N. Jade Gray grew up on a farm in Oklahoma with one sister and three brothers. She began reading romance novels in high school and was hooked. In an attempt to entertain her friends she began writing stories. The biggest hurdle she had to overcome with her writing was sharing her stories. Her former writing groups, the Wichita and Regional Authors and Low Country Romance Writer’s, helped with her confidence and shook the needed pom pom’s to get her motivated for publication. She is also a former member of the Romance Writers of America. She met her husband while attending college and has two grown sons. Not really knowing what she wanted to do when she grew up, she’s held various jobs in the accounting and legal fields. She lives in Missouri with her husband, rescue cats Meera, Mango, and Pancake and one spoiled dog-named Fabio. Yes, she helped named the dog. She loves to hear her husband calling for his four-legged companion.
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Title All for the Love of a Cowboy
Author N. Jade Gray
Genre Historical Time Travel Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Mitchell Reeves is in trouble. Someone is sabotaging his ranch, cattle are missing, his sister is testing her wings, and his quarrel with a neighboring rancher has heated to boiling. Adding a beautiful woman who claims to be from the future couldn't come at a worse time.
Computer programmer Rachel Morgan understands machines, but fails with the opposite sex. When a dog plays chicken with her car, her bad week becomes worse when she wakes to find herself in the past—in a very hunky, very delusional cowboy’s bed.
Time spent in Mitchell’s company causes an unexpected glitch in Rachel’s determination to get home. Love. Found in the most startling place and time. Could she go home, if she had the chance, without knowing his true feelings?When unwanted attention from another man turns to kidnapping, Rachel is torn between wishing she were home… and risking it all for the love of a cowboy.
“Becky, what’s the matter?” Rachel rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she walked into the room.
Becky burst into tears. “I don’t know what we are going to do.” She wrung her hands as the panic she was trying to control slipped. “There was blood! Blood!”
Rachel frowned as Becky paced. In a few strides, she was across the room and grasping Becky’s shoulders. “What blood? You aren’t making any sense, Becky. What are you talking about?”
Becky was sobbing uncontrollably now. Dread settled in the pit of Rachel’s stomach. She didn’t understand what Becky was ranting about, but obviously, her raving had to do with Mitchell’s horse. She took a calming breath and tried to interpret what Becky was trying to tell her. “Rebel showed up here?” Becky nodded and bit her lip to try to control her sobbing. What else had Becky said? Something about Rebel’s saddle and blood. “There was blood on the saddle?” Becky nodded again and a bout of fresh tears rushed down her face.
Her hands shook as they dropped from Becky’s shoulders. She strode to the window and pulled aside the curtain. There had to be a reasonable explanation why Rebel was here. Riderless. She wasn’t going to panic. Mitchell was fine. Damn it, he had to be fine.
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Author Biography
N. Jade Gray grew up on a farm in Oklahoma with one sister and three brothers. She began reading romance novels in high school and was hooked. In an attempt to entertain her friends she began writing stories. The biggest hurdle she had to overcome with her writing was sharing her stories. Her former writing groups, the Wichita and Regional Authors and Low Country Romance Writer’s, helped with her confidence and shook the needed pom pom’s to get her motivated for publication. She is also a former member of the Romance Writers of America. She met her husband while attending college and has two grown sons. Not really knowing what she wanted to do when she grew up, she’s held various jobs in the accounting and legal fields. She lives in Missouri with her husband, rescue cats Meera, Mango, and Pancake and one spoiled dog-named Fabio. Yes, she helped named the dog. She loves to hear her husband calling for his four-legged companion.
Social Media Links
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/njadegrayauthor/
X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/njadegray1
Title Raider of Her Heart
Author N. Jade Gray
Genre Historical Time Travel Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Cavalry scout Judson Stone needs to warn Lawrence, Kansas, of the impending threat of Quantrill and his raiders. Shot and left for dead, he awakes in a strange new time and place. Guilt riddles him over his failed mission as the days pass and he struggles to find a way back to his own time –and overcome growing feelings for a woman who doesn't trust him.
Sadie Winters has her hands full juggling a full-time job, a start-up business, and the chore of keeping tabs on her mischievous grandfather. She doesn't need the further complication of caring for the stranger Gramps brought home. Little by little, the mystery surrounding Judson is revealed, and she throws herself into helping him find his way back to his own time. But how can she send him back, knowing she's fallen in love?
Stopping in front of the closest stall, she smiled at Judson. “This is Skittles.” She cupped a hand to her mouth and whispered. “Don’t tell the others, but she’s my favorite.”
His gaze took in the stall and then met hers. A frown marred his brow. “It’s empty.”
Had the knock on the head impaired his vision? He must be teasing. She chuckled. “No, it’s not.”
His gaze followed her pointing finger. “Holy Hell.”
The curse made her and Skittles jump. He stumbled away from the stall. What little color he had obtained in the last twenty-four hours drained from his face.
Gasping for air, he leaned on the barn wall for support. “What happened to the tiny filly?”
She frowned as she glanced from him to the horse. “I don’t understand what you are asking.”
