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Check out The Angelica Mason Series by USA Today Bestseller @StephanyTullis #books #mustread

N. N. Light

The Angelica Mason Series

By USA Today Bestseller

Stephany Tullis

Title: BLUE LADY: A Friends to Lovers, Second Chances, Romantic Comedy Short Story (The Angelica Mason Series)

Author: Stephany Tullis

Genre: Men, Women, Relationships Humor; Satire

Publisher: Diamond TK Publishing

Book Blurb:

TAG LINE: Angelica Mason is No Joke. Her Motto: It’s My Way or the Highway.

You can take me or leave me she says but she’s more than sure you will take her.

No longer satisfied with her high-power job in Washington DC, she returns home to Smoothville, Georgia looking for love. Specifically, the love of her life, the high school sweetheart she ditched when she went away to college.

Angelica is surprised when she discovers she loves her Smoothville Georgia City Manager position. She’s not a bit surprised, however, when she crosses paths with Shawn Mallory, her ex...

But the old Shawnee has a new look.

And a new attitude.

What happened to the man she planned to marry?

And What Do Readers Say?

"What a captivating short story! Angelica Mason is a successful business woman who is both well-educated and ambitious. Her high school sweetheart Shaw Mallory is equally educated and successful. How did she let him slip through her fingers and what can she do to get him back? He has the makings of a desirable husband and Angelica is about to engage in her "Blue Lady" tactics to win him over. Little does she know that Shawn is playing a few games of his own..."


Angelica, the Master Planner had a plan.

Goal: Marry Shawn M. Mallory and live happily ever after.

Objective: To get Shawn to propose.

Task/Activities: See, talk to, eat, sleep and dream of Shawn Mallory.

Timeline: Every day. All day. And anything in between!

The plan was so simple.

She loved Shawn.

Shawn loved her.

How could it fail?

Thirteen months later…

When Angelica's secretary buzzed her 20 minutes before the start of her meeting with her boss, Mayor Luke Evans, she almost choked on her response to Sierra's question.

"Where should I send Mr. Mallory--the conference room or your office?”

"Aahmm, send him in...Ughhhh, yes, send him in. Here. My office. But give me a minute, please."

Shawn Mallory was not expected at this morning’s meeting. As Smoothville City Manager, she followed Luke's instructions and prepared the agenda for today's session: expected attendees-- the mayor, of course; Jocelyn Lopez, Deputy Mayor; Selena Jones, Executive Director of SCDC (the Smoothville City Development Corporation); Big Willy aka Chester Kennedy, Luke's ex-campaign manager but now his man Friday.

She had not seen or talked to Shawn in three months...since the mayor's Christmas party.

O-M-G! Oh, friggin' gosh. What the heck?

She snatched her cosmetic bag from her desk drawer—tucked away for emergency damage control needs such as this. She unzipped the bag and took one look in the mirror. Stop. She speed-buzzed her secretary.

"Sierra, I need five. Minutes. Hold him there for five minutes, okay?"

"Sure Angie, no problem. Is something wrong?"

"Uh, Uh, Oooo no!" Girl you sound like Beyoncé when she sang with Destiny's Child.

"Everything's fine. I just...just need a few more minutes."

One thought led to another: why was she now thinking about Beyoncé´ and her warning 'you shoulda' put a ring on it'.

Another glance in her mirror assured her she needed no less than 10. Beyonce´'s melodies and Angelica's reminiscing already cost her two.


"Sierra, sorry, make that 10. Minutes that is. And thanks."

She turned back to her mirror; less than two inches from her face and shook her head. Insufficient prep time but if she were to be real--as real as the image in the mirror--no amount of preening, pursing, pushing and pulling could prepare for this one-on-one private exchange.

Does he like my new look? Of course not---he hasn't seen it yet.

In her haste to freshen up, she forgot Shawn had not seen her new 'do'.

Well my pantsuit is stilettos are stack! But he loved me in short, flouncy dresses. Darn, he won't be able to see my legs. I refuse to cry.

Warm tears rolled down her cheeks threatening to ruin her makeup.

Stop it! Her thoughts ignored her privatized threats.

You now have five minutes!

Excited now; she welcomed and wasn't the least bit perturbed by the familiar rap on the door.

Tat, tat ta tat tat--tat tat!

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Giveaway: I’m one of the authors participating in the Beach Blanket Book Giveaway and you can win an autographed print copy and bookmark of Blue Lady’s Mission Under Fire by Stephany Tullis. Runs June 1 - 30 and is open internationally for many prizes. Winners will be drawn on July 1, 2021.

