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  • N. N. Light

Love and Magic by @libraryoferana et. al is a Love and Romance Festival pick #romance #giveaway

Title: Love and Magic


Robert Jeschonek

Kathryn Kaleigh

Charlotte E English

A J Tipton

Kristine Grayson

A L Butcher

Barbara G Tarn

Meyari McFarland

Alexa Lynsey & Belle De Ver

Genre: Fantasy Romance/Paranormal Romance/Scifi Romance

Book Blurb:

Love across time and space, in lands of magic and mayhem, sizzling sorcery, fairy-tale retellings and classic twists, lonely fae, passionate Vikings and demigods searching for their magic in a land of mortals. Love, passion and magic in a fantasy/sci romance/paranormal romance bundle from:

Excerpt from Tales of the Golden Mask (18+):

Skylon lounged on the bench swing in the warmth of the morning sun, one leg outstretched across it, the other foot dangling, toe slowly swaying the bench as it rested in the grass. Celestine snuggled against his chest, head on his shoulder, legs stretched out alongside his, eyes closed as she listened to him read. She sighed as his arm slid around her waist, his head leaning back against the rope at the corner of the bench as he balanced the book in one hand on the back of the swing.

She was startled from her dreamy state by her legs being lifted from their rest. She opened her eyes to see Dorien squeezing in on the end of the bench. Skylon bent his knee to give his brother more room as Dorien reached over and took the book. He flipped through, trailing his fingers down the pages. Smiling brightly, he handed the book back to Skylon.

Clearing his throat, Skylon began to read in a soft voice, “The majestic bird preened his emerald feathers until he glistened like a jewel in the summer sun. Standing in the shadows, hidden, unnoticed, the bird of grey watched as the jewel strutted past, seemingly unknowing, unseeing.”

Dorien lay his hand on Celestine’s thigh, softly caressing as Skylon continued to read, “She followed along, ever nearby, ever watching, always waiting; but when he turned to look for the soul he felt calling to him, all he saw was the shades of grey in his shadow.”

Leaning towards her, Dorien placed his hand over hers, sliding her hand over Skylon’s. The three wove their fingers together as Skylon continued to read, “The jewel waited in the sun, sparkling, brilliant, and alone. He hung his head as the clouds began to form.”

Dorien slid his hand away, leaving the fingers of the others still entwined. He drew his fingers slowly over her dress, tickling her womanhood as he stroked down her inner thigh and back up again long, soft gentle strokes. She closed her eyes and sighed, tilting her head back, forehead nearly at Skylon’s chin.

Breathing deeply, Skylon’s voice grew softer, “The grey of the day merged with the shadows, and the majestic one curled in the grass, head on her wing, waiting for the coming rain. The shadow moved, creeping ever closer, spreading her wings as the first drops began to fall.” Placing his hand above theirs, he gently slid them over Celestine’s gown until they rested above her womanhood.

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What’s your favorite part about being a romance author?

Love finds a way, despite hardships and misadventure. Everyone deserves to be loved by another person and writing the journey of that love is an adventure in itself. The path to love is rarely easy and often unexpected and bring two people (all be it characters) together brings something special and pure.

Here’s my tip to add romance to your love life:

Laugh. Laugh about the silly things, the shared things, the downright stupid things. If you can laugh with someone then you can love them and be in love with them.


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Open internationally

Runs February 1 – 28, 2021.

Drawing will be held on March 1, 2021.

©2015-2024 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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