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  • N. N. Light

New Release | Roscoe (Satan’s Pride Book 9) by @AGKirkham #bikerromance #darkromance #mcromance

Title: Roscoe (Satan’s Pride Book 9)

Author: A.G. Kirkham

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Biker Romance, Dark Romance, MC Romance

Publisher: AK Publishing

Book Blurb

Roscoe’s the light-hearted, friendly brother, who is always first in line to lend a hand to a brother in need. He looked after his sister when their parents passed and made sure she had a future. Roscoe’s always willing to do what it takes to protect the club. One day, he’s the one in trouble, and on a routine skip he’s attacked by gang members who are out to get him for taking one of their own to prison. Thank God for golden-haired angels who stop by the side of the road. Willow never expected to encounter a group of guys running a motorcycle off the road. She quickly realizes that the man’s in trouble and rushes to his aid before the gang decided to finish the job. What starts off as an act of a good Samaritan becomes the beginning of a love story. Unfortunately, the gang decides to go after Willow. Roscoe will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.


There’s no time to take the conversation further, because Willow walks in the door, completely missing me on the sofa and making a beeline for the auxiliary medical room that Saint stuck me in yesterday.

“Firebrand,” Guard calls out to her, “he’s over here.” Willow whips her head around and does a run-walk over to where I’m propped up, but doesn’t even look my way. She’s solely focused on Ghost and Guard.

“Are you two crazy? Roscoe needs to be in bed. Has he eaten? Has Saint said he could be walking around? The man was in an accident yesterday.” Her voice is getting higher and more shrill. “I can’t believe the two of you.”

“Baby, calm down,” I say softly, reaching out to touch her fingers. I know she feels it too. Willow’s eyes soften when she looks at me. “It was all me. I had to beg Emmet and James to help me out here. I was going nuts in there.” I jerk my head to the room behind us. “And before you say any more, I’ve already been told off.” I pause and hold up two fingers. “Twice.”

“To no avail, ’cause here you are,” Willow replies.

I tug on her hand to pull her down next to me. “Are you worried about me?”

“I went through hell to get you back here in one piece, and I’ll be damned that after all my hard work, you’re going to ignore doctor’s orders and do more damage to yourself.”

“It’s nice to know you care, sparkle.”

She raises her brows and asks, “Sparkle? Really? Do I look like a sparkle?”

“Totally. You spark to light and say exactly what’s on your mind.” Then I make sure to connect with her eyes. “And your eyes sparkle with emotion with every word you utter. It’s fantastic.” I know I’ve caught her off guard when her perfectly pink bow-shaped lips form an O, followed by a smile that would melt the snowcapped mountains of the Alps.

“Is this your personality, or are the medications making you sweet?”

“I’m sweet.” I give her my best lopsided boyish grin, to which she responds with a full-blown laugh. It’s then that I notice Ghost and Guard have made themselves scarce.

“Ava and the rest of the ladies had an impromptu gathering at her place. They’re fantastic,” she tells me.

“Some of the best women I’ve ever met,” I agree wholeheartedly, especially after seeing how happy the men are since they came into our lives.

“Hammer’s pretty intense.”

“Did he say—”

“No, of course not. A man of few words, that’s all.” She shrugs.

“That’s Hammer.”

“He’s taking me to your apartment later. Is it still okay that I hang there?”

“Yeah, but if you’re cool with it, I wanna go home tonight. I want to sleep in my own bed. It’s got two bedrooms, and I promise not to get in your space.”

“You just had a major accident, and you shouldn’t be on your own,” she points out.

“Exactly! Then it’s a good thing you’ll be hanging around to dial 911 if I need help.” And it’ll give me a chance to get to know the angel who sparkles with sunshine and whose eyes hold so much hope and adventure. I hate to ask, but I’d rather stay here and give her space than have her disappear and move on. “What do you think?”

“As long as I have a place to plug in my computer to get caught up on work and a place to crash, I’m good to hang around for a while. By the way, when can I get my car back? I asked Hammer, and all he said was ‘soon.’ That’s not a good answer.”

“I’ll ask for you.” Then she does this thing where she lightly lays her head on my good shoulder and links her fingers with mine.

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Special Giveaway:

The winner will receive a free ebook of Guard, Book 1 in my Satan’s Pride steamy dark biker romance series AND a free ebook of Reign of Pride, Book 1 in my steamy dark mafia romance series!

To enter, please subscribe to my newsletter:

Winner will be drawn on June 28, 2022.

Author Biography

Hello readers!

I wanted to tell you a little more about me for our new followers...

I was born in a small town in Italy. My parents are loving people; and true traditionalists. I grew up being a chatterbox of a child and evolved into a quiet and shy teenager. I was definitely not the life of the party. As a matter of fact, I never wanted to go to any high school dances or any activities the school offered. I was good with being alone. I had to grow into my own and I eventually became the fun loving, open-minded and creative person I am now. I love the ‘me’ I have become and I am grateful that this is where I have landed.

Writing is my release and I have escaped in my imagination to some incredible places meeting the most awesome characters. I also wanted to be a rock star but anyone who has ever heard me sing kindly convinced me that I do not have any talent. (In other words, I suck at it.)

Although I have been writing since I was in grade school, and I am a hopeless romantic.

GUARD is the first book in my Satan’s Pride biker romance series. Each book stands alone and introduces characters who you will learn about in the next series... 😉

Why I write romance? I thrive on two individuals connecting in mind, body and soul. The understanding of wants and needs and placing them as a priority and not out of fear of losing them or because you feel you need to concede; you do it because it feels easy and right in your own heart.

My other passion is cooking! I enjoy making meals for my family and friends and bantering around the table. I have colourful people in my life and they all add to my rainbow. I love music! I like it all, depending on my mood.

And lastly, I love to travel. I want to enjoy all that life has to offer. I want to meet people, learn from them and create the most fantastic, sexy love stories. If I can do this overlooking the ocean and feeling the breeze wash over me then I have my heaven on earth.

Stay tuned for more novels in the Satan’s Pride Motorcycle club series coming soon!

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