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New Release | Lights, Cameras, Holidays by @rpaigebooks #sweetromance #newrelease #giveaway

Title: Lights, Cameras, Holidays

Author: Rachelle Paige Campbell

Genre: Sweet Contemporary Romance

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Book Blurb:

Actress Kara Kensington flies to New Hope, Wisconsin, where she'll spend the winter holidays filming a movie. Her entire career depends on the success of the feel-good story based on her best friend's life. To salvage her strained friendship with Dani, Kara asks the cute guy from the flight to act as her new boyfriend. But the longer she spends with him, the less she's acting.

For Chef Scott Neil, his holidays aren't only about family togetherness. He wants Aunt Shirley and Uncle Ted to retire. When he's asked to fake a relationship with Kara, he agrees. As he gets drawn into Kara's production, he questions what is real and what's just for show.

Only a fool would fall in love with America's sweetheart.


Dani propped her elbows on the table and rested her chin in a palm, pushing her pie plates to the side. “Tell me all about Shirley’s nephew.”

“Scott?” Kara tilted her head to the side.

“Didn’t I interrupt you two talking backstage last night?”

Kara nodded with slow, deliberate motions.

“How did you meet? Oh, I’m so excited for you!” Dani dropped her hands to the table and lightly drummed the surface, rattling the utensils and the plates. “I admit. Paul and I didn’t give you the warmest welcome. We were a little on edge and sort of worried…”

I might have another, ulterior, man-stealing motive? Kara nibbled her lip. Her plan was clear cut, but she hid her reasons from public scrutiny. Doing so exposed her need to establish herself in the long-term, and she couldn’t risk any hint of weakness or vulnerability. The world-at-large preferred confidence. Last night, Kara bumped into a familiar face when she needed a boost.

“Let’s not dwell on the past. I’m sorry for expecting the worst. Tell me everything about the new guy.”

“I’m not sure how much there is to tell, doll.” Kara exaggerated every syllable, dragging each to twice its length. Her best friend had a history of jumping to conclusions by leap-frogging inconvenient facts.

“I get it. Early days and all that. You don’t want to jinx anything.” Dani reached across the table and flipped up her palms.

Kara rested her hands in her best friend’s. She stared at the point of connection. A sigh built in her chest. Adding another lie was tempting. If she smoothed over the tense welcome, she had a chance at repairing the fractured relationship. Would one more deceit risk the temporary peace? When Dani learned the truth, would she permanently exile Kara? A moment’s discomfort for a lifetime’s friendship was a small price. I’d like to be on good terms now.

Dani squeezed. “I’m so happy you found someone. He seems really nice. We could double da—”

The kitchen door swung open and crashed into the wall.

With a start, Kara drew back her hands and lifted her gaze. She connected with Scott.

Lifting a hand, he waved.

The tiny gesture might as well be the flap of a butterfly’s wings sparking a tsunami. With startling clarity, she understood. For the sake of her status in town and rebuilding her dearest friendship, she had to fake a relationship. Would he agree? Maybe he’d think her proposition was funny. Without paparazzi, he wouldn’t be splashed across seedy gossip sites or used as late-night comic fodder. She’d have to ask him first. She turned to Dani. “We’ll meet at Holidays, Inc. on Monday? Nine a.m.?”

Dani grinned. “See you then.”

Sliding out of the booth, Kara turned from the bright smile. She couldn’t return the expression, her cheek muscles twitching under the strain. Instead, she smoothed her shirt and approached Scott, holding his gaze with a silent stay there command. She slipped her hand loosely around his elbow and leaned close. “We need to talk. Outside.”

He jerked back and widened his gaze. After a moment, he nodded.

She tugged him through the restaurant and out the front door. Jogging down the steps, she pulled him around the corner of the building. Dropping her grip, she crossed her arms and faced him. “Will you be my pretend boyfriend?”

Buy Links:

Giveaway: I’m one of the authors participating in the Curl Up With a Book Giveaway and you can win an e-copy of Holidays, Inc. (book one) from either Amazon or Barnes and Noble (US only).

Runs December 1 - 31 and is open internationally for many prizes. Winners will be drawn on January 3, 2022.

Author Biography:

Rachelle Paige Campbell writes contemporary romance novels filled with heart and hope. She believes love and laughter can change lives and every story needs a happily ever after.

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