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The Aphrodite & Adonis Touch by @RosemaryGemmell is a Beach Reads pick #romance #beachread #giveaway

Title: The Aphrodite & Adonis Touch

Author: Rosemary Gemmell

Genre: Romance with Mythology

Book Blurb:

Three novellas in one volume!

The mischievous goddess of love, Aphrodite, and her lover, Adonis, play a game with tourists to their Mediterranean island of Cyprus each spring and summer. Choosing a couple who might benefit from their special kind of assistance, they aim to bring the humans closer together, overcoming inhibitions, or fear of commitment. Follow the stories of Jamie and Carla in The Aphrodite Touch; Katie and Mike in the Adonis Touch; Bryony and Richard in The Aphrodite Assignment.


“They’re late.” Aphrodite flounced down in the wicker chair and propped her sandaled feet on the coffee table between them. A petal dropped from the sweetly fragranced lisianthus flowers making a pretty centrepiece, their delicate white petals tinged with pink.

Adonis smiled, and shook his head. “We don’t even know who they are, my love.”

Aphrodite waved off his remark and glanced at the hotel’s reception desk. “I’ll know them when I see them.” She studied the group of tourists now checking in for a week or two of paradise before returning to their boring, everyday lives. None warranted the Greek goddess of love’s attention.

“How about those two?” Adonis nodded to his right, displaying his fine profile.

Aphrodite smiled. Thousands of years, and she had yet to tire of her lover’s fabulous face. She glanced beyond him to where two marble statues angled slightly to face each other. Chiselled names identified the busts as Aphrodite and Adonis. She grimaced and reached across to touch his hand. “I am so glad you don’t look like that.”

Adonis laughed out loud. Several people in the lobby turned in their direction, and each smiled as though in appreciation. He took Aphrodite’s hand. “I never tire of your beauty and delightful presence, my love. Even after all this time.”

Aphrodite’s smile faltered for a moment as she remembered their time was limited each year, then her gaze shifted to the couple now approaching the reception desk.

“Ah, now they are more worthy of our attention, Adonis. Look at that girl with such fiery hair. If I am not mistaken, and you know that seldom happens, her heart beats with passion. But see how the man by her side acts towards her. He is solicitous but even from here I sense his hesitation.”

Adonis followed her gaze. “Repression. It is in every movement. You are right. I think we have found our new project. This man has great need of your loving touch, my Aphrodite.”

With one graceful, synchronised movement, Aphrodite and Adonis stood up and watched discreetly as the couple took their room key and turned towards the lift around the corner. Adonis quickly slipped a flower from the vase and followed Aphrodite.

They found the couple still waiting and smiled their greeting.

“Welcome to our beautiful island, fair lady,” Adonis said, as he held out the fragrant bloom to the girl.

At the sight of the girl’s pleasure in the flower, Aphrodite stepped up to the man and briefly touched his cheek. “Enjoy your stay on this island of love.”

Before the couple could find words to reply, Aphrodite took her lover’s hand and they walked through the hotel lobby without a glance at anyone.

“Let our fun begin,” she said, once they were some distance from the hotel.

Adonis kissed her hand. “And may those young people know such love as we enjoy, beloved Aphrodite.”

“Wow, what a welcome!” As they waited for the lift, Carla gazed after the beautiful couple until they were out of sight, before turning back to the man beside her. “Can you believe that? No wonder they call Cyprus the island of love.”

Unbelievably, this was Jamie’s idea: a relaxing Mediterranean holiday in Paphos, the Greek part of Aphrodite’s island, to celebrate her twenty-sixth birthday. Could this be his way of moving their relationship on at last? Maybe a touch of hot Mediterranean sun would melt his reserve.

“I wonder if everyone gets this kind of welcome,” Jamie replied at last. He took the flower from her hand and slipped its stem behind her ear. “But I’m not complaining.”

Carla touched the blossom and smiled, anticipation growing about the days and nights ahead, remembering her first sight of Jamie at her Scottish cousin’s wedding ceilidh: all six feet of him in full highland outfit with swinging kilt. She had been instantly hooked. Perhaps this holiday would remind them why they had fallen in love with each other in the first place.

She knew right from the beginning of their relationship that Jamie had slightly old-fashioned values, sharing no more than kisses up until now. Well, maybe that was about to change.

The roomy lift finally opened and they trundled in with their cases. The door had no sooner closed when Jamie reached out his arm and drew Carla close.

“I’ve been wanting to do this for the last ten minutes.” He crushed her against his chest, his lips claiming hers in a passionate kiss.

He did not release her until the lift pinged to a halt. Carla held onto the hand railing, steadying herself, while Jamie gathered the cases together. Wow again! This holiday was getting better all the time.

Once Jamie had finished his studies to become a fairly well-paid qualified architect, Carla had hoped they might move on to the next stage, maybe progress to setting up a home together now they were both earning full time. She was more than ready for the full commitment. But not only had everything stayed the same, she hadn’t expected to put her sex life on hold for this length of time. Although she appreciated Jamie’s Scottish reserve, she absolutely didn’t want him to hold back on their physical relationship, especially when his lips promised so much more than he delivered. His reticence was kind of cute in a way, and refreshingly different from other guys she’d known. They usually had only one aim in mind. But she wanted Jamie.

“Okay, love?” Jamie asked, as they made their way along the modern, air-conditioned corridor.

“Absolutely. Can’t wait to explore the island’s history and romance.” She smiled in anticipation of what else they might finally explore together. He had only one key, which had to mean one room. Hopefully, a hot, romantic island would bring out his hot, romantic side.

Carla wheeled her case alongside Jamie as he searched for the room number, dreaming of the incredible days and nights ahead.

“Here we are,” he said at last, turning to her outside the last door.

For a wild, breathless moment Carla imagined he might drop their cases, scoop her into his arms and carry her into their room. She closed her eyes, held her breath, then the turn of the room key and the sound of the door bumping against the rubber wall stop ended that fantasy.

Give him time, Carla thought, as she opened her eyes, followed Jamie over the threshold and drank in the room. White-washed walls and large sand-coloured floor tiles were softened with turquoise and yellow rugs. Floaty gauze curtains drawn over the open balcony doors wafted gently in the sea breeze and Carla could smell the scent of lemons and almond blossom. Then she stared in confusion at the two beds, and reality left her speechless.

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Why is your featured book a must-read?

This volume of three novellas is a fun beach read set on a beautiful Mediterranean island. To add to the romance between each of the three couples, there’s an added touch of mythology when Aphrodite and Adonis mingle with the humans on Cyprus. Who wouldn’t enjoy the special touch from the goddess of love and her adored lover!

Giveaway – Enter to win an e-book bundle of all 51 books featured in the Beach Reads Bookish Event: Open Internationally. Runs July 17 – 22, 2020. Winner will be drawn on July 30, 2020.

Author Biography:

Rosemary Gemmell is a published Scottish novelist of contemporary and historical fiction, and a freelance writer whose short stories, articles and occasional poems have been published in UK magazines, the US, and online. She is a member of the Society of Authors, Romantic Novelists’ Association and Scottish Association of Writers. Scotland greatly inspires some of her stories and she loves to dance!

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