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  • N. N. Light

N. N. Light's Book Heaven presents Pamela S Thibodeaux #authorspotlight #romance #womensfiction #inspirationalromance

Hello NN Light’s friends! My name is Pamela S Thibodeaux, and I am, first and foremost, a mother, grandmother, and spiritual seeker/mentor. Reading is my addiction and I love to travel (have a trip to the UK scheduled for September!). I LOVE the outdoors and enjoy camping–well “glamping” as it’s called when you’re sleeping in a 5th wheel/RV. Helping people and glorifying God are my passion which I do through writing, speaking, and coaching. Nora Roberts is my “go-to” author when I take a break to read but there are numerous authors I enjoy reading. I LOVE Spiritual Nonfiction and recently realized (and confessed) my affinity for Science – especially when it comes to the mind/body/spirit connection. I teach a free Life Coaching class each month at Edgemont Healing Center in Lake Charles, Louisiana and currently have 14 titles available for your reading pleasure most of which are available in eBook, Print and Audio. My brand/tagline, “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ defines my life, writing and coaching style. Like most authorpreneurs, I wear many hats including Editor/Book Coach/Formatting/Publishing/Web Designer for other authors and businesses. This year, I started a new blog called Rainbows, Potholes & Nuggets of Gold through which I share my spiritual quest and things I’ve gleaned along life’s journey. I hope you’ll check it out and be encouraged and inspired. You can find all of this and more on my website:





Title: The Inheritance

Author: Pamela S Thibodeaux

Genre: Inspirational Romance/Women’s Fiction


Book Blurb:


She’s a widowed empty nester. He’s searching for the ever-elusive soul mate. Can their attraction overcome the fear and insecurity each hold?


Rebecca Sinclair is overshadowed by grief and loneliness. Her budding relationship with the letter carrier—who puts scented stickers on her mail—is hampered when the idyllic image of her twenty-plus year marriage is shattered.


A wanderer at heart, US Postal worker Raymond Jacobey has never stayed in one place too long. Raised by self-centered, high-power executives, he’s longed for the idyllic life of residing in a cozy house in a small town with the love of his life. He’s convinced the little widow on his route is the woman of his dreams.


Rebecca knows Ray’s feelings for her go deeper than friendship. But as her deceased husband’s skeleton’s come to life, loving, and trusting again are difficult.


Ray’s loved Rebecca since the first time he met her. He knows he’ll have to face his own fears and lack of self-confidence and prove himself to gain her heart.


Will her husband’s secret be the end of them before they even start?


The Inheritance is a contemporary, later-in-life romance that shows the awesome power of love, grace, and forgiveness in some of life’s most difficult circumstances. Grab your copy today and journey with Becca and Ray into the chance we all long for…. The chance to start over.




Rebecca’s heart fluttered at the charming, boyish grin he bestowed on her. She knew he’d spoken more than mere words; he’d spoken his heart. Tears filled her eyes and clogged her throat when she thought about what the future might hold. Standing on the threshold of that great unknown, she had never been more acutely aware of anything than she was of this moment, this man.


He looked at her intently. His thumbs stroked the back of her hands, chasing the chill from her blood. Lethargic warmth stole over her. As though in a fog, she watched him lift her hands to his mouth and press his lips to her palm in a touch so tender it sent shivers down her spine.


He lifted her chin and waited until she looked at him again. ‚I want to kiss you, Becca, here in the midst of Paradise.‛ His lips covered hers with devastating tenderness.


He let out a primitive grunt of satisfaction as he let go of her hands and pulled her closer. An answering purr escaped her as tiny pinpoints of pleasure bathed her senses with light and color. Never in her life had she felt so alive, so consumed with sensations.


Whether a moment or an eternity, she had no idea how long they stood there, his mouth in sweet possession of hers, but when the kiss was over, she realized she was pressed against his body. Her breathing came in sharp, almost painful rasps, and her fingers were clenched in his thick, sandy-colored hair. Appalled at her wanton response and the needy way in which she clung, Rebecca stumbled away with a startled cry of distress, and began to run.


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Author Biography:


Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.”


Social Media Links:


Twitter: @psthib



Title: Tempered Journey Book 6 in the Tempered series

Author: Pamela S Thibodeaux

Genre: Inspirational Romance/Women’s Fiction


Book Blurb:


She’s second-guessing her life choices. He’s been widowed for over a decade. Will a case of mistaken identity bring two lonely souls together?


