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  • N. N. Light

Naval Maneuvers by @DeeSKnight is a Salute Military pick #eroticromance #memorialday #giveaway


Naval Maneuvers


Dee S. Knight


Contemporary erotic romance

Book Blurb:

Men and women of the armed forces experience lust and love pretty much like everyone else. Except, well, there is that uniform. And the hard-to-resist attraction of "duty, honor, service" as a man might apply them to a woman's pleasure. All things considered, romance among the military is a pretty sexy, compelling force for which you'd better be armed, whether weighing anchor and moving forward into desire, dropping anchor and staying put for passion, or setting a course for renewed love with anchor home. Explore the world of love and the military and see just how hot Naval Maneuvers can be.


"When were you going to tell me you were in the Navy?" she asked.

He sighed loud enough that she heard it over the sound of the waves. "I don't know. I guess when we slowed down enough to talk. There wasn't much time."

There hadn't been. In Asheville, if they hadn't been eating or sleeping, they busy in other ways. And there hadn't been much eating or sleeping going on.

"I think they should put a plaque on the outside of that room for the fewest number of times the occupants left in four days. I couldn't get enough of you." Carrying his shoes in his left hand, he stuck his right hand in his pocket and strolled along beside her, barefoot. "I still can't."

"You didn't exactly write and tell me that."

He shrugged. "I didn't want to assume too much, not knowing if you wanted me again as much as I wanted you. Call me shy." He grinned, and she burst into laughter. "Besides," he continued, "you're the one who left saying, 'It's been fun.'"

She dipped her head, acknowledging the fact. "And you agreed."

"Carie, I was scared."

He sounded sincere, but really? He stopped and stared out across the breakers. She stared along with him, wondering what he saw out there. "I'm pretty set in my ways," he said, and she had to strain to hear him, he spoke so low. "I'll be honest, I haven't been a monk, but sex with you was different. You made me think of things I'd never considered before." He studied her face. "Do you understand?"

"I think so," she said softly. "I wanted you more than anything. I've never had time or energy for a relationship. I've given all I have to my career. But I think I want more now."

Todd reached to cup her cheek but then dropped his hand. "Like I said, I'm not a monk but there's been no one since you."

She wanted him. More, she needed him. "Nor for me. It wouldn't have been the same. Nothing before you was ever that intense. Nothing else has ever touched me." Pain struck her heart. "I want to kiss you so damn much."

Before he could say anything, she turned and began walking again, sticking her hand in her pocket so she wouldn't be tempted to reach for his hand. She'd had to hold herself back from stepping into his arms in the hallway on base. Here, on a near-empty beach, she had to exert even more will power. "That was then, and this is now. Vacation and real life seldom mix."

"Funny," he said. "Given the chance, I'd mix vacation and real life in a New York minute"

"Me, too," she admitted. "But we can't now. You've ruined everything."

She felt him stiffen beside her. Idiot! You make a living saying the right thing to sway people's opinion and you screw up like that?

"This is my fault how?" he asked quietly. She hadn't seen him angry, but she had an idea this quiet voice was the prelude.

"You're in the Navy but you're not an officer." It might sound petty, but regs were regs. "Why aren't you an officer?" Okay, and that sounded whiny. But damn it, she felt whiny. "That attorney friend of yours said you were a mechanical engineer. Weren't you offered OCS?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. After I received my BS and again after I earned my Masters. I didn't accept because I didn't want to be an officer."

"Why not?" She spun to face him, the arm holding her sandals outstretched in confusion. She'd never met anyone who would turn down the chance to make more money and have more prestige.

"I like working, using my hands, being with my men—on the job and off."

She started walking again. "Well, too bad you like sleeping with me. Or you seemed to. God knows, I loved being with you. And now it's all over."

"I'm surprised at you, counselor. The regulation obviously was written for two people who work together. It's to keep one from having undue power over the other. We don't work together."

"It's military regulations. You don't mess with them. I don't mess with them. I work to uphold them, not bend them to suit my desires."

"I love your desires." He pulled her hand from her pocket. Linking their fingers, he stepped closer and they continued their stroll across the sand as though the world hadn't just turned on its axis. "Right here, right now, it feels like we never left Asheville. The view is different but we're the same."

Carie opened her mouth for air, suddenly needing more than she had a moment ago. But she couldn't gather the strength needed to take back her hand. "The view isn't the only thing different."

He frowned. "Was I the friend you had planned to surprise this weekend?"

"Yes." She sighed.

He laughed out loud. "You succeeded wildly."

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What makes your featured book a must-read?

I was a Navy brat, so I know a little something about what it’s like to have a parent in the service, and what it’s like being part of the family left behind for months out of the year. In this book, I tried to show the family’s part in holding the home together while Dad (or Mom) is somewhere else in the world, and also the service member’s thoughts, prayers, and fears. A lot can happen in the course of a six-month cruise, and military people are no different when it comes to wanting to find (and keep) true love. Welcome to the world of Naval Maneuvers!

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $20 Amazon US or Amazon Canada gift card

Open Internationally. You must have an active Amazon US or CA account to win.

Runs May 25 – June 1, 2022.

Winner will be drawn on June 2, 2022.

Author Biography:

A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity. Be sure to check out Jan Selbourne’s and Dee’s newsletter where you can find exclusive free stuff to read.

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