Author Biography:

Stephany Tullis is the USA Today and Amazon bestselling author of character-driven edgy inspirational fiction including The Master’s Plan, A Novel, her What Love Can Do, Angelica Mason and Chandler County Series. Stephany grew up in upstate New York fell in love with books after his first trip to the local library; influenced by her mother who was an avid reader!

Her motto, 'writing with purpose', reflects her intent to have her stories not only entertain readers but to inspire and uplift their spirits. Her readers write: " As is the norm with this author, she has a firm grasp on human nature and what makes them (people) tick.

Stephany currently lives in Metro Atlanta and has an extensive public service and not for profit business management background.

Stephany is energized by the sun, thrives on music (all genres) and is inspired by the serenity of the ocean. She loves to travel and summer is her season. Beach-based outdoor music festivals allow her to creatively combine these interests.

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Title: Blue Lady's SWEET DREAMS: A Story of Secrets, Lies & Magical Realism: The Angelica Mason Series, Book 2

Author: Stephany Tullis

Genre: Fantasy Anthologies & Short Stories; Women's Humorous Fiction

Publisher: Diamond TK Publishing

Book Blurb:

Just What Can a Girl do When her Dreams Become Nightmares and Nightmares her Reality?

When a small town well-respected political operative is forced by her disgruntled mother to move into the family home to care for her ill father, her dreams become nightmares and her nightmares reality.

Harassed by her mother and overwhelmed by her father’s non-stop caretaker schedule, Angelica Mason’s daydreams become as unnerving as her bewitching nightmares.

Does she imagine that her boss fires her? Did she quit her job and tell her boss to ‘stuff it’?

Does the love of her life back-stab her?

Does an enchanting Prince Charming appear on her doorstop with a pair of platinum-lined glass slippers; perfect size 8?

Is she hallucinating that he rescues her?

Or is the enchanter the hazel eyed FedEx man who demands her signature for a mysterious package?


Introduction and Prequel to The Angelica Mason Series

Angelica debated as to whether she should answer her cell. Her overnight bag already hung dangerously low on her left shoulder; her purse weighed down her right side; an onlooker might assume one leg was shorter than the other. One glance at her stilettos suggested 'wrong answer'.

With a lot of luck and perfect traffic flow on I75-N, she'd make it to Nashville with only an hour to get dressed. The Bluebird Cafe staff had no tolerance for late arrivals. Besides, she wanted to get there before Shawn and the guys. Nyla and Nicole were already at the hotel enjoying the Jacuzzi. They’d been texting her all afternoon; not understanding that she had to finish up one last memo for her boss before she left.

Angelica tapped the on her keychain to open her trunk depositing her travel bags neatly, and slammed the door a tad bit too hard. She mumbled, “Dang! Watch it Angelica. Blue Lady's gonna get you. Three and a half years of payments are staring you in the face.”

Angelica tapped her start button eager to get started. Out of habit, she searched in her hobo bag for her sunglasses. Once on, peered over the top of them realizing a storm had appeared out of nowhere. She sighed but her spirit brightened when she heard Bill Withers' melodious reminder, 'Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone', her cell phone ringtone. Got that Shawnee? She dismissed the call and decided to return it once she made it to the highway. She’d feel better checking in with Nicole if she had some miles under her belt.

As the gates to her development closed behind her clanging with a 'ciao', Bill Withers chimed, 'Anytime she goes away'.

Oh darn, maybe it’s Shawn or one of the guys. I better answer this.

"Hey! I'm on my way...running a few minutes late. Where are you?"



“You have to come home. Your father's in the hospital. I need you here! Now!"

Download your FREE COPY HERE


Sleep is the best meditation

~Dalai Lama~

Angelica Mason’s father’s medical crisis slammed his daughter's psyche, causing her to feel as though her back encroached upon a brick wall jarring every vertebra in her spine. Angelica, certified and respected project manager—self-promoted, no job too big or small—now starred in the dubitable roles of personal assistant, chef, chauffeur, and housekeeper of the Mason household. She was shocked to learn that her cadre of project manager credentials, certifications, and awards underscored her lack of preparedness for this unforeseen change of duties. Each day she discovered another entrenched household management mystifying trade secret. One that further emphasized her personal weaknesses and deficient skill set.

