Title: The Case of the Bygone Brother
Author: Diane Burton
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Book Blurb:
After taking over O’Hara & Palzetti, Confidential Investigations from her dad and his partner, Alex O’Hara’s bottom line has taken a plunge. So, when a femme fatale offers her the case of a lifetime along with a huge advance, Alex sees her finances on a definite upswing. But someone doesn’t want her to find the long-lost brother. Complicating matters is the return of Alex’s old heartthrob, Nick Palzetti. Is he really there just to see her or does he have an ulterior motive? The Lake Michigan resort town of Far Haven is abuzz with the news that O’Hara & Palzetti are together again.
“Hello, gorgeous.”
I whacked my head on the display shelf.
Well, what would you do if you were lying across the top of a four-drawer lateral file cabinet, and your arm—yardstick attached—was wedged between the wall and the cabinet, trying to retrieve the license renewal application that if you mangled, crushed or couldn’t get would mean the end of your business, and the ex-love-of-your-life stood in the doorway looking at your butt?
The shelf shook on its braces from contact with my head. Never mind that the encounter didn’t do much for the aforementioned body part. The Far Haven Chamber of Commerce awards rattled, and signed Detroit Tigers baseballs pelted my head, shoulders, and the back of my thigh. I dropped the yardstick and swore.
“I thought you promised your mother you wouldn’t swear anymore.” He would remind me of that vow.
“Relapse,” I muttered as I looked over my shoulder.
In that loose-limbed, cocky manner I once thought scary, sexy, and so cool, Nick Palzetti stood in the doorway to the spare office. He even dressed the same in a black leather jacket, black knit shirt, and jeans that molded his hips. Lordy, he could still make my mouth go dry.
As I wiggled back and sideways across the long cabinet, I felt my skirt ride up. Of all days to wear a skirt. With my foot, I searched for the desk chair I’d climbed to get on top of the cabinet. I’d kicked off my high heels before standing on the chair, probably the only smart thing I’d done so far.
“Red panties, you naughty girl.”
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What makes your featured book a must-read?
The Case of the Bygone Brother is a mystery. Like all good mysteries, it has twists to make the reader try to guess the conclusion. Readers say they like the humor and my “quirky” voice. LOL The heroine, Alex, was a fun person to write. She’s like me in some ways—clumsy, speaks before thinking, gets herself into crazy situations. In other ways, she is how I’d like to be—brave, knows how to get out of those crazy situations, and isn’t deterred from her goal. Like most women, she has best friends with whom she can bounce ideas, or who give her a hard time about Nick.
Alex had a crush on Nick in high school, before he went to Washington D.C. Now, he’s back. She worries he wants to take the detective agency away from her, or at least claim his 49% share.
The story takes place in a fictional Lake Michigan resort town similar to where I live. I enjoy incorporating real places in my stories. I’ve lived in Michigan almost my entire life and love sharing different aspects of it. I hope readers enjoy the setting and the characters, especially Alex and Nick.
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Author Biography:
Diane Burton combines her love of mystery, adventure, science fiction and romance into writing romantic fiction. Besides the science fiction romance Switched and Outer Rim series, she is the author of One Red Shoe and Numbers Never Lie, both romantic suspense, and The Alex O’Hara PI mystery series. Diane also writes Middle Grade adventure fiction under the name D.M. Burton. She is regular contributor to the Paranormal Romantics blogsite. Diane and her husband live in Michigan, close to their two children and five grandchildren.
For more info and excerpts from her books, visit Diane’s website: http://www.dianeburton.com
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