He struggled with swallowing before he asked, “Where’s the rest of her?”
“The rest of…?” A belly laugh grew and bubbled out from her lips. “Judson, haven’t you ever seen a miniature horse before?”
He shook his head. “Are they all like this?”
She chuckled. “Like what?”
“Short. Squatty. Not all there?”
Was he serious? The laughter died an untimely death in her throat as she noticed his features. He had to be. No way could she misinterpret the panic mirrored in his eyes. Her precious babies were creeping him out.
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Title Tangled in Tinsel
Author N. Jade Gray
Genre Contemporary Holiday Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Sugar Plum fairies eat your heart out. Madison Reynolds has visions of a different kind dancing in her head. Home for the holidays in Cedar Bend, Colorado, Madison must focus on helping her bedridden pregnant sister, not fantasize about the one who got away. But how is she supposed to forget about her high school crush when she bumps into him at every turn?
From the moment Ryder Sanders untangled the reindeer antlers from Madison's hair his Christmas season appeared brighter. The time spent in her company leaves him more smitten. So, why does she still treat him as if he has cooties? They're not in high school anymore.
Can the two find a forever love? Or will their wishes melt away like icing on a Christmas treat?
Opening a drawer, she pulled out an apron. “Are you as messy as my brother-in-law?”
He chuckled and settled the apron around his neck. “Maybe. What do you think? Does it work?”
Her laughter died in her throat as she noticed the adorned wording embellished across the front. Bring the heat. Kiss the Cook.
His gaze met hers before tilting downward to study the wording. He chuckled and caught her gaze. “Jim’s?”
A nervous laugh emerged as an image of a sudden fantasy played in living color in her mind. Wouldn’t she love to bring the heat? “Maybe? But knowing Maggie, I’m not one hundred percent certain it isn’t hers.” She retrieved a mixing bowl for the pancake batter. Her mind wandered back to kissing her assistant cook. What she wouldn’t give to have that type of creative license. A wave of heat made its way into her cheeks. It’s a good thing the smoke detector couldn’t read her mind. Or it would be sounding again.
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Title Kisses and Lemon Snowflake Cookies
Author N. Jade Gray
Genre Contemporary Holiday Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Return to Cedar Bend, CO
Fireman Dustin Keith didn't realize women would be coming out of the woodwork after he posed for the local fundraiser calendar. But the one who catches his eye is a baker with trust issues. Can he scale the wall she's built around her heart, or is fate destined to extinguish the flames of desire before they engulf his heart?Lauren Badini came to Cedar Bend to lend a helping hand at her aunt's bakery, not fall for Mr. July. The image on the calendar she received last Christmas fueled her fantasies, but the in-person version is too hot to handle. But if life after her ex has taught her anything, it's okay to look...but don't touch.
“Thank you, Dustin, for inviting me tonight.”
He chuckled and gave her a brief glance. “If we want to get technical, interfering Maddy asked you.”
Was he unhappy she accepted Maddy’s invite for the evening? The warm glow from the time spent with his arm around her while on the outdoor glider dimmed. Lauren tipped her chin up in defense. “You didn’t want me to come along?”
He shook his head as he trained his gaze back on the road. “That didn’t sound right.” He reached to adjust the heater in the truck. “If you haven’t noticed, I’m not good with words sometimes.”
Was that the reason he hadn’t talked much on the ride over to Maddy’s house earlier? Did he actually like her? “It’s a good thing you’re an exceptional kisser than, isn’t it?” A chuckle rumbled in her chest as she heard a choked noise emerge from his throat. Her words had accomplished the shock factor she was going for. At his continued silence, she turned her head to hide a smile. He was fun to tease.
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Title Autumn Deception
Author N. Jade Gray
Genre Contemporary small town Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Money can’t buy you love…Stressed and burned out, Sierra Scott is coerced by her grandmother into taking a vacation to Harts Valley, Oklahoma for the annual apple festival. Owning and running a multi-million dollar company is a piece of cake compared to deflecting the matchmaking efforts of a determined senior citizen and her sidekick. Before long, Sierra needs a vacation from her vacation.Widowed Sheriff Cade Collins isn’t prepared for the naked female hiding by Dooley’s pond when he responds to a disturbance call. His days are filled with juggling his job and raising a teenage daughter. No matter how strong the pull of attraction, he simply can’t afford to fall for a woman who is out of his league.
The dusk had hidden his rugged good looks. He now held his cowboy hat in his hands. Without the adornment upon his head, she noticed silver streaks at his temples woven in his brown hair. His nose had a slight bump as if broken at one time, but it was his arresting dark brown eyes that captured her attention. Eyes were her weakness, especially twinkling brown ones. His gaze broke away from hers to travel south to where her hand fingered the hem of the blanket tucked neatly above her breasts. “Let me go slip into…” a nervous laugh escaped. The usual line was something more comfortable. “Well, anything.” The twinkle in his eyes deepened as his lips quirked in a crooked smile. She almost tripped as she backed from the room. “I’ll be back in a jiffy.”
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