people their happily ever after and it makes my heart happy to have a reader tell me how much my writing brought them joy or helped them through a bad spot.
Here’s my tip to add romance to your love life:
If you’re out looking for love, toss away any of those ideas about a perfect mate, be open minded, and relax. A calm and confident person is very sexy. If you already have a mate but things need to perk up a bit, try the simple things: a small gift, holding hands on your own couch, a small bouquet of wildflowers, an unexpected hug and kiss.
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Runs February 1 – 29, 2024
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Author Biography:
Gracie Guy has been blessed with an eclectic and rewarding life, filled with family, friends and a passel of animals. She’s a wife, sister, aunt, farmer, retired athlete who loves her bionic hip and gardener, who proudly calls Upstate New York her home.
Social Media Links:
Website: http://www.gracieguy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GracieGuy.Auth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gracieguy_guy
All Author: https://allauthor.com/author/gracieguyauthor/