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  • N. N. Light

Song for Someone by KD Sherrinford is a Love and Romance Festival pick #historicalromance #romanticmystery #lovemonth #giveaway

Title: Song for Someone


Author:  KD Sherrinford 


Genre: Historical Romance and Mystery


Book Blurb:


Charlotte Sapori has led a wonderful life safely tucked in the bosom of her family. Her mother, Irene Adler, is a renowned opera singer, while her father, Lucca Sapori, does important government work that frequently takes him away from them, Charlotte is close to her brother Nicco, and they are both doted on by their parents. All is well until her mother is given an unexpected diagnosis, which shakes the family to its core.


Knowing herself to be dying, Adler confesses to Charlotte things that have long been kept from her, telling her to find and read her diary. A distressed Lucca Sapori tells her to read his as well. And by the way, Lucca Sapori is not his real name. In fact, she may have heard of him-he is actually the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes.


Charlotte finds both diaries and plunges into the hidden world of Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes as she discovers what brought them together and how they managed to stay together for thirty years despite having to battle the odds.




A peel of thunder suddenly flashed across the Tuscan sky. " It looks as if a storm is brewing. I think we should go inside," said Holmes. So,we entered the drawing- room, Holmes shutting and locking the patio door behind him. I could sense his mood had changed. He appeared a little agitated. He hesitated for a moment before staring at me with his penetrating eyes.


" Miss Adler, before we retire for the evening, there are a few things that I would like to make you aware of, certain peculiarities of my nature. I feel it is only proper to discuss personal boundaries from the outset, so we are both aware of what is acceptable and unacceptable."


    " Acceptable to whom, Mr. Holmes?" I frowned.


" I have Bohemian habits", Holmes continued. " You will no doubt become used to my little idiosyncrasies. I do, on occasion, allow myself the luxury of a lie-in, but never when I am working on a case. I sometimes play the violin during the night when I cannot sleep, which is often due to my insomnia. if for any reason you decide to leave the sanctuary of your bedroom during the evening hours, then i would appreciate a little decorum. And I really must insist you wear slippers upon these wooden floors". He sighed before declaring with comical irony," Apart from that, you will find me as easygoing as the next man. Ludo Espirito has installed a lock on the inside of your bedroom door for your protection. Let me assure you, Miss Adler there will be no need to fear any impropriety on my part," He chuckled. " if we were the last two people remaining on this spinning ball of rock, and procreation depended upon us, then as far as I am concerned, humankind would cease to exist. I do hope that removes any doubts, fears or concerns from your mind?"


I looked at him askance. Holmes nodded back at me shamefaced as though realising the implications of his narrative.


" That was crass and extraordinarily rude of me. I'm so sorry. That was a misplaced feeble attempt at irony."


I glared at him indignantly. " I must say that, in your case, it's sometimes difficult to tell. But you are right. That was a thoughtless, insensitive remark. Tact and diplomacy are obviously skills you have never mastered. May I remind you that I am only here now because I need you to protect me and not because I find you irresistible? As for playing your violin, have you considered sleeping pills to help with your insomnia? I think I have some in my bedroom. Would you like me to fetch them for you?"


" No, thank you, Miss Adler." Holmes held up his hand." Tablets tend to numb the grey matter, and it is clear that I need all my facilities. It is most likely I will be up and about by the time you awake in the morning. I intend to drive down to the village to check in with the telegraph office. if you wish to write to your father, I will be happy to post the letter if you leave it on the kitchen table. I will collect it on my way out. Then, while I am gone, you may find yourself at liberty to come and go as you please while under the constraints of this barn, of course."


   " Thank you, Mr. Holmes. That's very kind of you. Let's face facts. It's not as though I've got a great deal of options right now. I will be sure to write to my father this evening. That will no doubt distract me from the disturbance of your violin. How fortuitous that I am a heavy sleeper."


" You have great wit, Miss Adler. I'll give you that," said Holmes." Although I'm surprised, you have time for frivolity. Leisure is, after all. The devil's playground."


 " Well, I am American, Mr. Holmes, and it would appear that I have nothing but time on my hands. It is just as well that I have no feat of solitude."


He bowed to me coldly." I bid you goodnight then, Miss Adler. unless there's anything else you'd like me to add, clarify or explain?"


   " No, Mr. Holmes, there will be nothing else. Goodnight.". I smiled at him sweetly. I then returned to my bedroom, sitting on the bed and reflecting on the events of the day. This is ridiculous. What on earth am I doing miles from my home, miles from reality, living under the same roof as Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? 


I proceeded to write a long letter to my father. I was on my way back from the kitchen, where I had left the envelope on the table, and I heard the distinct sound of a violin. The notes were ragged and full of discords, the long-drawn-out wailing notes wafting under my bedroom door. I sighed.


" Day one with Mr. Holmes, and already disillusionment had kicked in. I found myself alone in my room, reflecting on the irreparable ridiculousness of my situation, a situation so far removed from my gilded world. Mr. Holmes was indeed a complex figure, brilliant yet mentally terrifying. Eccentricities bordering on disrespectful, incredibly formal, unbelievably uptight. I was still trying to decide if he was the rudest man I had ever met or just an arrogant boor. And yet, there had been moments of extraordinary kindness. I brushed my long hair in the mirror. My eyes rolled as Holmes continued to play. I couldn't help wondering if his insomnia had been compounded by the fact that he lived and worked in London.


I spoke to myself in the mirror. " Still struggling to sleep, Mr. Holmes. Why, that's a pity. If the violin is not working, I suggest listening to one of your sanctimonious lectures. “Yes, that should do it for you/" I chuckled as I climbed into bed, face mask pulled over my eyes. Then utterly exhausted, I drifted off into a deep sleep.


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What’s your favorite part about being a romance author?


My favourite part about being a romance author is bringing the protagonists together after a tumultuous journey.


Here’s my tip to add romance to your love life:


Add romance to your life by never taking your partner for granted and doing something that scares you every day.


Giveaway –


One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon gift card



Open internationally.


Runs February 1 – 29, 2024


Drawing will be held on March 1, 2024. 


Author Biography: 


KD  Sherrinford was born and raised in Preston, Lancashire, and now resides on The Fylde Coast with her husband John and their two children. An avid reader from an early age, KD was fascinated by the stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. She read the entire Doyle Canon by the time she was 13.


A talented pianist, KD played the piano from age six, and the music of some of her favourite composers, Beethoven, Schubert, Stephen Foster, and Richard Wagner, are all strongly featured in her novel.


KD had a varied career working with racing greyhounds and thoroughbred horses, she and her husband won the Blackpool Greyhound Derby in 1988 with Scottie. Then, to mix things up, KD joined Entwistle Green, Countrywide, where she was employed for over 20 years and became a Fellow of The National Association of Estate Agents. Retirement finally gave KD the opportunity to follow her dreams and start work on her first novel. She gained inspiration to write "Song for Someone" after a visit to the Sherlock Holmes Museum in 2019. It has always been a passion of mine to write about the iconic character Irene Adler." Song for Someone" was published in November 2022 by Extasy Books, awarding it The Editors Gold Seal." Song for Someone" is a Semi-Finalist at The Chanticleers International Book Awards for Romantic Fiction- The Chatelaine, described by The Historical Fiction Company as " An evocative masterpiece, and a tale that stands out in Contemporary Literature.


A further two books in the Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler Mysteries were released last year, " Christmas at The Saporis" and " Meet Me in Milan." The trilogy was recently longlisted at The Ciba's Series Book Awards for Genre Fiction. Book 4 in the series " Nicco Sapori' 's Abduction is a WIP.


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