As a Registered Nurse and Energy Medicine Practitioner, Pat Greene has spent her entire life in service to others. But when her BFF finds true love for the second time, she finds herself surprisingly envious. Has her call to service—which she will never regret—somehow caused her to miss out on something special? The loneliness she’s kept at bay gnaws at her heart. While in Bandera, Texas she has a chance encounter with the one man she’s ever truly loved and is shocked to then discover he’s not the man she thought he was.


The ache of loss still haunts Craig Harris a decade after his wife’s death. Has his loyalty to her memory closed off his heart? Is he bound to an existence without the soul-deep joy he knows a woman’s love can bring? Then he meets Pat Greene. Unprepared, he is bowled over by an instant, powerful spark of attraction—the kind he hasn’t allowed himself to feel for years.


There’s no mistaking the allure the handsome cowboy holds for Pat, but the idea of giving up a lifetime of missionary work sets off a firestorm of doubt and indecision. Besides, Craig has children, grandchildren, and extended family members to think about.


The fact she mistakes him for his brother, with whom she had a brief relationship decades ago, tempers the initial magnetism that draws Craig toward Pat, but the more they get to know one another, the more he wants her in his life.


Will love be enough to tame the wanderlust in her soul and open his heart to the possibilities a future together might hold?


Tempered Journey is a later-in-life romance that shows the power of love to heal the loneliest of hearts. This novel brings together characters from the Tempered series and My Heart Weeps. We catch up with Melena and Garrett as well as Mike, Trina, and the rest of the Harris/Hensley clan as we journey into love with Craig Harris and Pat Greene. Get your copy today and fall in love with these characters all over again.




Pat noticed Craig’s family gather their children and prepare to leave. Jackets. Hats. Grumbles and whines. She’d watched the boisterous group all evening. Sons? Grandsons? She didn’t know, but she had no doubt some of those boys were his. Or Scott’s. She loved seeing Craig dance with the ladies at his table. The man can move. In fact, every man at that table had dance moves as smooth as silk.


She’d done her fair share of dancing that night too. She’d arrived at the dancehall and found the Crossed Penn crew had the same idea as her. They, and a couple of artists-in-residence, had settled at a long table and insisted she join them. They’d laughed and joked and two-stepped until, one by one, everyone departed.


She switched seats to get a closer look at Craig and his bunch. Should I go over and say hello? she wondered when he tipped his hat in recognition. Within moments of making eye contact, his family headed out. He walked with them to the entrance, hugged everyone, then turned and strode toward her. Oh, my. Now, that’s a cowboy if I’ve ever seen one. With a capital C.


“Buy you a drink?”


“Sure. Thanks.”


He went to the bar and returned with a beer for himself and a wine cooler for her.


“You... uh...” He took a swig. “Lose your receipt?”


She laughed. “No.”


“You haven’t used it.”


Another laugh. “I was raised to let the guy do the pursuing.”


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Title: Tempered Hearts Book 1 in Tempered series

Author Pamela S Thibodeaux

Genre Inspirational Romance/Women’s Fiction


Book Blurb:


A jaded cowboy…


An innocent veterinarian…


Will they find love in the Texas heat?


Rancher Craig Harris and veterinarian Tamera Collins clash from the moment they meet.  Innocence is pitted against arrogance as tempers rise and passions ignite to form a love as pure as the finest gold, fresh from the crucible and as strong as steel.  Thrown together amid tragedy and unsated passion, Tamera and Craig share a strong attraction that neither accepts as the first stages of love.  Torn between desire and dislike, they must make peace with their pasts and God in order to open up to the love blossoming between them.  It is a love that nothing can destroy when they come to understand that only when hearts are tempered, minds are opened and wills are softened can man discern the will of God for his life.




Tamera awoke in a mild state of panic and confusion. Glancing around, she realized where she was and who was beside her. A blush warmed her cheeks as she struggled to sit up. She released the filly and fumbled with the front of her gown.


“I couldn’t sleep.” she explained, glancing into the steel gray eyes. His gaze, soft and warm like liquid metal, made her blush harder as he brushed strands of hay out of her hair with a gentleness that seemed out of character.


