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Never Enough by @nfraserauthor is a Beach Reads Event pick #beachread #steamyromance #romance

N. N. Light

Title: Never Enough

Author: Nancy Fraser

Genre: Steamy Contemporary Romance

Book Blurb:

When Amanda Thorne arrives on San Bella Island, she’s tired and in bad need of a vacation. She’s just finished paying off her late husband’s many debts by selling their home and belongings. On her way to Dallas for a new job in a medical research lab, she’s taking one week to recoup before beginning her new life. Nicholas Holloway is recovering from a 2-year stint undercover for the U.S. Marshal Service. Ordered to take a vacation to clear his head, he ends up on San Bella at the same time. Will these two battle-scared souls find peace in the other’s arms? And, will they be able to walk away at the end of their one-week fling? Caution: This book contains love scenes and language some may find offensive. Or hot!


Saturday Morning

Amanda Thorne turned full circle in the three-story entryway, her sensible two-inch heels clicking against the expensive slate flooring. Sparing one last, longing glance at the great room to her right, she engaged the alarm, closed the door behind her, and dropped her keys in the realtor’s lock box.

The past eight years of her life—the last vestige of her inheritance—gone.

Right on time, the taxi pulled into the long, winding driveway, stopping just inches from where she waited. The driver, a short, stocky man who reminded her of her maternal grandfather, took her single suitcase and placed it in the trunk.

“Where to, Miss?” he asked.

“LaGuardia, please. Domestic terminal.”

He held the door open and waited for her to settle into the seat before slipping behind the steering wheel and shifting his weight to get comfy.

“Going to visit family?” he asked, casually starting up a conversation.

“No,” she said softly. “I’m relocating.”

He shot her a quick glance over his shoulder before pulling the car into gear and starting out across the inlaid brick drive. “You’re moving away from Long Island?”

His question sent a sharp pain through her chest. After all, who in their right mind would leave Long Island, especially the beautiful area of Montauk?

It’s not like you had a choice, now did you?

Amanda bit back an angry curse, willing her conscience back into its allotted corner of her mind. Suddenly remembering the man’s question, she told him, “I’m taking a job out of state. As much as I’ll miss parts of New York, I won’t miss the winters.”

“Ah,” he said, chuckling. “You’re relocating somewhere warm.” He paused, then asked, “Were those your three moving vans I passed on the way from the highway?”

Three vans? Not hardly.

The single small load truck she’d hired had held everything she owned, save for what she’d packed for her trip. So, if there was a caravan of trucks, it wasn’t hers.

“No, not mine,” she acknowledged finally.

He turned the taxi onto the highway leading to the airport. “Good luck to you, wherever you’re headed.”

“Thank you.”

Sliding her fingertips over the screen of her cell, Amanda pulled up her reservation-- the short vacation a gift from the real estate agent who’d benefited greatly from the sale of her home.

Diamond Key Resort, San Bella Island. An island paradise, or so the brochure claimed. All she wanted was time to recoup, a handful of days to reset her emotional clock and prepare herself for her new life.

A week alone... away from the cloying pity of her so-called friends and family.

With any luck, she’d come out of her short stay no worse for the wear.


Diamond Key Resort, San Bella Island

Sunday Afternoon

Nicholas Holloway tapped his fingertips restlessly against the rich mahogany finish of the hotel’s reception desk. Drawing a breath and letting it out slowly, he calmed his jittery nerves and waited for the return of the young clerk. After a few more moments, she came forward, her gaze assessing him up and down.

“You’re in room 301, a corner king, Mr.... uh... Holloway.” Handing him his credit card and the electronic keycard, she told him, “You can take the main elevators to the left. Or, if you’d prefer, the stairs next to the patio entrance.”

He nodded, and asked, “Which way to the bar?”

She gave a quick tip of her head. “Just through those glass doors to the right.”

He took a few steps away from the desk, and then turned back. “Thank you.” Staring at her name tag, he added, “Melanie.”

“You’re welcome, Mr. Holloway.”

Nick grabbed the worn canvas bag sitting at his feet and headed toward the stairs. The climb would do him good, burn off some of his residual energy, the adrenaline he’d not yet set aside.

Get out of here, Nick’, his boss had ordered. When he’d meant to argue about being sent away, Greg had added, ‘One week. Shrink’s orders. You’re lucky it wasn’t a month. Now f**kin’ go’.

And, so he’d gone. All the way to San Bella Island.

Nick let himself into the well-appointed king-size room and dropped his bag on the floor next to the bed. He’d unpack later. First, he needed a shower, something strong to drink, and a full day’s sleep.

Better yet, he needed a woman. A warm, willing piece of ass who didn’t want to talk afterward. A grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. What were the chances the prim and professional Melanie would be open to a tumble between the sheets?

Retrieving clean underwear and his toiletry case from the oversized duffle, he turned toward the bathroom. He’d barely cleared the doorway when he caught sight of himself in the large mirror above the vanity.

No wonder the front desk staff had given him the once over—more than once.

He braced his hands on the edge of the sink and leaned closer to his reflection. It wasn’t Nick Holloway he saw but, rather, Phil Thompson, the undercover persona he’d worn like a shield for the past two-plus years. Nick closed his eyes, wanting more than anything to shed his alter-ego and all the emotional baggage that went with it.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

What makes your featured book a must-read?

Summer and beaches are already hot on their own, so why not add an even steamier romance to the mix. You’re sure to need a couple of chilled drinks to get through the heat and the book!

I love writing heroes and heroines in their late thirties, early forties, especially those who come with a bit of baggage they’re anxious to rid themselves of... as quickly as possible. Never Enough is a perfect example of two such people colliding for one perfect week.

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $25 Amazon US or Amazon Canada gift card

Open Internationally. You must have an active Amazon US or CA account to win.

Runs July 18 – July 26, 2022.

Winner will be drawn on July 27, 2022.

Author Biography:

NANCY FRASERJumping Across Romance Genres with Gleeful Abandon—is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

Social Media Links:

Twitter: @nfraserauthor

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©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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