Title: Snoodles in Space: A Snoodle, the Zoodle Kidoodles, and One Happy Schmoodle
Author: Steven Joseph
Genre: Children’s Books, Children’s Fiction, Picture Books
Book Blurb:
In the award-winning book “Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles, and Lots and Lots of Noodles,” Steven Joseph and Andy Case introduced us to a world where everyone was happy because of one man, Herbie Snoodleman, the inventor of the Snoodlemoblie, powered solely by noodles. It had replaced Sour Croodleman’s Krautmobile, which ran on sauerkraut and made everyone quite a bit cranky.
In this follow-up book, when the Zoodle Kidoodles from the planet Zoodle abduct Norman Noodle and Sally Stroodle, the Zoodle Kidoodles threaten to take all of Earth’s noodles— unless they perform the necessary brain operation on their grand leader, Cloodle the Grand Roodle, and fix their spaceship’s failing engines.
The one problem? Norman Noodle and Sally Stroodle are simple bakers. Sour Croodleman’s Prickly Peppered Purple Propulsion Powered Pickle invention is their only hope, but will he unite with Herbie Snoodleman to save the planet?
My Review:
The creative world of snoodles returns in this highly anticipated sequel to the award-winning book one. Here, the illustrations again are what makes this book such fun. It is much less common today to find a quality illustration that exactly conveys the words on the page.
This book is a lot longer than the first one and is more of a novella. The plot and storyline are geared for an older audience than the whimsical first book.
The issue with this is it is a difficult spot to fit into. The premise is aimed at the same youthful audience as book one. The storyline would be more appealing to older children. The air of whimsy that does surround this story may make it too kid-like for older children. It seems to be a book caught between two age groups.
The book is quite a sci-fi tale that will keep the reader invested to the very end. The illustrations are simply the star of this book. Parents who bought the first Snoodle book for a child should get this book for the same child. True snoodle fans will be eager for book three in this series.
My Rating: 4.75 stars
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Author Biography:
Steven Joseph is an attorney, professional negotiator, marathon runner, comedian and zen master. He lives in Hoboken, New York, and is a proud father of a grown up daughter Vita. He is also the son of a Holocaust Survivor, and his writings lean on the concept of survival, which was ever present growing up as a child, and acknowledgment which he has learned through his zen practice. His book websites that continually explores themes of crankiness are www.StevenJosephAuthor.com . He explores the path to effective crankiness in "A Grownup Guide to Effective Crankiness: The CrankaTsuris Method." He is also the author of three children’s books “The Last Surviving Dinosaur: The TyrantoCrankaTsuris; “Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles, and Lots and Lots of Noodles”; and the upcoming “Snoodles in Space: A Snoodle, the Zoodle Kidoodles, and One Happy Schmoodle”.
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Reviewed by: Mr. N