Craig knew he was treading on dangerous ground, that people were expecting them, but couldn’t seem to get past the moment at hand. “I guess a kiss is out of the question,” he queried, his voice tender, gaze unwavering.


Emotions, raw and unfamiliar, shivered through her. Tamera attempted to scoot away from him, emitted a shaky little laugh and tried to quench the feelings escalating to frightening proportions. “A kiss? Why would you want a kiss? I didn’t think you even liked me.”


Craig wound his hand in her thick hair, stopping her movements. “Like has nothing to do with desire,” he moaned and crushed her to him as his mouth covered hers in a thorough kiss. “Absolutely nothing,” he assured as she clung to his shirt and trembled in his arms.


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Title My Heart Weeps

Author Pamela S Thibodeaux

Genre Inspirational Romance/Women’s Fiction


Book Blurb:


When life takes everything, your world stops. Can a retreat heal the broken lives of two wounded souls?


Melena Rhyker’s world shattered the day her husband died. Lost without the man of her dreams, she digs deep to find a path out of her sorrow. Discovering an artistic retreat, she vows to find a reason to carry on and focus her life in a new direction. Can she heal her own heart, and find her new beginning?


Garrett Saunders knows pain. He’s spent most of his life hiding from his past. Regrets and lies haunt him, but he longs to leave them behind and embrace his true self. Will Melena’s efforts to rebuild her life in the face of such grief encourage him to exorcise his own demons of guilt and shame?


Will two hurting people find peace, wholeness and perhaps love in the heart of Texas?


Get Pamela Thibodeaux's second chance women’s fiction novel today and see how love and faith conquers all.




At 6 p.m., she pulled into the carport, turned off the engine and laid her head on the steering wheel.


“Well, I'm home again. Made it through another agonizing eight hours or so, now to get through another night.”


Gathering every ounce of courage she could summon, she disembarked from her vehicle, retrieved the mail from the box beside the door, and entered the house. She thumbed through the envelopes and advertisements, then laid them on the table and poured a glass of juice. She reached for the bottle of over-the-counter pain reliever and froze.


It would be so easy to end this pain.


Oh, what an enticing thought. Just take a handful of pills and end it all. Would she wake up in heaven? Would Jesus meet her there? Would Jonathan? What about the kids or Mama—would they understand? Or would she destroy them? Where was the faith she claimed to have? Why was it failing her now?


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Title: Kyleigh’s Cowboy

Author: Pamela S Thibodeaux

Genre: Inspirational Romance/Women’s Fiction


Book Blurb:


She’s attempting to start a new life. He’s roamed for more than a decade. Can they let go of the past and grab hold of the future?


Seven years after the death of her husband, Kyleigh Winters turned their old vacation home into a brand new guest ranch. Not willing to join the ranks of lonely women trolling the bars or online in search of a man, Kyleigh is sure if God wishes her to have another husband, He’ll send the perfect someone in His own time. But will she be open to the possibility of new love when He does?


Searching for a place that calls to his soul, Lance Stevens has been a roaming cowboy for ten years since retiring from the Marines. He finds that sanctuary the moment he drives through the Silver Star’s gate and meeting the lovely owner speaks to more than his soul. Will he open to the healing power of love?


Get Pamela Thibodeaux's second chance romance novella today and see how love and faith conquers all.




Elaina sat on the edge of her bed, her face buried in the pillow clasped tight against her chest. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Sobs wracked her frame. Watching Kyleigh leave with Lance this morning had been the final straw that broke the tenuous hold she had on the hope for a better life. She rocked back and forth, as her heart shattered into tiny shards, searing the breath from her body.


Why, oh why has any man I’ve ever loved not given a rat’s ass about me?


“Elaina. I love you.”


The voice stopped her frantic movements. Goosebumps rose on her flesh. She whispered into the stillness…. “Who are you?”


“I am the One who calls you by name and loves you unconditionally.”


Fearing she was losing her grip on reality just as her mother had, Elaina lunged off the bed and fled the room. Running off the porch, she dropped to her knees, scrambled up, and continued her mad dash down the drive. Stumbling over the rocks that lined the road, she tripped and fell. Grit and gravel embedded into her palms.


Brakes squealed. A horn blared. Lights blinded her.


Elaina screamed as heat and dust gushed from beneath the wheels that stopped inches from her face.


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©2015-2024 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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