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Run to You by @JayneTownsley is a KU Event pick #sweetromance #cleanromance #ku #giveaway

Title: Run to You

Author: Jayne Townsley

Genre: Sweet Romance, Clean Romance

Book Blurb:

A friend of the family has done despicable things and has his eyes set on Rin and she has no idea what he has in store for her.

Rin lost her mother four years after the murder of her best friend on the night of their high school graduation. Although her mother’s death was unexpected, there is nothing suspicious about it whereas Hannah’s death is an open cold case. At least Rin thinks her mother’s death was nothing more than an untimely tragedy.

Going on the long dreamed of post-college vacation that she and her friends have been planning since grade school, she hopes to leave the pain behind for a bit and relax in the Florida sunshine.

Kevin loves his life and his job as an Army Ranger. When he and his Army brothers use some well-earned time off to visit Panama City Beach, he’s not expecting to meet the woman who will change his life forever. A woman being hunted by an unknown monster intent on keeping them apart by any means necessary.

Can Kevin keep Rin from Hannah’s fate? Or is it his turn to face loss like Rin?


“So,” Kevin said, sitting back abruptly and turning her barstool around so she could face him with her back now to the stage. “Enough giving my attention to anyone other than the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. I’m going all cliché on you. Well, besides the previous, but true, cliché that you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. Notice, I emphasized but true. Tell me about yourself, Pretty Girl.”

Sitting up straight, Rin purposefully went into lecturing mode with a recitation of facts, “Hi. My name is Clarinda Lorrayne Sanders. My nickname is ‘Rin.’ A 22-year-old Kindergarten schoolteacher, I live in a small town in Oklahoma called Claremore in the area known as Green Country. We are about a half-hour away from the Tulsa Metro. I graduated from Rogers State University in the same town I’ve been in all my life. For fun, I knit hats for cats.”

Kevin nodded along until the last part. Rin found herself fighting not to giggle out loud at the shock on his face.

“I’m sorry, you do what for fun?” Kevin asked with raised eyebrows.

“I knit hats for cats,” Rin said primly with her hands on her knees. “Don’t judge me.”

She pulled out her phone and began scrolling through her gallery to show him pictures to see what she meant.

“Here is Stitch, my Maine Coon. He loves wearing my creations.”

He leaned closer. Taking his leaning in as a sign of interest, Rin began swiping through more photos.

“OK, I give. Your creations are adorable. Especially the one of Stitch in the Jayne Cobb hat,” Kevin said.

“Oh, wow! Do you recognize that hat? Browncoats forever!” Rin said in an excited rush.

Kevin pulled his phone out of his back pocket and scrolled through his gallery, proudly showing her a picture of him in a Mal Reynolds cosplay outfit.

“Your costume is so cool,” she said in a state of awe.

“This particular picture was taken at my third one. I don’t always make the Cons because of the job. It’s a nice bit of fun, and I enjoy letting my geek side out whenever possible,” he answered.

“All right,” Rin said, “your turn.”

“My turn, what?” Kevin replied.

“Your turn to tell me about you,” she said. “Where are you from?”

“Right now, the Army has me in Georgia, but I have been quite a few places outside of the country since joining. I am originally from a small town in southern Indiana called Washington,” he replied.

As he told her more about Washington, Indiana, she realized it compared favorably to Claremore. He told her about his family, which prompted Rin to share about her dad.

They ran through a list of their favorite fandoms, gave Marvel vs. DC opinions, and whether the Disney company did right by Star Wars.

As the conversation wore on, they repeatedly scooted their barstools towards one another.

Heads got closer. And closer. Then.

IT happened.

Rin had always wondered if those movie screen kisses were real. The kisses that materialize out of nowhere, even though you have seen the kiss coming for a while. The slow and the fast happening simultaneously, melting together to form a perfect moment.

As Kevin’s lips moved gently over hers, his right hand cupping the back of her head while his left began gently massaging her right knee, she learned they existed.

And her dream life needed work.

Rin’s imagination was a ruined car in a NASCAR race down 42 laps with Reality the clear winner.

Kevin increased the pressure on her mouth slightly, asking permission without words. She granted it, opening her mouth to let his tongue dance with hers. He tasted of Fireball and Vanilla Coke. Rin couldn’t get enough. She pressed in further, needing more of Kevin.

Breaking their kiss, Kevin asked breathlessly, “Come with me?”

Just as breathlessly, Rin replied, “Yes.”

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

What makes your featured book a must-read?

Instalove, a military man, an innocent schoolteacher, friends everyone should have, a very evil villain, a short read, and a guaranteed HEA.

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $21 Amazon gift card:

Open Internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to win.

Runs November 9 – November 17, 2021.

Winner will be drawn on November 18, 2021.

Author Biography:

Jayne Townsley lives with her multi-generational family in Northeast Oklahoma’s aptly named Green Country. A transplanted Okie from the Chicago suburbs, she has grown to love this state and its people with a passion, happily calling it home for the past 16 years.

Jayne shares her home with a rescued Shollie named Maui and two cats called Gamora and Nebula.

Jayne enjoys old-fashioned road trips and is in the process of planning one to tour Oklahoma’s Route 66.

She is also something of a Disney World addict.

Run to You was her debut novel.

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