Rising daily at five o’clock a.m., granted her the solitude essential for her survival of each twenty-four-hour work shift. Her daily caretaker schedule allowed for three, 30-minute breaks. She jogged; caught up on her emails with her first cup of coffee. She then showered, threw on her yoga sweats and tee for the day, and had breakfast on the table for her parents by seven.

She woke each morning as jittery as a child who had not studied for the test of the day and accepted without reservation that before day's end, she'd earn another D from her mother accompanied by Marilyn Mason's verbal slap: "Sweetie, I don't understand why you make things so hard for yourself."

Her father's A+ often tailgated her mother's less than satisfactory assessment. "Honey, I had a great day today! How could we handle all this without you? "

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Title: Blue Lady's MISSION UNDER FIRE: A Story of Love, Life & Survival: The Angelica Mason Series, Book 3

Author: Stephany Tullis

Genre: Biographical Fiction/ Psychological Fiction

Publisher: Diamond TK Publishing

Book Blurb:

It started with a round of tequila shots and a hip swiveling line dance. Did Angelica hear the shots before she felt the shove? Was it an accident? Or was she the target?

In Blue Lady’s MISSION under FIRE, Angelica Mason, AKA THE BLUE LADY, along with her faithful crony and sidekick Jonathan C. Jarewski (JaRew), face new challenges and stare down old demons as they join a federally funded demonstration project designed to study violence in small towns.

Blue Lady’s mentor, Dr. Beckham Johnson, researcher and recipient of the controversial project, conveniently forgets to tell bougie Angelica that the feds eliminated the team she expected to lead. Instead, she and semi-street wise cohort, JaRew discover they are two of a cadre of six hand-picked street organizers expected to go undercover. When Angelica raises concerns about team member Dez Cooke's bottoms up approach, Beckham supports Cooke’s strategy insisting that Cooke's experience as a private investigator will ensure the success of the project and give them intel normally unavailable to the broader research community.

Angela decides to play the game and hold her ground as long as Cooke doesn’t cross any red lines. JaRew promises to follow her lead, admits they may be in over their heads but promises to uncross any and every one of Cooke’s red lines.

As they weave in and out of the back alleys, boulevards and dead-end streets of small-town USA, two teenage cousins are shot outside of a neighborhood food mart. The murder rate spikes along with unseasonably warm temps. Local police add a new case to the growing list of homicides. Community leaders call another meeting. But no one has any answers.

In the third book in USA Today bestselling author Stephany Tullis’ Blue Lady series, political operatives Angelica Mason and Jonathan Jarewski find themselves in a MISSION under FIRE.

THE MISSION changed. Her COVER is blown. With NOWHERE to run and NOWHERE to hide, what can she do to SURVIVE?


“Who the heck is this Dez Cooke?”

I’m early as usual. But the hot coffee, tea, fresh juice, and an assortment of mini pastries and bagels welcome me. The small suite would be the team's home over the next few days. A comfortable love seat, two cushioned side chairs, and a circular work table will more than meet our needs. A second table unit holds a forty-eight-inch-screen TV with a computer accompanied by a top-of-the-line laser printer. Three desk chairs complete our project office. I claim a seat at the desk, setting my laptop bag on one of the curved swivel chairs. As I add cream to my coffee, an unfamiliar, deep, husky voice greets me.

"Good morning. You must be Angelica."

"Good morning." Since he knows my name, I conclude he isn't in the wrong room. He parks a black Nike backpack in the corner chair. I feel overdressed in my quite casual khaki slacks and white blouse.

"And you are?"

Despite his comfort level, I figure I'd better confirm he's in the right place. After all, tons of meetings take place in the hotel, and even though he knows my name, I'm a little nervous. His gray Nike Tech sweat suit, matching Michael Jordan hat and Air Jordan's, are not what you see in a typical business casual meeting.

"Hey! You can call me Dez." The owner of the raspy voice smiles, opens a bottle of water, and grabs a chocolate donut, making himself comfortable. Nothing like finding a total stranger in the meeting room where you expect a one-on-one briefing with your boss.

"Nice to meet you." I sip my coffee and turn on my laptop.

"Good morning. I see you two have met. Great. I'm glad you've had some time to get to know each other. Sorry I'm late."

Well, that answers that. Someone seems to have known that this premeeting included three people. I'm more confused. I don't know how Beckham and I can discuss project strategy with this Dez character here. I skim the meeting agenda I'd downloaded from my laptop last night as Beckham pours his coffee.

