Title: Requiem
Author: P.L. Parker
Genre: Science Fiction Romance
Book Blurb:
The rebels are losing the intergalactic war.
They need a prototype of the Deg’Nara’s latest weapon, a planet-killer, to survive. A covert operations team is tasked with finding and retrieving the weapon. Their mission is proceeding as planned when it goes horribly wrong. Ashyr, a space pirate, swoops in and literally tears the weapon from the team’s hands.
Cam can’t let that happen. Impetuous, reckless, and determined to retrieve it at all costs, she throws herself onto Ashyr’s ship and the battle begins.
Relaxed and peaceful, Cam reclined on the lowest step leading into the bathing pool. She’d been chilling in the pool for such a long period of time, her skin had shrunk several sizes. She drew a deep breath and submerged, letting her limbs float free. Communal showers were the norm for the barracks and if you weren’t one of the first bathers, a cold shower was all you’d get. Having the heated pool all to herself was a godsend—a slice of heaven in a shitty universe!
Her mind drifted, memories swirled through her brain, pleasant ones of a different time and place. Los Angeles! She’d loved it there, even with the constant crime and never-ending traffic congestion. Her favorite pastime had been sitting on the beach and watching the incoming tide caress the sand and then withdraw, lost in the vastness of the deep. The ocean calmed her, a soothing balm to her often troubled mind. If she tried hard enough, she could almost believe she was back home….
Maybe if she’d not been abducted, she’d have done all those things she’d planned to do. Become a paralegal and earn a good wage. Find someone to love her. Have children. Search for her roots! She’d always wanted to do that and even ordered a DNA kit which hadn’t arrived by the time she’d been abducted. Not knowing who her father was had always bothered her but crackhead Mom couldn’t remember who did the dirty deed. Maybe she could be tested here! Not that it really mattered in the scheme of current events but testing her DNA in a universe that had never heard of humans seemed counterproductive.
She sighed, letting her mind drift again, enjoying the quietude and time alone.
Ashyr’s rugged face jolted her serenity. Her heart skipped a beat as her female parts heated. Too bad he was such a hunk and even worse that he wasn’t interested, and it didn’t do her a damn bit of good to dream about him. He was about as accessible as Earth was right now. She forced his image to dissipate into the swirl of peaceful tranquility.
Jostling waves rolled the previously calm waters. She was tossed, tumbled in a thrashing ball before her feet touched the bottom. As she broke the surface, an earsplitting boom rocked the walls of the bathing room! She knew that sound! A pulse cannon! She’d heard it too many times before to confuse the reverberations. The Deg’Nara’d found them and they were under attack!
She started up the steps when another blast hit. The ground shifted, throwing her backwards into the roiling pool. She gasped, water spewing from her nostrils as she went under. Slabs of masonry hit the water all around her and it was only by luck that she wasn’t pinned beneath the rain of falling debris.
Gotta get my ass outta here! She crawled from the pool and reached for her clothing, only to remember that Besper had taken every last stitch but her weapons belt! Damn my luck! A wet drying cloth lay in a puddle within easy reach. She grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around her chest, tucking in the ends and then hooked the weapons belt around her waist. Better than nothing but what I wouldn’t give for my frickin’ boots!
Another thunderous boom rocked the tower and a large hole opened up in the ceiling. Stars winked from beyond the breach, voiceless witnesses to the growing carnage below. More large fragments dropped from above! Didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the edifice was coming down. She lunged for the entry, only to land in a crouch as she caught movement!
A short, dark form clad in the long folds of a priest-like cloak appeared in the doorway. Without hesitation, she whipped out her pulse blaster and fired. The Deg’Nara soldier dropped, a burning hole sizzling in the center of his broad forehead.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
New Concepts Publishing: https://www.newconceptspublishing.com/product-page/copy-of-deg-nara-four-requiem

What’s your favorite thing about autumn:
The harvest and the colors of fall are truly inspiring. That hush you feel inside telling you fall is in the air. And of course, I love Halloween!
What inspired you to write this story:
The Star Brides (Deg’Nara) Series needed to have a happy ending and Requiem was conceived. Science fiction romances are at the top of my writing and reading list.
Giveaway –
One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon US or Canada gift card
Open internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon CA account to win.
Runs September 1 – 30
Drawing will be held on October 3.
Author Biography:
I write stories with alpha males and strong, determined women. My genres include science fiction romance, time travel romance and paranormal romance. I am a dreamer, an avid reader of fiction, a sometimes gardener and an inept crafter. I live in Idaho. I have three sons, two daughters-in-law, a granddaughter and little grandson. Over the years, I taught and performed dance but as time passed, I decided to try my hand at a new endeavor - writing. I enjoy life and all its promises.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://www.plparker.net/
Blogspot: http://plparker.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PLParker