Title: Sarah's Song
Author: Vicky Whedbee
Genre: Historical Fiction
Book Blurb:
It’s the 1940’s in rural East Tennessee, Appalachian country. For most everyone there is only work, and possibly church, if there’s one nearby. People rise before the sun is up, work hard, go to bed early, and rest in church on Sunday. Little chance for much else to happen. Right?
So, why would keeping one little secret for over sixteen years be so important? What could possibly have happened that could change the lives of so many people, if the secret were to be revealed?
There are only three people alive that know the answer to that question. For now.
“Now, I haven't talked to Caleb about this, but I wouldn't ask him, if I didn't have every confidence that he could do it. I would like to ask Caleb to come and tell you his testimony and about how he has come to know the Lord.” He looked Caleb in the eye, willing him to have the courage to come forward.
Caleb's stomach lurched, and his heart was pounding, but Preacher Loveday kept eye contact with him, and as scared as he was, he didn't want to let him down. He wasn't sure how his legs got him there, but he made his way to the front of the room. Preacher Loveday gave him a hearty hug, and whispered some words of encouragement in his ear, then stepped back and took a seat in Sarah's chair, in the corner of the room, behind Caleb.
Caleb looked around the room, shifting from foot to foot. His hands were opening and closing, his nervousness apparent to everyone.
“Well, one day my mama died, an my sister. An ever since they did, Oppy, she took to lookin after me. Makin sure I had somethin to eat ever day, and lettin me mess around at the store. But my daddy's heart had done broke, an he missed my mama an sister so much, he finally just up an went to be with'em, I reckon. That's when Oppy had me to come an live with her.
She took care of me like my own mama. Still does. That's how I come to know Preacher Loveday, too. And how I got me a brand new bible. Cause of Oppy. He's her cousin.”
“Well, one day, me an Oppy, we was a talkin, and I asked her why she sang the roll up yonder song so much and she told me about her husband, and how she had two hearts like.”
The congregation looked around at each other, confused.
Grouchy Mildred Clevinger muttered, exasperated, “Whut's this boy talkin about? Ever body knows he ain't got no sense,” but Caleb went on.
“I hadn't ever heard tell of no one havin two hearts before, but I'd knowed all along that there was somethin special bout her, so I figgered that was it. And that was why someone like her, could love and care for somebody like me, so much.”
“I figgered if God loved me, then he must have two hearts too! But then I got to readin the bible, an I learnt that just cause I ain't as smart as some, God loves me as his child, just as much as he loves the ones that are a lot smarter. In Galatians, Chapter 3, verses 26-28, it says, For ye are all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
“Now I understand that Oppy don't really have two hearts, but that she's jes a real good woman an she loves me like God does. An that ain't all she done. She done taught me how to keep my body warshed and clean an such, on the outside, and I learnt that God done cleaned my soul. Cause it says in the bible in I John Chapter 1, verse 9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If ya'll ever heard that song,” he begins to sing, “Are ya warshed in the blood, in the soul cleansin blood of the lamb, are yer garments spotless, are they white as snow, are ya warshed in the blood of the lamb?” He stopped singing and explained, “Now that don't mean yer clothes that ya wear an stuff, that means like yer soul. An the blood of the lamb? That ain't like real blood or nuthin, it means God.”
With a big grin, he said, “Ya'll wanna sing it again?”
Oppy yelled out, “Yes!”
“Kay then,” he said, and began singing again. “Are ya warshed...”
Everyone joined in, and Caleb could hear Oppy loud and clear above everyone else. When they were done, he said, “That was fun! Ya'll did good! Well, I reckon I done talked enough. I just try'n remember ever day, what it says in the bible in I Corinthians, Chapter 13, verses 4-7, Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
I hope ya'll will try an remember it, too! It'll make ya feel lots better!”
He turned to nod at Preacher Loveday, and then made his way back to his seat. There wasn't a sound in the room.
Preacher Loveday slowly stood and walked up in front of everyone, and said softly, “I think that said it all. Praise the Lord! I think I'd like to follow that with the invitation song, Jesus Is Calling if any of you feel moved to come forward and accept Christ our Lord as your personal savior...”
Very quietly, he began, “Softly and tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling for you and for me. Patiently, Jesus is waiting and watching, watching for you and for me! Come home! Come home! Ye who are weary, come home. Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling o sinner, come home.”
The first person to come up front, with tears streaming down her face, was Mildred Clevinger, the lady who'd said earlier that Caleb didn't have no sense. She was followed by every single person in attendance.
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What’s your favorite thing about autumn:
Being a born and raised a Florida girl, I have always longed for a more visceral sign of the change of seasons than we get in the deep south. But with the first sign of cooler weather I begin to look forward to the upcoming holidays, Thanksgiving being one of my favorites, and nights cold enough to have a fire in the fireplace, hot chocolate, and big bulky sweaters! Granted, as I said, we don't get too many of those days in Florida, so they mean a lot!
What inspired you to write this story:
I have a strong love of and pull to the mountains of Tennessee and have since childhood. Both my father and my husband were born in Knoxville. From our family visits there when I was growing up to see relatives, to listening to tales of my father and husband's childhood I have an enormous store of memories that I wanted to incorporate into my stories to immortalize them for generations to come. Thankfully I also made copious notes before I lost both my father and then my husband so that I could use their memories to add to my books. Some of the incidents in all three of my books are real stories/events in my life! Some of the characters are fashioned from people i know or have met, and the others just came to me to tell their story!
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Author Biography:
Vicky Whedbee was born and raised in Daytona Beach, Florida, where she resided until her 40's when she relocated to San Mateo, Florida, where she currently resides. An avid reader, she wrote her first novel over a period of years as a labor of love and fulfillment of a lifelong dream that began with the encouragement of her English teacher in high school.
With a diagnosis of cancer for her dad, she decided to become an independent author and published her novel on her own in order to present a finished product to her father before his demise. She was in the process of reading said novel, "Things He Hadn't Told Her", to him at the time of his passing.
She wrote her second novel "Sarah's Song", which was a collaboration with her father set in the time of his childhood in the rural Appalachian mountains, with notes taken prior to his demise. Both books have been met with stellar 5-STAR reviews on Amazon & Goodreads, as well as awarded the 5-star review seal from Reader's Favorite.
After numerous requests, she wrote a sequel to Sarah's Song, titled Sarah's Home, which could also be read as a stand-alone. It, too, is being received with love and 5-STAR reviews.
She is currently working on her next novel.
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