"So, have you guys had a chance to compare notes? Let's move to the table." Compare notes about what? Though surprised, I bite my tongue and hold my question.

Tattoo-wearing Dez doesn't appear to be surprised. It's obvious that he's aware of the plan. He knew my name, making him at least one step ahead of me.

"Let's catch up." That cinches it. Something's up. I force myself to hold my thoughts, stifle my escalating temper, and desperately search for the objectivity and logic of what seems to be a change of plans. After all, Beckham all but pleaded with me to take the job. "You can trust me, Blue Lady. This is your kind of project." Do I dare take him at his word? I calm down for the moment.

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Title: Blue Lady's DÉJÀ VU on the SEAS : A Story of Betrayal, Forgiveness & Restoration : An Angelica Mason Short Story

Author: Stephany Tullis

Genre: Women’s Fiction/Women’s Psychological Fiction

Publisher: Diamond T-K Publishing

Book Blurb:

If one could sleep one’s self to death…

Déjà Vu on the Seas is a story of an emotional journey of personal exploration and search for self. It explores a woman’s fear, confusion and healing, asking the question: Which takes more courage—ignoring the fear or staring it in the face?

Angelica Mason is known in political circles for her highly effective ‘do it my way or hit the highway’ MO. Not one to be intimidated, she’s never second-guessed herself. Once she’s made up her mind, she perseveres to the finish. No regrets. Until now.

Traumatized by several near-death experiences, including a kidnapping, Angelica returns to her safe place and finds the security she needs in her king size bed. She succumbs to the dense fog that has smothered her spirit. And sleeps.

Angelica is only awake long enough to ascertain two things. Something is seriously wrong. And more importantly, she needs to do something about it. She accepts her only alternative. Escape.

Join Angelica as she embarks on a journey of a life time--one that is full of unknowns but with her commitment to search and prepare to accept whatever she finds.


Looking for me… From somewhere deep inside, Angelica remembered she’d never been afraid of anything. How could she let something she couldn’t understand, create so much fear that she hid like a frightened little girl under her blankie? After Nicole left, she spent the rest of the day mulling over her situation, finding no answers, and left with the same questions. What and why?


Angelica knew it would only be a matter of time before Jarewski arrived. She had no doubt that Nicole would be true to her word. Her bestie was obligated to the two-and-a-half-day business event; Angelica had no worries in that regard. But Nik would definitely be back—key and all—probably ready for a clean-up, get your act together, and I’m not leaving this time until you do, wrap up session. And, she’d have a full weekend to prove her point.

If JaRew showed up first, he might be in trouble though. Her fail proof steel door would challenge his skills. But it would take more than a steel door to stop him.

No worries regarding her parents since she’d chatted with them and promised to visit them upon their return. So much for promises, but she’d deal with that then—when or if—she needed to.

She needed an interim plan. Letting childhood friend Nicole witness her current semi-invalid like state was one thing. Facing tough guy Jarewski while she languished her life away in her bed for no explainable reason was equivalent to friendship suicide. Her only alternative was to escape. She packed and loaded her car with a plan to head out in the morning.


She’d had a restless night but had hit the road early, filled up her tank at a neighborhood service station with plans to start her more than nine-hour drive to Fort Lauderdale with a cup of tea. ‘Since when do I drink hot tea? Or, for that matter, any kind of tea?’ she thought. ‘Geez Louise, I have been sick. No coffee. Wow!’

She made a quick U-turn heading back to the Starbucks she’d just passed. The tiny ping in the center of her belly felt good. She sighed in relief as she waited for her coffee and blueberry scone order. ‘Maybe there’s hope for me after all,’she thought.


Angelica Mason was floored by the magnitude of the bright red, white, and blue eye-catching floral abstract designed massive cruise ship. She stumbled and almost lost her balance as she craned her neck—left, right, up and back—much like a bewildered swan who found herself in the wrong lake. She leaned on the extended handle of her travel suitcase to avoid falling, semi-hypnotized by the thought that in less than an hour, she’d board this ship. Angelica would be held captive with no possibility of escape. ‘This is insane,’ she thought. ‘How can something so beautiful feel so threatening?’

She struggled to steady herself, now totally overwhelmed. For the first time ever, she questioned her judgment. What was she trying to prove? While her huge cat eye shaped Ray Bans blocked the bright Florida sun from her eyes, they did nothing to prevent her knees from buckling—again. Her heart pummeled.

“Are you okay?”

Angelica’s pounding heart screamed ‘No.’

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©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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